More Predictions
A Chronicle of Predictions by Robert Gates...12/3/98 1998-DEC-12 : A survivalist from Arkansas spammed a warning to some mailing lists. He predicted that in the early morning hours, a massive nuclear war will begin in the US Food will be wiped out; water will be contaminated; 75 million will die immediately; even more will die later. He recommends to "Get strong in your spiritual life, get out of large cities and away from military sites and mil itary storage facilities and get prepared to survive." Sometime in 1999: Edgar Cayce predicted that Armageddon would arrive, the earth's axis would shift and both England and Japan would sink in to the ocean. New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco will be destroyed by earthquakes and floods. The island of Atlantis will rise from the ocean floor. However, this may not happen until 2001 or 2002. 1999-JAN: According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope John XXIII predicted in 1962 that visitors from outer space will arrive in chariots of flaming steel and will share their advanced knowledge with humanity. Our life span will be increased to 150 years or longer. Most diseases will be wiped out. 1999-JAN-20: Between JAN-20 and FEB-4, an asteroid measuring 20 miles in diameter and traveling about 20,000 miles/hour will hit earth. At that speed and probable mass, it would massively disrupt all life processes on earth. Dr. Morris Plammer says that a photo was leaked to him by "highly placed friends" within NASA. The photo allegedly contains markings in the shape of a Satanic face. Other equally reliable articles claim that Adolf Hitler is alive and living in Santiago, Chile, and that the captain of the Titanic was a woman. 1999-JUL: Nostradamus predicted that a great king of terror will come from the skies. This has been interpreted by some as referring to a nuclear missile strike. 1999-AUG-6: According to the latest interpretation of Biblical prophecy by some followers of the Branch Davidian sect, 5 months of major torment will begin as the sixth seal is fulfilled. 1999-AUG-11: According to the 1997-MAY-27 issue of Sun Magazine, the Anti- Christ is alive today and living in the Middle East. On AUG-11, the time of an eclipse of the sun, he will make himself known to the world. "It will be the ultimate war." Many will perish, and their souls will travel to Heaven or Hell, depending upon which side that they supported during the conflict. 1999-AUG-24: Valerie James wrote in The European Magazine in 1996 that "The configuration of planets which predicted the coming of Christ will once again appear on Aug 24, 1999." We assume that she is predicting that Jesus' second coming will happen shortly after that date. 1999-DEC-19: Sun Magazine listed a prediction of "Bible expert" Dotson Meade. He predicts that "something will happen that brings about the war which will end the world as we know it... There will be a vicious cycle of storms and earthquakes that lead to the final battle the world has awaited." This date was derived from information in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1999-DEC-31 - 01-JAN-2000: In a new video released in Nov of 1997 and sold approx 1900 copes the Rev Jerry Falwell predicts that the Y2K computer problem is Gods method of causing a great religious renewal which directly leads to the rapture and the 2nd coming. 2000: The Virgin Mary is said to have communicated to Father Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests: "I confirm to you that, by the Great Jubilee Year 2000, there will take place the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, of which I foretold you at Fatima, and this will come to pass with the return of Jesus in glory, to establish His Reign in the world." 21 2000: Michael Drosnin, author of "The Bible Code," found a hidden message in the Pentateuch (the first five books in the Bible) that predicts that World War III, involving a worldwide atomic [sic] holocaust, will start in 2000 (or perhaps 2006). 2000: Hal Lindsey currently does not make specific predictions about the end of the world. In his book The Late Great Planet Earth he did predict the battle of Armageddon in 2000 CE and the second coming of Christ in 2007 CE. He also cited 2048 as an alternate date. About 2000: Jack van Impe predicts that tumultuous events will happen about this time. The antichrist will appear, and cause a 7 year period of worldwide distress called the Tribulation. This will be followed by the Battle of Armageddon and the second coming. 000-JAN-1: According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope John XXIII predicted in 1961 that Doomsday will begin with the detonation of an atomic bomb in a major European city by a Libyan terrorist group. This will trigger a massive six-month war that will cause the deaths of millions of people. 2000-JAN-1: William Cooper, head of a militia group in St. John's AZ, predicted that on this date the secret chambers of the Pyramid at Giza will be opened. Its secrets will be revealed and Satan will become a public figure. The American militia will engage in a massive war at this time. This, and the previous prediction, are the only two that we have been able to find which agree on the same day. Of course, it is an obvious date to select, because most people believe that the next millennium begins then. It doesn't; it starts one year later on 2001-JAN-1. 2000-JAN-11: According to Weekly World News of 1997-NOV-18, the CIA has caught a space alien who had crash-landed on JUN-20 in a New Mexico desert. He is from a species that is considerably more developed, both mentally and spiritually, than mankind. He is only survivor of the destruction of his world - a planet some 200 light years from Earth. He reports that God is "furious with His creations everywhere." Apparently none of the species that he created turned out at all well. So, god is systematically working his way across the galaxies, setting fires to the planets and exploding them one by one. Earth will be next! 2000-MAY-5: R.W. No one has written a book "5/5/2000 - Ice, the Ultimate Disaster," in which he predicts that the first alignment of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in 6,000 years will cause total devastation. Ice buildup at the south pole will upset the world's axis, sending trillions of tons of ice and water sweeping over the planet. The cover illustration shows an Egyptian pyramid surrounded by ice and lightning. 2000-SEP-21: Dan Millar, mentioned above, estimates this date as that of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Four events happen on that day, a Thursday. The sidereal day is reset. It is also the Jewish New Year, using the Canaanite calendar that was in use within ancient Israel prior to the Babylonian Captivity. It is the time of the Jewish "Feast of Jubilees" according to a message given by the Virgin Mary to Father Stefan Gobbi. This feast occurs only once every fifty years. This date is also the Autumn Equinox. 