99% of the public forum are cheer leaders for your point of view. Sounds like the total agreement thing - you dislike about JW's is still a part of the old personality.
JoinedPosts by writetoknow
Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked
by TMS inthe phrases still roll off my tongue, "a god of tender mercies", a god in whom there is no injustice", a god who "protects the little one.".
in spite of those worn out platitides, if i walked in to a court room and saw the name "jehovah god" in metallic letters on the door, i would ask my attorney to make a motion to have the judge recused.
i would prefer to take my judicial chances with any ticket-fixing, bribe-taking, alcoholic, mafia-controlled human judge than face the uneven, irrational and obscene judicial decisions made by god jehovah.. i cite the case of king david of israel.
Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked
by TMS inthe phrases still roll off my tongue, "a god of tender mercies", a god in whom there is no injustice", a god who "protects the little one.".
in spite of those worn out platitides, if i walked in to a court room and saw the name "jehovah god" in metallic letters on the door, i would ask my attorney to make a motion to have the judge recused.
i would prefer to take my judicial chances with any ticket-fixing, bribe-taking, alcoholic, mafia-controlled human judge than face the uneven, irrational and obscene judicial decisions made by god jehovah.. i cite the case of king david of israel.
Hey! TM Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. Are you angry with God or just generally pissed at the world? You spend a lot of time writing your 101 thesis about Jehovah God the God of hate perhaps it your hate projected into bible? That is, the bible not real anyway!
Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked
by TMS inthe phrases still roll off my tongue, "a god of tender mercies", a god in whom there is no injustice", a god who "protects the little one.".
in spite of those worn out platitides, if i walked in to a court room and saw the name "jehovah god" in metallic letters on the door, i would ask my attorney to make a motion to have the judge recused.
i would prefer to take my judicial chances with any ticket-fixing, bribe-taking, alcoholic, mafia-controlled human judge than face the uneven, irrational and obscene judicial decisions made by god jehovah.. i cite the case of king david of israel.
I don't understand your logic either blaming some thing just for the fun of it? Why so much hate for some thing that not real? It sound to me that you both have all the answers any disagreement is considered hostle to you?
Since you left JW's it doesn't sound like you came up to anything higher then same old hate.
Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked
by TMS inthe phrases still roll off my tongue, "a god of tender mercies", a god in whom there is no injustice", a god who "protects the little one.".
in spite of those worn out platitides, if i walked in to a court room and saw the name "jehovah god" in metallic letters on the door, i would ask my attorney to make a motion to have the judge recused.
i would prefer to take my judicial chances with any ticket-fixing, bribe-taking, alcoholic, mafia-controlled human judge than face the uneven, irrational and obscene judicial decisions made by god jehovah.. i cite the case of king david of israel.
I don't spend much time blaming the tooth fairy for my problems.
Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked
by TMS inthe phrases still roll off my tongue, "a god of tender mercies", a god in whom there is no injustice", a god who "protects the little one.".
in spite of those worn out platitides, if i walked in to a court room and saw the name "jehovah god" in metallic letters on the door, i would ask my attorney to make a motion to have the judge recused.
i would prefer to take my judicial chances with any ticket-fixing, bribe-taking, alcoholic, mafia-controlled human judge than face the uneven, irrational and obscene judicial decisions made by god jehovah.. i cite the case of king david of israel.
TM you certainly take yourself very seriously! So are you now stating that you are not claiming Jehovah God to be unjust by His recorded actions?
Let see if I have this right? You don't believe in God, but you like to post topics that are provocative about God. Thus, you want everyone to tell you how great you are and when someone doesn't you get personal?
So my very deep question is why do you blame something that is make believe?
Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked
by TMS inthe phrases still roll off my tongue, "a god of tender mercies", a god in whom there is no injustice", a god who "protects the little one.".
in spite of those worn out platitides, if i walked in to a court room and saw the name "jehovah god" in metallic letters on the door, i would ask my attorney to make a motion to have the judge recused.
i would prefer to take my judicial chances with any ticket-fixing, bribe-taking, alcoholic, mafia-controlled human judge than face the uneven, irrational and obscene judicial decisions made by god jehovah.. i cite the case of king david of israel.
The concept is not difficult. If you don't believe in "God", then you have to believe religion and the bible is made up by man. Thus, to blame a god or God is foolish because he never exist accept in the make believe.
Judging in the bible requires passing a sentence rather that be in the heart or having the power to pronouce a sentence by law.
In your case you are passing judgment on something that is make believe which again make no sence.
For the person that believes in God - if they think they can judge God, that is impossible from a human stand point and from bible teaching.
Judging comes from a legal term : a judicial fuction, an official who performs the function of a judge in hearings within an administrative agency.
God cannot be judge because He is all powerful. When a person goes before a judge they do not judge the judge at least not openly in court. According to the bible God is the "judge" of all and it is his court room.
