when all I had to do was pick up the damn phone and CALL YOU with a straight forward message.
You sound upset at the bible, God, or me or all of the above?
I didn't state God was ambiguous! What does the word anbiguous mean: having an obsure or double meaning difficult to classify.
That the would fit Jesus perfectly when he walked the earth he spoke in parables and there were a number sacred secerts in the writing and much to all of are disappointment it was hidden for certain groups of people.
Now if we are to assume that is the bible or the writings/letters put together into a bible/book is the WORD OF GOD, that its not Christ as the written word states that it is Christ he is the living Word of God then it is not hidden at all the bible is the largest publized book in the world today and has been for many years.
And with a little help dispite what the witnesses teach people can understand the bible (without their help) and see the contradiction. And that is why there are thousands of religions and different opinion within every religion over the interpretation of verses.
As the witnesses teach the written word is frozen Holy Spirit and as you read it you understand God. The bible teaches without God's Holy Spirit you cannot understand Christ the Word or the written word it will be confusing and full of contradictions.
As it is written: God has given them a spirit of stupidity eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear to this very day. Rom: 11:8
'For this reason I speak to them in parables, because they listen and neither hear nor understand.' Matt.13:13.
Physcial people that are without God's Spirit are rule and law lovers everthing written must be in concrete perfect law. Sadly, The same was true at Christ time and the very things they were seeking did not appear in Christ his actions and teachings contradicted the Law and so they killed him and discredited him.
Christ own appostle could not fully understand his words until he was ressurected and the Holy Spirit was poured out. Then we have disciples that were transformed into people of great faith lead by God's Spirit to write their thoughts about the Word of God Christ.
Nicodemus a teacher of the Law could not understand Christ and what he was talking about; Christ stated to him the wind blows where it wants you can neither see it or understand where it comes from. You must be born again.
You have all these JW's ex or otherwise thinking they understand the bible like a law book then they find out the people running things didn't tell them the truth and their law book falls apart. What they fail to understand is the book the bible/letters is about faith that was to lead them to Christ and the Holy Spirit was to teach them the deeper things of Christ and perform many other function to make them a new creation. Being made new under laws was a physical self ability to will oneself to obeying the Law. Under the Holy Spirit it was a gift from God and the help to over come problems so they could understand the new law the law of love. God love them while they were yet sinners love is above Law that demands justice. Love is spiritual not a physcial things and you cannot understand God without Love a love from above. No more then a child can understand a parent they never see or hear from but read about the parent in a book that most everyone puts down.
A person with God Spirit is His temple it more then a damn telephone call as you state. Moreover, if we were God I am certain things would be black and white and that is the whole point isn't it worshiping men and demanding answers really don't work with God or the society or man it is love that endears oneself to others not law.