2000-MAY-31: The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in front of Taurus and the coming back of the Star of Bethlehem like 7.B.C. Some people expect a supernatural event comparable to the birth of Jesus. 2000-DEC-25: According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope John XXIII predicted in 1962 that Christ would appear in the sky over New York City. He will announce the creation of a 1000-year paradise, to be proceeded by six months of great sorrow. 2001: The Unarius Society has received interstellar thought messages from a Pleiadean starship. They will land in the year 2001 on Atlantis, which will have risen from the depths of the earth in the Bermuda Triangle. Earth will join an alignment of 33 planets to form "Interplanetary Confederation for the Spiritual Renaissance of Humankind on Earth!" 2001-JAN-31: Sun Magazine reported in its 1997-OCT-14 issue that Noah's Ark has been discovered intact in undamaged form on a slope near Mount Ararat in Turkey. Inside were a group of 6 copper-gold-silver scrolls, each 12" square. Scroll 2 reveals that the sun will superheat the earth, melting both polar ice caps, and creating a worldwide flood. Scroll 3 reveals that Doomsday is set for 2001-JAN-31. Good people who repent of their sins will be saved; cruel tyrants will be cast into the burning fires of Hell. 2001 Jack Van Impe Ministries sponsors the largest Evangelical Christian program devoted to end-time prophecy. In his home page, he discusses his book "On the Edge of Eternity" in which he predicts that the year 2001 will "usher in international chaos such as we've never seen in our history." He predicts that in 2001, and the years following, the world will experience "drought, war, malaria, and hunger afflicting entire populations throughout the [African] continent...By the year 2001, there will be global chaos." Islam will become much larger than Christianity. (That would take a sudden growth spurt; Islam is currently followed by 19% of the world's population vs. 33% for Christianity). A one-world church will emerge; it will be "controlled by demonic hosts." Temple rituals (presumably including ritual animal sacrifice) will resume in Israel. Circa 2001: Charles Spiegel, a retired psychology professor, preaches from a small town near San Diego CA that the ancient land of Atlantis will emerge from the Caribbean circa 2001 CE. Shortly thereafter, 1000 extra-terrestrials from "Myton" in 33 spaceships will land there and bring new knowledge to humanity. 2003: Sree Vishiva Karma Veera Narayana Murthy, an avatar of Krishna will arrive to establish a 108 year reign of dharma (righteousness). This will be preceded by four years of: a rain of blood in towns and villages, circulation of poor quality coins, the appearance of male goats and oxen with mammary glands that can be milked, and many incurable diseases will be present. 2003-Late spring/early summer: Space aliens called Zetas are communicating through their earthly contact, Nancy. They describe how a comet visits earth every 3657 years. During this pass, the earth will pass through its tail. This will stop the earth's rotation for a few days. There will be "gigantic Lightning Bolts occur in the upper atmosphere, Violent Winds occur, and petrochemicals formed in the skies rain down in Firestorms; then, as the core of the Earth attempts to align magnetically with the giant comet, there is a Pole Shift with Continental Rip and Sinking and Rising land; how gigantic Tidal Waves assault the coasts, though Water Movement began when rotation stopped, and an Ocean Vortex can form; how plate shifts can result in a Sinking Atlantic floor, affecting the surrounding shorelines; but how the Other Planets will be little affected." The earth will start rotating again, but with new poles, equator, geography and climate. The ice caps will melt and the ocean will put shorelines under water. Sounds like a wild ride. (18) Late 2004: Arnie Stanton noted on 1997-SEP-16 that that evening was the fourth Jewish festival since 1996-APR-3 on which a lunar eclipse occurred. (7) He quotes Luke 21:25-26 which mentions "signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of nations" He believes that "these recent lunar eclipses are the last known astronomical signs that will precede a 7 year (360 day/year) countdown to Armageddon/Christ's return to the Earth." He expects that Christ's return will occur within a few months of 2004-SEP-29 when Asteroid Toutatis will make a very close approach to the Earth - perhaps even a collision! 2012: Michael Drosnin, author of "The Bible Code," found a hidden message in the Pentateuch (the first five books in the Bible) that predicts that a comet will crash into the earth in 2012 and annihilate all life. 2012-DEC-22: The Mayan calendar has many divisions of time: months of 20 days, years of 360 days, katun of 7200 days and a baktun of 144,000 days, and a long cycle of 5,125 years.Their calendar started on 3114-AUG-13 BCE with the birth of Venus. They expected the world to last for exactly 13 baktun cycles. They anticipated the end of the world near the Winter Solstice of 2012. (3) 2016: An article in Weekly World News describes a find by a Professor Lloyd Cunningdale of Salt Lake City who was excavating with his students at the site of the famous Donner party disaster of 1847. The latter were a group of settlers bound for California who became trapped by snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Cunningdale and students have found a time capsule left by the settlers which contains many predictions for the future. They predict that nations will abandon traditional methods of conflict and resort to the use of biological warfare. In 2016, one such disease will spread and kill all of the humans on the planet. (4) | Other Predictions
"Troubled Times" .....01/01/99 A prediction by a web site called "Troubled Times" "Troubled Times believes that a world-wide cataclysm, of massive proportions, will strike the Earth in the year 2003. The cause of this natural event will be a monster planet, known to the ancients but as yet undiscovered by modern man, which will pass very near the earth as part of its normal 3,600 year orbit around the sun." I-Ching Predictions: 2000-2002 AD...04/20/99By Prasad Sundararajan, PhD, The Search Theme: "The prospects of world: 2000 AD - to - 2002 AD" Revelations: a.Many individuals in authority - government - will be corrupt and will not be able to perform their jobs properly. b.The people in authority will become so mainly due to an utter disregard and insignificance attributed to them by people and relevant systems of society. This will create a complex which will further worsen their approach to things. In general, 'less intelligent' individuals will have power and authority during the period. c.Life and work activities in cities and towns will flow against the properties