Interesting article about religion
by Lo-ru-hamah inhttp://www.religioustolerance.org/reltrue.htm .
happened across this article and thought it was really neat.
One day, in a huge city called Christendom a great turmoil erupted among its religious leaders. The cause of all the commotion was a question that had plagued this great city for thousands of years:
“Which one of the thousands of religion in Christendom was the truth?”
This raging question had been the source of all the wars every fought in the city and the cause of the break up of most families.
However, there was one thing that the cities religious leaders agree upon and that was one man they all considered to be a prophet. This prophet was no part of their many religions or their politics. He, they believed would tell them the truth:
“Who had the right religion?”
This they felt would stop the fighting and bring at last peace to their great city.
So all the religious leaders went out from the great city to a small humble village were the prophet lived; called “Christian Freedom” to find and question this prophet. When they found him the great crowd gather around him to pose the ultimate question.
“Sir tell us which one of our religions has the truth – the real faith?”
But the prophet said nothing; he then took his staff and drew a large circle around himself. He then stepped out of the circle and said:
“ This circle represents each one of your hearts, please, each one divide the circle into three piece. One piece of the circle for God, another piece for service of others, and the last piece for your own needs”.
Silence fell over the crowd the prophet held out his staff for someone to step forward to divide up the circle, but none would step forward.
Then the prophet drew another circle around himself and once again stepped out of the circle – this time he said: “ This circle represents the prophet you all profess to follow Jesus Christ. Some one step forward and divide up his heart into the same three pieces”.
This time a long silence then the religious leaders fell to arguing among themselves over the prophets request. Finally after considerable time had lapsed one of the religious leaders stepped forward and said with an angry voice: “No one can divide the heart of Christ he was whole soul, whole hearted to God and he loved his neighbor as himself; he always put the needs of others a head of his own”.
The prophet then said: “You answered correctly, who of you can say your hearts is not divided? None answered, he then said: “Which of you need not forgiveness and grace please step forward.”
Page Two
Is there one among the thousands of your religions that has produced a perfect heart from it’s teachings? If you find one then that is the true religion practice it and you will find life”.
No one said a word to the prophet so he said: “go away and practice mercy stop judging one another from your divided hearts then you may see the Christ’s heart.”
02-05 – 1997
Written by Daniel McStrong -
Will Carnivorous Jehovah Establish A Vegetarian New World?
by TMS ingod jehovah has had a preoccupation, if not an obsession with meat.
although cain worked hard to produce an offering of vegetables, it was rejected because it was not meat.
priests were instructed to save certain cuts of meat for jehovah, the fatty portions.
Can you prove from the bible there will be a physical paradise or is that something we are to obey because JW's say so?
I don't remember Christ talking much about the issue perhaps there is another version of Christ words that I don't know about?
In other words, 99% of the people involved in this topic already know that they were mislead so why the big issue of a new world order. Chirst kingdom wasn't of this world - He being king of that kingdom should give some indication that he might have something to say about meat eaters!
Pauls stated the kindgom was not about eating and drinking - or perhaps I being trick into thinking that someone really believes the bible anyway?
Jehovah, the God of Justice, Executes the Wicked
by TMS inthe phrases still roll off my tongue, "a god of tender mercies", a god in whom there is no injustice", a god who "protects the little one.".
in spite of those worn out platitides, if i walked in to a court room and saw the name "jehovah god" in metallic letters on the door, i would ask my attorney to make a motion to have the judge recused.
i would prefer to take my judicial chances with any ticket-fixing, bribe-taking, alcoholic, mafia-controlled human judge than face the uneven, irrational and obscene judicial decisions made by god jehovah.. i cite the case of king david of israel.
Do you believe in God? If you don't then perhaps you need to judge those that did things in God's name.
In other words, the concept is easy blaming something you feel is made up as real is stupid!
But if you believe in God then you also have a problem because His word states He doesn't answer to man. Tuff luck for all of us complaining people that think He has to give us an answer.
Moreover, you cannot judge something that is all powerful you can criticize, but you lack the power to pronounce sentence on the greater.
Sorry - 1918/1919 again...
by Awakened07 inthis story of how jesus supposedly inspected earth in 1918 and as a result chose the bible students to be his people in 1919 (since they were the only true christians) is rather important to me.. we have discussed previously to some extent how they at that time believed a lot of things that jws no longer believe; for instance they still celebrated christmas and russel was the entire faithful and discreet slave.. however - the reason i raise the topic again, is to ask what things did they believe in 1919 that one could say would truly separate them from all other denominations?.
i guess they used the name jehovah.
i guess they didn't believe in the trinity(?).
I don't understand what your getting at. JW's still believe they are God's only choosen channel on earth. They still believe everyone else has it wrong. They still believe they are the only ones that are saved through the end of the world.
Their ideas came through Russell and Russell like all other religion took ideas from all sorts of studies and groups throughout the history of religion and forned his own ideas. Subsequenly, many of those teachings are now rejected by JW's.