Great job!
Yes of course he was frantically searching through the WT Library CD-Rom like never before. do sound like you should be on radio. You sound like a news anchor even.
in what i'm hoping to do as a series for the benefit of all who want to know the truth behind the organization, here is a recorded phone call that i made about an hour ago.
it is unedited, therefore you will notice the long gaps when the guy starts searching for an answer to my question.
Great job!
Yes of course he was frantically searching through the WT Library CD-Rom like never before. do sound like you should be on radio. You sound like a news anchor even.
I know one former elder that use to express his doubts during talks.
I only heard him say this once but others have told me that he's done this more than once.....but during a talk he would say.."ok I don't agree with this, but this is what they told me to say."
I've only heard him say this maybe one or two times but it was hilarious! He isn't an elder now. He just stopped going to meetings all of a sudden and is off the radar now. I wouldn't be too surprised if he posted on JWD.
the book study is one of the most useless meetings.
the same books have been studied 3 or 4 times.the meeting takes only an hour but takes up most of your evening.
and, it is one of the least attended meetings.. why haven't they combined the watchtower study with just question and answer and then follow with the book study with just question and answer?
The Book Study arrangement has to be the absolutely most dreaded things ever.
I'm not sure about other areas, but here in my congregation the Book Studies are suffering big time. It's not so surprised to have only 3 people show up out of a 15-20 person group. I even heard once that an MS did the B.S. with only he and his wife there......him reading the paragraphs and asking all the questions, and her answering all of them lol.
It would do alot of good to the R&F to be released from this burden, but as others have noted here, the GB just doesn't have the gall to break tradition and give the R&F a break. Besides, I can't imagine many Borg members replacing the removed meeting with more field service.
My prediction.....
.................things will stay the way they are............ for a very long time.
hi.. just wondering what it was that first made you realise that jws didnt have the absolute "truth"?
was there a specific event/turning point for you or was it a moment of enlightenment?.
When I closed my mind off to the programming the WTS gave me and read through Acts. I new the religion was an outright counterfeit of Christianity then. I ended up reading through Acts twice that day. It took on an entire new meaning for me.
the greatest work of all time, never to be repeated, is supposedly done by jehovah's witnesses.
of course you know i'm referring to the door to door work they take part in.
so many lives are at stake and your life is dependent on if you "accept the good news" that they preach.. i surely don't believe this anymore.
If it is THAT serious, lets send out the heavyweights, lets train them right, and lets get the warning work done. The main reason though is to give the flock something to do. Keep em busy and distracted from all else that is wrong with this cult.
That reminds me of what someone said here recently about a CO saying that the different tract work campaigns was to "upbuild the brothers". It obviously was busy work, something to do for a change instead of the same old routine.
AllTimeJeff also mentioned the silliness of the WTS idea of people being approved by God based on their accepting two magazines. Some "good news" huh? How many dubs do you know that go to the doors and just present the magazines by saying...."hello, we are in your neighborhood offering the Watchtower and Awake...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..." When they are done, the householder is left just thinking that a person was out passing out good reading material. That isn't how I recall things happening in the first century according to the Bible. They were very clear as to what their message was and what a person should do, which was to accept Jesus Christ and repent of their sins.
The more I think about it, the more I realize how off the WTS is.
so this fellow from the congregation my wife goes to (and i am inactive from for almost 6 months).
is moving to where the need is greater.
he's an ms, totally indoctrinated loyal jw.
Isn't it wonderful that there is such an overflow of love coming from Jehovah's people?!
Even if you wanted to go back, they aren't making it easy for you to do so. Great job on the fade, and thanks for sharing this.
People tell me they miss me, too, to which i say, "Well, you know my number and you know where I live." It is a TOTAL sham really.
That's the same with me. True, there are the same few that give me calls every now and then, but according to some, the entire congregation is "so distraught" over my absense. I think the same thing.....almost everyone in the congo has my number, why not give me a call. They act differently around me even if I run into them in public. They get this strange look on their they can sniff out the apostate on me.
i have been following the news reports of the death of the 5 elders from tennesse that died.
in the plane crash.
several things really bother me.
Well, at least they didn't go so far as have contributions sent to the Society.
I'm just hoping that they do give those contributions to the families.
the greatest work of all time, never to be repeated, is supposedly done by jehovah's witnesses.
of course you know i'm referring to the door to door work they take part in.
so many lives are at stake and your life is dependent on if you "accept the good news" that they preach.. i surely don't believe this anymore.
That's so understandable fresia, and that was the point that I intended to bring out. I guess I wasn't clear enough(I had a night of insomia again ).
But the sincere ones are far outnumbered than the ones that don't want any part of it, which it's very understandable that they wouldn't even want any part of it to begin with. As was pointed out already, the GB tend to lead on when it comes to the global preaching's effectiveness and scope in particular.
from the way some of you guys describe how some of your public talks were, I think I would've paid to hear them.
wt- july 15, 2007 study article page 18 par.
"yes, judas felt remorse after the betrayal, but he never repented of his deliberate sin.
consequently, judas is not worthy of a resurrection.. wow!
I had been thinking about this very subject alot lately. The FDS once again putting themselves in positions they ought not.
the greatest work of all time, never to be repeated, is supposedly done by jehovah's witnesses.
of course you know i'm referring to the door to door work they take part in.
so many lives are at stake and your life is dependent on if you "accept the good news" that they preach.. i surely don't believe this anymore.
I think RF you are being a bit hard. I do know of witnesses that actually love the preaching work they enjoy talking about Jehovah and the hope and they find this is the main joy in their lives.
However, I really think it depends on how full someones life is, and yes many don't enjoy witnessing, but considering the beginnings and how it has expanded, I must say that JW in general have done an exceptional work, I don't see other r/f from other religions doing anything like that. So you saying God could have got some other better group, he didn't did he. Give credit where due, they aren't all that bad, some but definately not all.
fresia, I didn't mean to imply that there were no JWs at all that didn't want to do the preaching work. I was one that enjoyed it since I once thought that I really being used by God to give others an opportunity at life. Also, JWs aren't the only group that preaches. There are many others that are very effective at it. Even in the area I live there are Christians that i've encountered that do so, mostly informally, but also some in the door-to-door manner. R.F.