of life-sustaining forces and elements in the Nature. d.Water will turn more and more unusable for human beings. e.Even birds will not drink that water, which will force them to migrate into scarce locations and many will perish due to over-crowding. Gentle plants also may not survive in that polluted water. f.Creatures of 'insect' characteristics will start surviving in a large scale. g.The potential shift in ecology will be like 'breaking the bucket' - not exactly 'kicking the bucket'. [In Nature, the processes are typically slow. For example: if you put 995 grams of sugar the platform balance will have the one kilogram weight still hanging down. h.Water reservoirs will break or develop leakage. Pipelines - of all kinds - will undergo massive damage, or succumb to wear and tear. i.The 'rulers' will, meanwhile, go haywire that the usual administrative or management strategies [which actually maintained a lot of social security and infrastructure systems] will not be effective. Therefore, for example, the planning or work required to get good and usable water - which will require massive activities and cooperation of different sources - will not be undertaken properly. j.People rich in resources, especially money and wealth, will not be of any help. Not because of any selfish motives but of a shocking discovery of the uselessness of money and wealth vis-à-vis the context then. k.All initiatives will come from individuals whose intelligence operates in tuning with Nature-processes ['naturally intelligent']. l.'Good fortune' is certain for those who live by sincerity and integrity in a firm, correct, and complete way ['emotional competency' - not 'emotional intelligence' of Daniel Goleman]. A Message from Standing Elk...03/15/99On Thursday, March 4, 1999. I met with my Kola, Steve Red Buffalo. He asked me this question, "Tunkasila told me that when the moon dies, there will be no control over the water, there will be many floods". He then asked me, "What do you think it means?" We know the first thought that pops in your mind is usually the answer. The only words that came from my mouth was, "they are mining up on the moon and they have been there for over 50 years, I think they dug a little too deep". I told my kola that we would be going into ceremony and we'll ask the Grandmothers and Grandfathers what they mean. In ceremony Grandmother came to give Her answer. Her dress was torn and tathered; Her body was marred; Her heart was black from the emptiness of theft: yet, even still, She came to bear a message of Love amongst tears and to heal in the steam. Grandmother said, "two-leggeds have mined my blood and stolen the treasures of my heart. Greedy ones have taken for wealth and science. " I choose to die. I choose to give-away for I love Earth and the children. If you want to help, you may make a bundle for my Spirit; you can help me transition. My bundle is not for doctoring, nor for your concerns; it is prayer--to my Spirit and for the ways of woman. Keep my spiritbundle pure and until you receive a sign. " In my giveaway are seven tears. Tears will drop to the ocean called Peace. The Woman--La Nina--will answer; wave will splash; blood of Earth will rise to the surface and boil. Though I die--in death rebirth--a new body will I have, perhaps even twins. If you care, keep my spirit: for, I will keep for woman." This is a serious message everyone needs to take into consideration, meditation and prayer. I am asking the Spiritual Women Nations of the four directions and the Holy Women Nations of the four races of mankind to go into silence and pray for answers for the preparation. For it is the Women who are the representatives of Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon. Please share this message with everyone and go into your prayer circles and ceremonies because their is much that is coming with this message. There is time to change the outcome of this violation of Spirit. Please drink water, alot of water during this time, and share the following keys. 1. No more judgment, do not judge yourself. 2. Forgive everyone, learn to forgive yourself. 3. Find peace with everyone, find peace with yourself. 4. Love everything and everyone, learn to love yourself. Mitakuye Oyasin, Urgent Message From Steffan...01/27/99 This letter is strictly for the West Coast. Others needn't worry, but should send light to the situation if you can. I would ask that everyone pass this letter along to anyone you know on the West Coast. Last night, I had 6 identical dreams In the dream, I was staring at a control panel of indicators, buttons, and charts about disasters, especially earthquakes. When the earthquake hit, even the indicator that said 'earthquake' shook violently. The fact that I had the dream 6 times is VERY important. That means it's highly likely to happen. After I woke up this morning, I had a series of at least a dozen visions. Each one was about the types of quake disaster that is going to occur. In one, a tectonic plate dropped slightly. In the next, the plate dropped and quivered, and what looked like solid rock, turned to gravel and rolled around. In another one, the tectonic plates turned on edge like this: /////. In another one, I saw cars on top of roadways, raise up in the air 50 feet or more. In another, everything got all jumbled up like jackstraws. I was told that there will not only be a lot of damage, but many deaths. When the earthquakes hit, there will also be tidal waves which will kill many more people along the coastline. For some reason, there is also going to be heavy cross winds which will cause damage to anything airborne at the time. Let me tell you this also. Many people have been getting warnings from spirit to leave, and you haven't listened. Those of you who have gotten the warnings know who you are. NOW is the time to heed the warnings while there is still time.Not all types of quakes will hit the same place. These quakes will happen all along the west coast. A BIG shift is coming. Watch the little quakes now. That's where the indicators will show where the big ones are going to hit. We already know that Los Angeles will be one place. Little quakes are good. The are pressure relievers.It would be worse if there were none. Also be aware that 7 volcanoes are going to go off all at once also. They will be devastating as well. These volcanoes are all linked underneath the surface of the earth. These also will be along the West Coast. I already know that many people will hide their heads and not heed the warnings. I was shown that too, but those of you who have the awareness will know that this is the time to go. You have 6 weeks to make the move. Make it less if you can. |
A reading from Edgar Cayce...03/30/99
This Edgar Cayce reading given during the last war demonstrates for all to see clearly their relationship with the Cosmos and the risk to Earth by their actions here. One day we will all see that relationship?
