Good now were getting somewhere! Atheistism is a belief to Christain as faith is to an athiest. Just because you believe in your belief and not a belief does not prove anything too me. We all pick and choose what supports are beliefs.
Christain try to explain things away with words and you chop them to piece your explaination of not a belief is something that atheist coin toget around accepting responsiblity for other athiest.
Yet all of you use the same agrument past down my the cult leaders and you state it not a belief and that your not responsible for teaching those beliefs and yet you demand Christian be held accountable for their teachings come one guy get real. You wouldn't be wasting you time on this forum if it didn't matter.
JoinedPosts by writetoknow
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
You can not prove that it is fact you can only validate the information in believing in the person that collected the imformation as being honest.
The very thing you discredit Christain for.
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
Thank you for reminding me of my sweeping generalization that should then give you the right to make ten more right.
Its like dad I want him to play by the rules but I don't want too. Come on buck up cowboy you can handle it! Come on I been on this post long enough to know how much you guys have dish out with your "belief"!
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
Atheism is not "a belief" to be proven or disproven. It's a LACK of belief. So how is atheism dogmatic? Most atheists simply don't care that much. And they certainly don't go on missions to convert Christians. And they have never converted anyone at swordpoint, like Christians have done through the centuries in their colonies.
According to who? That sounds like people that promote and idea and spend hours defending that idea and claim no responsiblity for the ideas. Sound like JW's that blame everything on the corporation then disfellowship the little guy for upholding the idea.
And again you state that no atheist every harmed anyone as a leader of a country what world do you live in?
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
Well dear you didn't read the numbers at the start of this post. However, unlike you I wouldn't hang my life that they are correct to make a point.
So your saying that Athiest don't make sweeping generalization about motives?
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
Another sweeping generalization I haven't object to anything you've posted I been asking a lot of question for you to absoluted prove your statements of fact.
So you can absoluate state Christain only do good works because of fear of God? You can prove that statement? Or is that what you believe to be true?
So I believe you do good works as an Atheist because you want people to reward you and give you attention? Isn't that why animals do good works?
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
The truth is that not why I posted the information in the first place but thank you anyway. I have posted other numbers so who do we believe or are we to imput motives as to who is really being honest?
How can anyone of you trust anything human say? If they will do anything to win an argument and prove a belief what make you so sure your not equally mislead by people revising information to prove a point?
Perhaps one must take it on faith or just imput good motives to one group and bad motives to another - something like that right? -
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
Is that anothe sweeping generalization to actually disprove facts? That interesting last time we debate atheism I was lead to believe religion was outdated by the popular belief in atheism sounds like you guys want it both ways!
What you simple have not concluded is every agruement used against religion can also be used against your beliefs and they won't hold up any better.
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
Then why do athiest state Christian do good works out of fear of God if they don't believe that to be true?
So to assume means we must take some things on what we believe to be true? We are only assuming when we talk about religion but not evolution that is the desired assumption you wish to postulate?
So we can actually only imput motives as to why people do good works we must trust or distrust a person words if their motives are honest or not? Can you prove to me good works evolved by double blind scientific studies?
Or must assumption be good works evolved and if so what was the motive of the people doing the study? What type of good works would a person do that was hateful should we quess and call that science. Or should we study hateful people objectively and prove what most often happens when hateful people do good works.
The study of emotions has never been an exact science even for the greatest mines of are times so things have changed they can factual state good works evolved where is that study?
So you are suggesting that science went back to the first human fossels and concluded good works evolved or is this an assumption based on trying to disprove there is no God or a reason to believe in him. Why should I put faith in your theory?
by writetoknow inhitler, lenin, stalin, mao et al: .
(the heart of this statement is: darwin put an end to the belief that the animal and vegetable species..were created by god....) .
1856; d. 1939) sigmund freuds impact on 20th century thinking is almost too great to measure.
More Americans believe in God than in angels, miracles, and even heaven. And while half attend worship services on a regular basis, a majority thinks religion plays too small a role in people’s lives today.
Fully 92 percent of Americans say they believe in God, 85 percent in heaven and 82 percent in miracles, according to the latest FOX News poll. Though belief in God has remained at about the same level, belief in the devil has increased slightly over the last few years — from 63 percent in 1997 to 71 percent today.
The national poll, conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation (search), shows that about a third of Americans believe in ghosts (34 percent) and an equal number in UFOs (34 percent), and about a quarter accept things like astrology (search) (29 percent), reincarnation (search) (25 percent) and witches (24 percent).
When debating with Atheist on this forum they would have you believe the majority of people now day don't believe in God and he is outdated!
24% of Americans believe that both the theory of evolution and the theory of creationism are probably or definitely true
41% believe that creationism is true, and that evolution is false
28% believe that evolution is true, but that creationism is false
3% either believe that both are false or have no opinion about at least one of the theories