Oh lol. Well unless you have someone on the inside that's willing to get it for you, you don't have a chance. I could somehow acquire more then one when they're released and send you one, unless I happen to DA myself between now and then.
Posts by R.F.
They Have a Reason for EVERYTHING
by R.F. ini'm have my local congregation in mind.. according to others, since i've severed my jw activities, the congregation has been going on a sharp decline in regards to morale.
the number of df/daings has reached to a total of 11 now within one year, and more have received public reproof.
why is all of this happening?
Yeah, and that leads rank and file to assume there's a push into Muslim, Buddist, Hindu lands.
There really is not. The 3rd world countries are mostly African and S. American (okay, some Asian) where
Christendom has already had success. WTS is like the hyena sneaking in after the lions make the kill.So true, but you can't reason with JWs on this. The WTS has them so mind-controlled that most JWs can't see past that fact.
They Have a Reason for EVERYTHING
by R.F. ini'm have my local congregation in mind.. according to others, since i've severed my jw activities, the congregation has been going on a sharp decline in regards to morale.
the number of df/daings has reached to a total of 11 now within one year, and more have received public reproof.
why is all of this happening?
I say that God has given up on the Muslims, Buddists, Hindus, and the like AND NOW has given up on the Americans and Brits along
with many other Europeans. What a wonderful God. Bring the end upon them and let less than
0.1% clean up the mess. .Many believe that's what Jehovah is doing. Directing the organization to put it's focus more into 3rd world countries. "That's why they're pushing the foreign language field"....they say.
snowbird- I only wonder how long it will be until the R&F just get fed up with the work and stop.
sweetface- glad to have you along.
They Have a Reason for EVERYTHING
by R.F. ini'm have my local congregation in mind.. according to others, since i've severed my jw activities, the congregation has been going on a sharp decline in regards to morale.
the number of df/daings has reached to a total of 11 now within one year, and more have received public reproof.
why is all of this happening?
I'm have my local congregation in mind.
According to others, since i've severed my JW activities, the congregation has been going on a sharp decline in regards to morale. The number of DF/DAings has reached to a total of 11 now within one year, and more have received public reproof. Why is all of this happening? The local JWs say it's because "Jehovah is sifting out the mess....preparing his people to be clean to enter the new system" One sister I ran into a couple weeks ago told me that i'd be included in "the mess" unless I hurry and get back to the meetings. How encouraging.
Active young people in the congregation are virtually non-existent now. Many thought of me as the somewhat "last-hope" for young people actually doing something in the Borg. I was the only one that was "reaching out" while the other young males were doing their own thing. I hear now in recent months that they are starting to resemble me when it comes to Borg activities. Why is this happening? The local JWs say it's because "Jehovah is testing our young people to be future leaders of the congregation". I guess i'm failing.
Also, there hasn't been a new JW recruit in this congregation in YEARS. Ones visit and show a little interest, but after attending meetings for a little while they suddenly stop showing up. Hmm....I wonder why? The only ones that are getting baptized these days in this congo are children of JW parents and adults that have been around the organization their entire life and finally decide to take the plunge. Why no growth in this area? The local JWs say "We're taking part in a gleaning work in this area. We're gathering up the last few before the end of this system."
No matter how gloomy the future looks for JWs in this area, there's always some "higher reason" behind it all. I see it as a way to get the old faithful to STAY faithful no matter how pitiful things get.
You order it from the congregation Literature Servant, unless they have a few extras handy after the shipment comes in. Only baptized JWs get them, well, that's the rule at least. What's your JW status?
1 Thess 5:3 - What do you think....
by The Scotsman in1 thessalonians 5:3 says this - "whenever it is that they are saying: peace and security!
then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.
" nwt... jehovahs witnesses believe this is refering to our time with a final fulfillment imminent which of course triggers total destruction for nearly everyone and everything.
A sister I ran into out in public tried to use this scripture to instill enough fear in me to make a comeback to JW land. She said one elder said that it was the only prophecy yet to be fulfilled. They're so misguided.
I watched it too. Too funny!
My guess is that it will be released early within next year. Perhaps within the first couple of months.
Door to Door Risk Factors?
by Outaservice inif you had, say, a daughter around 11 or 12 years old, would you let her go door to door with a friend also that age?
with all the strange people out there, is the watchtower society contributing to dangerous situations with their manner of preaching?
at least, the mormon's go two by two with young men.. some large cities have apartments up dark stairways and many neighborhoods are not even safe during daylight hours.. outaservice .
There definitely are big risks.
So many I know of that have been bitten by stray dogs, fallen and injured themselves on people's properties, had guns pulled on them, etc, etc. There was one sister that told me that her and a brother were doing door-to-door work and came across a guy that invited them in and wanted her to go to his room with her while the brother stayed at the front of the house. This brother even told her to go ahead, that it was fine!! How much of a dimwit can you be!!! The guy pulled out a gun and wanted her to hold it.....then she hightailed it out of there. She went on because the brother told her to and she didn't want to be "unsubmissive".
HALO 3: Anybody getting it?
by jeeprube injust wondered if anybody here is planning on playing halo 3 online?
I would get it, but I don't have a 360 yet.
I'll probably be getting one pretty soon though. I'm still occupied with a huge backlog of last-gen stuff.