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Hotel Warner, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of June, 1940, at the Ninth Annual Congress of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
1. GC: You will give at this time a discourse on what are known as Sun Spots, explaining the cause of these phenomena and their effect on the earth and its inhabitants.
2. EC: In giving that as we find would be as helpful information in the experience of individuals gathered here, many conditions and phases of man's experience in the earth are to be considered.
3. When the heavens and the earth came into being, this meant the universe as the inhabitants of the earth know same; yet there are many suns in the universe, - those even about which our sun, our earth, revolve; and all are moving toward some place, - yet space and time appear to be incomplete.
4. Then time and space are but one. Yet the sun, that is the center of this particular solar system, is the center; and, as has been indicated and known of old, it is that about which the earth and its companion planets circulate, or evolve [revolve?].
5. The beginnings of the understanding of these, and their influences upon the lives of individuals, were either thought out, evolved or interpreted by those of old, without the means of observing same as considered today necessary in order to understand.
6. Astronomy is considered a science and astrology as foolishness. Who is correct? One holds that because of the position of the earth, the sun, the planets, they are balanced one with another in some manner, some form; yet that they have nothing to do with man's life or the expanse of life, or the emotions of the physical being in the earth.
7. Then, why and how do the effects of the sun SO influence other life in the earth and not affect MAN'S life, man's emotions?
8. As the sun has been set as the ruler of this solar system, does it not appear to be reasonable that it HAS an effect upon the inhabitants of the earth, as well as upon plant and mineral life in the earth?
9. Then if not, why, how did the ancients worship the sun AS the representative of a continuous benevolent and beneficent influence upon the life of the individual?
10. Thus as we find given, the sun and the moon and the stars were made also, - this being the attempt of the writer to convey to the individual the realization that there IS an influence in their activity! For, remember, they - the sun, the moon, the planets - have their marching orders from the divine, and they move in same.
11. Man alone is given that birthright of free will. He alone may defy his God!
12. How many of you have questioned that in thine own heart, and know that thy disobedience in the earth reflects unto the heavenly hosts and thus influences that activity of God's command! For YOU - as souls and sons and daughters of God - DEFY the living God!
13. As the sun is made to shed light and heat upon God's children in the earth, it is then of that composition of which man is made, or of that termed the earth; yet, as ye have seen and know, there is solid matter, there is liquid, there is vapor. All are one in their various stages of consciousness or of activity for what? Man - GODLY MAN! Yet when these become as in defiance to that light which was commanded to march, to show forth the Lord's glory, His beauty, His mercy, His hope, - yea, His patience, - do ye wonder then that there become reflected upon even the face of the sun those turmoils and strifes that have been and that are the sin of man?
14. Whence comest this?
15. All that was made was made to show to the sons, the souls, that God IS mindful of His children.
16. How do they affect man? How does a cross word affect thee? How does anger, jealousy, hate, animosity, affect thee AS a son of God? If thou art the father of same, oft ye cherish same. If thou art the recipient of same from others, thy brethren, how does it affect thee? Much as that confusion which is caused upon the earth by that which appears as a sun spot. The disruption of communications of all natures between men is what? Remember the story, the allegory if ye choose to call it such, of the tower of Babel.
17. Yea, ye say ye trust God, and yet want to show Him how to do it!
18. These become, then, as the influences that would show man as to his littleness in even entertaining hate, injustice, or that which would make a lie.
19. Be honest with thyself, as ye would ask even the ruler of thine earth - the sun - to harken to the voice of that which created it and to give its light IRRESPECTIVE of how ye act! For, as given, the sun shineth upon the just and the unjust alike, yet it is oft reflected in what happens to thee in thy journey through same.
20. The more ye become aware of thy relationships to the universe and those influences that control same, the greater thy ability to help, to aid, - the greater thy ability to rely upon the God-force within; but STILL greater thy RESPONSIBILITY to thy fellow men. For, as ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto thy Maker, - even as to the sun which reflects those turmoils that arise with thee; even as the earthquake, even as wars and hates, even as the influences in thy life day by day.
21. Then, what are the sun spots? A natural consequence of that turmoil which the sons of God in the earth reflect upon same.
22. Thus they oft bring confusion to those who become aware of same.
23. Let not your hearts be troubled; yet believe in God. Then just act like it - to others.
24. He has given thee a mind, a body; an earth, and land in which to dwell. He has set the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars about thee to remind thee, even as the psalmist gave, "Day unto day uttereth speech, night unto night sheweth knowledge."
25. These ye know, these ye have comprehended; but do ye take thought of same?
26. KNOW that thy mind - thy MIND - is the builder! As what does thy soul appear? A spot, a blot upon the sun? or as that which giveth light unto those who sit in darkness, to those who cry aloud for hope?
27. Hast thou created hope in thy association with thy fellow men?
28. Ye fear and cringe when ye find that the spots upon thy sun cause confusion of any nature.
29. How MUST thy Savior feel, look, appear, when ye deny Him day by day; when ye treat thy fellow man as though he were as dross and trash before thee?
30. We are through.
Sunspot activity & Earth Changes by Carolyn Kleintank...03/29/99
I have been channeling information about this for years and look for other information that will confirm what I have received. Besides what Gregg Braden and Drunvello have been saying, there are some explanations in The Keys Of Enoch....Key 1-1-4 page 131....
3. A time will soon come when man must enter a new galactic shell of the larger graviton spectrum. This happens when a solar civilization undergoes severe Magnetic and gravitational changes upon entering an electromagnetic null zone in its immediate universe.
4. Enoch told me that at this time the Higher Evolution will communicate knowledge to Man to prepare him for an exodus as this planet begins to experience geophysical upheavals and the release of neutral matter from the core of the sun.
32. The spin orientation creates spiraling effects which change the behavior of the electron and the electron-proton structure causing the special pattern to shift into new energy bands.
33. One has to go into a weak magnetic zone to allow for complete reorientation from without.
What I have received is similar to what Edgar Cacye has said....There were changes in the center of our planet in the core in the 30's that caused restructuring....Increasing sun-spot activity as the 'Keys" mention have a direct relationship with what is happening on the earth....(What I received) .This is part of a cosmic blueprint which is incorporated in our structure for advancing waves of vibrational law which governs our planet. This is all tied into the "precession".....Ancient cultures have been pointing to this time of change......This has been predicted for a long time......changes in migratory patterns of sea life, beaching of whales, storms....these are all part of the pattern....Vibrational bands on our planet are changing as a part of humankind's advancement along with our planet. This happens on a periodic basis, we just do not have the facts in our scientific memory, but the earth has evidence of this happening in the past.
The Grand Cross of August 17-18, 1999 by Rick Riedel
During the two days of August 17 and 18, 1999, one of the most powerful and fearsome configurations known to astrologers will make itself shown in the heavens. This configuration involves the participation of all the major planets except Pluto and two minor asteroids in one of the four fixed signs of the zodiac. This forms a "Grand Cross," where all of the planets are either square or opposite each other.
Although apocalyptic prognosticators get excited about big conjunctions, like the one approaching in Taurus on May 5, 2000, these have historically been markers of a changing of the guard, rather than precipitators of actual events. The conjunction is classically the mark of the end of one cycle and the start of another. The massive "Super Conjunction" of February, 1962 was an example of this. Not much happened on the conjunction itself, but within 18 months, John Kennedy was shot, then the war in Vietnam escalated and soon, people were walking on the Moon. The Grand Cross is, instead, a configuration found in the middle of the cycle; the power point of the cycle.
The likes of the configuration that will be occurring in August of 1999 has not been seen in recent times. There was a weaker version of this configuration on January 11, 1910. This was in cardinal signs and included 7 major planets and 1 of the asteroids. The Grand Cross is part of a "crossing over" to a new era or age. It is to be noted that the first air transportation service, utilizing dirigibles in Germany, was established on this date. It is easy to see how the advances in technology transformed the world from a horse-and-buggy condition to the high-tech world we live in now. The Grand Cross coming this next August is much more powerful and features 9 major planets, the Moon's nodes, Chiron and 2 of the 4 asteroids in fixed signs. It will take someone with more sophisticated computer software than I have to research how long it has been since this configuration was last seen. It will affect everyone and everything. The Grand Cross can occur in any of 3 modes; cardinal, fixed or mutable. These correspond to the 3 gunas of the Vedas or rajas, tamas or sattva. This one is in the tamasic, or fixed signs. These are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The fixed signs have long been recognized as crucial in the experience of mankind. The Sphinx is a composite of the fixed cross. It has the head of a man (Aquarius), the front paws of a lion (Leo), the body and rump of a bull (Taurus) and the wings of an eagle (Scorpio).
Here is the lineup:
In the earth sign of Taurus, we have Jupiter and Saturn. These two giants classically rule the everyday, down-to- earth concerns of society. The stock market, housing, crop abundance or failure, money and the sense of comfort or anxiety over these things are under the influence of Jupiter and Saturn. In the Grand Cross, they represent the Earth and her relationship to humanity. All of the planets can operate in positive or negative ways. Here we have either the reverence for Mother Earth and her resources or the final destruction of plant and animal species, the fouling of air and water and, possibly, Her revolt against this disrespect.
Opposite these two, in the water sign of Scorpio, we have the Moon, Mars, Chiron and the asteroid Juno. Here we see the pressures brought about by the New World Order. The police state. Repression, control, the wounded psyche of a frustrated, confined society in fear over crime, change, and the reluctance to part with the "old way" of doing most everything. Even though this may be the area that precipitates the crisis envisioned by this planetary configuration, there is the least amount of staying power here. It may be that some action by the ruling elite will trigger the situation, but there is little here to sustain it. On a positive note, here we have the courage to pour forth energy and healing from the millions of light workers out there, and the inclination to step forward to teach and heal those who are feeling fright and suffering.
Square to this opposition, we have Neptune and Uranus in the air sign of Aquarius. The two slowest-moving and influential planets in this configuration are here representing the New Age; The Age of Aquarius. This is the social awareness, the group-conscious energies that today can be seen in reams of channeled material, world meditation days and the trend away from consumerism, materialism and the quest for power. At their worst, these two planets represent fixedness of thinking and reluctance to move on. At their best, they fuel the paradigm shift, the jump to the next quantum level, the leap to the next dimensional awareness.
Opposite this is a stellium in the fire sign of Leo. The Sun, Mercury,Venus, the asteroid Ceres and the North Node of the Moon occupy the sign of self-conscious identity. Here we have the leaders of our governments and religious organization. Here, too are the creative abilities of light workers everywhere. The self-assurance that comes from connection of the personality with the soul. This is the self-confidence that comes from hours spent in meditation; from lessons learned via discrimination and experience.
All of these planets are involved in a configuration that forms a cross, the arrangement of stress, tension and power. In the cyclic view, this is the position like that of a person pedaling a bicycle when the pedals are perfectly parallel to the ground. This is the time to apply maximum power to the pedals. It is here that the champion asserts himself and the pretender finds that there is not enough strength to push the crank another turn. This is the eye of the needle, the point of focus for all of the cosmic energy, both entering and leaving our lovely planet. We all have to go through this funnel; the New World Order and the New Age; both will find this as the make or break moment that will decide the destiny of us all.
The one notable exception in this configuration is the planet Pluto. Motionless in Sagittarius, Pluto is ceasing its annual retrograde motion, a position of great power. In 1978, Pluto moved inside the orbit of Neptune, and, for the next 20 years, from this unusual vantage point, has traced out it's defining pattern of evolution for society as a whole. This phenomenon happens once every 250 years or so and these periods have been remarkable in human history. The birth of Jesus Christ took place during one of these periods. Pluto will be emerging from its inner position at the time of the Grand Cross. It is the one light of hope during this configuration. Hopefully, it signals the growth of societal consciousness to the point that world destruction or enslavement will be eschewed in favor of enlightenment, discrimination and brotherhood. Pluto makes a wonderful trine aspect to all the planets in Leo. This emphasizes the ability of each individual to make their own choices during this crisis. Pluto is also making a beneficent sextile to Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius, indicating the power of the coming New Age will have a chance to assert itself.
Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that there is an eclipse at 18 degrees Leo 21 minutes on August 10, just a week before. This is not just any eclipse, either. This eclipse is the first in a new cycle of 19 Saros cycles, a further indication of a new beginning.
Seers have had some things to say about these two days.
The California psychic, Charles Jeron Criswell King, popularly known simply as "Criswell," says that, time and time again, he has dreamed of a day when people will speak to one another, and when they talk about tomorrow, nothing will come out of their mouths. That same day, Criswell predicts, what he calls a "black rainbow" will encircle the earth, and will slowly suck away most of the air in the atmosphere. Men everywhere will die in the streets. But the disaster will last only a short while, with survivors coming back afterward to rebuild the earth. Criswell says this day will be August 18, 1999. Criswell knew nothing of astrology and it's anyone's guess as to where he came up with this date, as he made his prediction sometime in the 1950's.
Nostradamus, usually vague and metaphorical, comes right out and says:
"The year 1999, in the seventh month There will appear in the heavens the sign of the King of Terror When the great leader of the Mongols (Orient) is reborn And Mars (war) reigns supreme once more" X, 22
Although moderns would see the 7th month as July, the writings of Nostradamus were translated from Old French and the term "sept" is involved. First and foremost Nostradamus was an astrologer, and possibly stuck to tradition, counting months as "moons" or lunation cycles. In 1999, the Grand Cross occurs a week after the 7th Moon of 1999, the eclipse at 18b21. This is the "sign of the King of Terror" referred to above. The "leader of the Mongols," in the opinion of many, refers to a "Lord of Darkness" or non-physical being. I would be inclined to think that this refers to solar flares, of which there have been many; a pattern which began in August of 1998. A very large flare could certainly generate the "black rainbow" envisioned by Criswell. In any case, Nostradamus sees this time span as being important, and we would be remiss to ignore him.
It always seems like prophecies are usually gruesome, but because of free will, and because of the rapid changes going on here and now, predictions are always suspect. It is safe to say, however, that the planets will continue on their present track and enter into this Grand Cross configuration no matter what else comes to pass. It is best, then, to be prepared and watchful as the time approaches. We could be talking about anything from a pole shift to political upheaval. Personal experience tells me that political tensions are more likely than physical cataclysms.
Keep in mind that these two days are not a flash in the pan. Rather, the planets assemble, one by one and tension builds as yet another planet enters a fixed sign. These two days (actually 2 1/2 days, when the Moon is in Scorpio. This is from August 16th at 3:40 PM, PDT until 3:31 AM, PDT on August 19th) are simply the peak of the energy push. Anyone born under any of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius will be profoundly affected during these two days. Some interesting political/ economic leaders born under fixed signs are:
Bill Clinton (Leo)
Hillary Clinton (Scorpio)
Saddam Hussein (Taurus)
Tony Blair (Taurus)
John Howard - Australian Prime Minister (Leo)
Prince Charles (Scorpio)
Bill Gates (Scorpio)
I'm sure there are more, I just don't have their birthdays.
When confronted with challenges such as this, there is a tendency to react with fear and trepidation. If indeed the New World Order will use this opportunity to make their final moves towards power and control, fear is their primary weapon. The magnificent trine of the powerful Pluto to the "personal planets" of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Leo will be felt by each and every individual who honors light and freedom as a connection to their inner spark, their own soul. Be it in silent meditation, or via caring, encouraging contact with close friends, it is the self confidence and optimism of individuals everywhere that can distribute the transformative power of the Divine energy presented through Pluto, the one planet that stands apart from the strife and pressure of the Grand Cross. We can all hang on to our personal connection to The One Creator. If ever there was a time for a "world meditation day" this is it. The best times for this would be at the traditional times of sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight, as at these times, there would be a fixed sign rising, no matter what your location. I never make predictions; nobody really knows what will happen. This is a free will zone and this does make the outcome uncertain. All we can do is realize that this powerful astrological configuration is going on and be ready, in body, mind and spirit.
Gordon Michael Scallion 1999 Predictions...01/21/99
In his Future Map series, GMS names the years 1998 through 2001 as a time when Earth will go through the most dynamic changes she has experienced in over 11,500 years. It is this time period when Earth changes will be at maximum intensity, and as a result of our being "put to the test," great advances in technology and spirituality will occur. He refers to this time as the transition of the equinoxes.
This year, 1999, signals the second year of his predicted "transition" period. The year 1998 broke records worldwide - the highest global temperature in recorded history was recorded in July, and the highest-ever damages and loss of life due to storm related weather also occurred.
In this month's featured article, "Predictions for 1999," GMS presents his insights in a different manner than he has in previous years. If you have read his book, Notes from the Cosmos, you may recall his predictions titled the "Milios." Like many intuitives, the methods by which GMS receives information vary greatly from one occurrence to the next.
Over the past 20 years, GMS has received messages through visions, in dreams, through intuitive insight, in symbolic form, and lately, in the verse-like form of the Milios. In the past, GMS has taken the information that has been conveyed - in whatever form - and interpreted it himself before presenting it. We would then publish his personal interpretations of the material received in ECR. For these 1999 predictions, GMS was directed to present the information exactly as it was received. It is his understanding that experiencing the material in its raw form may very well act as a trigger for readers, opening up their own intuitive channels, and enhancing their ability to receive more personal intuitive guidance. T
his year's predictions are presented, as received by GMS, in the same format as the Milios. To aid the reader, GMS has included his own interpretation at the end of each section; however, he suggests that you form your own interpretations fully before reading his.
Smoke signals the changing of the guard. Simon is replaced by a native who shall be last. Two millennia or rule pass from history.
The Pope passes over. The next Pope to be installed will be Italian; he will be the last Pope.
Fireflies dance in the heavens above, Silencing Mercury and painting the sky. Flee to caves and below ground Else the changelings will take hold. Born anew, species small and large, Oh what shapes and colors these creatures be, That replaces those of an age with the number three. Though strange today, the morrow's questioners shall say Cows and bulls and elephants, Perhaps these were names used for play.
Massive solar flares will hit Earth. Satellites, the power grid and computers will fail. Nature begins to change, as genetics are altered. Many species will eventually become extinct. New species will emerge.
Neptune reigns as Hades shifts. Nature recants and linds lift. One from afar visits with grace, To hold humankind's hand and lift up their face. Zeus in command, his army at bay When double is seen in the heavens above Then shall be the day of the dove.
There are so many competing elements in this Milios that I am not sure how to interpret all of the lines. I sense that the main theme deals with a shift in Earth's core, causing a movement in the magnetic field. According to my Future Map of the world, a pole shift is predicted to occur between 1998 and 2012, with the first shifts ovvurring between 1998 and 2001.
Machines of metal, the alchemists built To conquer those lands of long dispute. The Chameleon strikes first, in the land of the Ark Where it now rests under millennia of bark. Fulfilling his destiny by resurrecting the dead, The Chameleon seduces the multitude by giving them bread.
This may indicate the emergence of the biblically prophesied "Anti-Christ." Turkey has been mentioned in my previous predictions (dating back to the early 80s) as where the start of the final battle between good and evil will occur, before the millennium of peace begins. This stanza may be referring to Turkey, since it has been suggested by researchers and the Bible itself that Noah's Ark cam to rest on top of Mount Ararat in Turkey.
Castor reigns, the coffers depleted; Rainy days have come, But expect little help, from the umbrella of red. Seven of plenty and seven of lean, A repeat of history - who shall be fed?
It appears that the Milios is telling us that financial difficulties are ahead, perhaps relating to insurence - i.e., "umbrella of red," the icon for Travelers Insurance Company. My guess is that the timing of the event in question is based on star alignment - Castor? I did a search for the name "Castor" and one definition that stood out was related to mythology, and a particular group of stars. An astrologer may come forward to shed some light on this for a future issue.
A leaf stands out as a beacon of light. How is it so that it knows of a blight? The study of this shall aid those afflicted, Death takes a holiday When circulation is restored. Oh what marvels during the transition of ages As humankind discovers what nature can teach. The crab shall be next, another age though, As the forces of nature drive the demons to Saturn.
I think this Milios is directing us to study Nature to seek cures for diseases, such as arterial blockage. Perhaps the "crab shall be next" refers to the astrological sign of Cancer; or it may be referring to cancer as a disease, and saying that some energy force produced by Nature will be able to cure it.
Alone no more, the veil lifted Truth finds a voice Where before it was silenced. Visitors confirmed, setting the stage For contact celebrated at the dawn of a new age. Return have they from seven above Bringing with the hope and expressions of love.
Perhaps 1999 is the year when world governments join together to publicly confirm the existence of extraterrestrials, and to share with us what has been discovered about them.
Predictions Thoughts for 1999 By Terry Tim Rodgers
Professional Psychic for 25 years © 1999
Note: These are my predictions. I have not copied-used-or redone anyone else 's predictions. These are dated-copied-and recorded (as usual) for research and reference.
Personal Note: This year we are going to have a bumpy ride. There is going to be more turmoil and strife then ever before. If you are playing games look out. There are many, MANY professional people in all walks of life that will be exposed for the falsehood they are portraying. This includes TV, government, military, clergy, talk radio, TV evangelist, anyone who has some type of power and authority. Remember the Age of Aquarius means new spiritually, but it comes with a price. EXPOSURE OF FALSEHOOD. No new enlightenment can stand without truth from the people in control. Until our leaders become pure we will not experience true enlightenment.
Prediction 1
1.. There will be no UFO landing. There isn't going to be any UFO exposure. There isn't going to be any Type of contacts what so ever. The government is holding the information back for one soul reason. BECAUSE WE REALLY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. We may think we can, but the majority of the human race is to evil to be able to communicate properly with another alien race. The proof is all around you, wars, hate, killing, envy, jealousy, total insubordination and no respect what so ever for any other human beings whether it is their beliefs, thoughts or feelings.
2.. Watch out. There are many aspects of Society that has lost their consciences. They don't know the Difference between right and wrong. They are so self-involved that they can' t see the truth right before their eyes. This is going to be a major problem in all aspect of Society. It is in the stages of filtering down to the normal lay person now, starting with our children. The only way we will get our conscience back is through our higher power and a firm belief system.
3. Death is at our doorstep. I know this may sound terrible, but it is true. The purging will be great. Unless it takes place, man will not make it through the coming changes. The world, at the present, is in a state of confusion. This confusion is caused by sin. Now don't get me wrong I am not preaching, but sin has make us a species of murders that will not stop at any price to get what they want. Because of this the wrath of God is upon us. Many of the Western Governmental leaders are working night and day to combat the coming battle, but they have gone the wrong way. They have decided to seek after lies. They have lost their way. The only way they can find their way back is to seek the truth in the meek.
4. We will see a mass amount of flooding this spring and summer. This will be the coming of the great, great Earth changes. I must point out that these earth changes are for all, good and bad. The wheat will be spared, but only by a thread. The wicked in high places will not make it unless the truth is revealed. Time to give up the ship before it is to late.
5. We will see many deaths in the entertainment areas. I see many stars falling because of total disrespect for their jobs. The use of power and fame will cause many young stars to fall so greatly that some will be worshiped after death. (like Princess Di.)
6. I also see the entertainment area will become a nation of leaders. These leaders will be nothing but hate lovers with many, many people following them. They also have developed a great amount of wealth and with this the power has become so great that the pull will be felt in every area of society. They will dictate who will be famous, who will be rich, who will be in power and who will fall.
7. Many of the changes are coming, but not like many prophets have predicted. There are many false prophets who are spreading all kind of theories and ideas that are totally off center. They are nothing but false promises that can not be filled. Anyone that can't speak to you directly at your level isn't able to understand the true meaning of life. The changes that do and will take place are war and disease related. ¾ of the worlds population will be gone by the year 2012 if not sooner.
8. The Pope will pass by June. As I stated before the next Pope will be the last.
9. The antichrist will come into power by the end of the year. He is very well known, but is kept under the QT until later. He knows NOW whom he is and what he is to do. He comes from a mid-east country and was born November 12, 1967.
10.Money will be tight. Watch your money flow. Stock piles everything you can get your hands on. Pure water will be worth its weight in gold soon. I would advise everyone to take their money out of Banks as soon as possible. (This has to do with the smart card) When you do, buy property-food-clothing and shelter. Make sure you have a well and a water purifier these will be very important for your survival.
11. Many bombing will take place on our shores. As I stated before there will be a great amount of death relating to these bombings. New York City, LA, San Francisco, Houston, Phoenix, Seattle, Dayton, Miami, New Orleans are the most vulnerable to these attacks. They will occur in the most inopportune time and place.
12. As everyone has guessed the stock market is about to crash, but what you don't know is that many Internet stocks will fall as well. The only internet stocks that will survive will be the top leaders. So many small internet companies will be bought out by the big leagues for one purpose, to totally control of the internet as we know it. They will take control of the internet right before your eyes and no one will be able to stop them. . They will dictate the Internet laws. If you wish to invest, do it in the new internet that is forming.
13. Y2K isn't going to be what you think it is. Now don't get me wrong, but 70% of the hype about Y2K is bogus. The United States and many other countries are right in line for the year 2000. The other countries are the ones that will be hurting the most. Many of the hype that is going on are only for one reason. To bring about the New World Order. This will become more clearly as the year progresses.
14.Hoaxes are a source for disruption and deception. The reason why hoaxes are taking place in many of the paranormal areas is to cause disruption of our belief system. If you see everything and anything being a hoax, then you are that much more likely to not believe the truth when you see it. There are special agents that do nothing but expose hoaxes that they have made themselves. This is all just a ploy to mislead many people. The true elect will see this and know what is going on. Many innocent people will be scared for life. (Including myself)
15. Watch out for major weather problems throughout the year. Every season will have major changes. This is caused by government manipulation of our weather system through new technology. What the government doesn't realize is they have set a time bomb in action and it is now just beginning to spin out of control. The ultimate end will be a complete change of the whole earth's climate. The wheels are moving in the wrong direction.
16. Look for 3D TV and computer systems to appear at the end of this year. Computer will be so small and fast that your head will spin. Much new technological advancement will change our everyday life so quickly that we will not be able to keep up with it. The regular lay person will be able to send their own satellite's up in space for just a few thousand dollars. These satellites will be used for all aspects of our daily life.
17 Spiritual signs will be seen everywhere where, but 80% will be holographic fakes from religious groups and the government. There will be however many that are legit. The false signs will lead many astray by the false manifestations.
18. Spirituality has become a fake sign to bring people to the New World order. Many, many religious group promise direct relationship with a higher power when 75% are nothing but a way for people to make money. The fruits of the groups will be exposed this year and many, many new age groups will fall because of false teachings.
19. There is no escape for Clinton; he will be out of office. He will do his best to save his job, but nothing will work. Hillary has already filed for divorce and will make it public soon. Look for Ken Star to be exposed as having a sexual relationship with another person. Someone you least expect.
20. The flu will kill many. It is a new plague that has hit the earth. This flu is very different then anything discovered before. Research will be done and expose it as a man made virus. This will then cause world-wide panic as to who made it.
21. As this year progresses you will see all hope lost. Many, many religious people will leave their churches because of the hope of God and a better live spiritually will be gone. The spirit has been taken away to cause us to enter the seven years of trouble. As the spirit leaves hopelessness will enter. This will cause so many people to leave their churches
22.Two plane crashes will occur by March. One in California the other between Florida and Virginia beach. I have 15 more prediction coming but wanted to get these out as soon as possible.
Please understand some of these predictions where very hard for me to share, but they have been confirmed many time to me as occurring soon. I think the true will speak for itself in these predictions. It is time to understand the truth and accept it although you might not want to admit it. If we as people do not change we are doomed to destruction.
The fate of the world rest in our hand, but alas the hands of fate could have dealt us our final card.
Sincerely Yours,
Terry Tim Rodgers