Your right about playing it down. I think there is a political correctness regarding the subject. There should be a world wide out cry for the crimes against Isam woman.
JoinedPosts by writetoknow
Honor Killings vs. Disfellowshipping
by writetoknow inrecently two teenage girls in texas where kill by their father it has been reported as a honor killing.
do you think disfellowshipping can be elevated to the level of honor killings?.
special focus: islam.
Honor Killings vs. Disfellowshipping
by writetoknow inrecently two teenage girls in texas where kill by their father it has been reported as a honor killing.
do you think disfellowshipping can be elevated to the level of honor killings?.
special focus: islam.
I feel its a very fine line between actual killing someone and disfellowshipping. To make matters even worst once back in they never forget and the humilation continues.
I think it an easy way to remove problems unlike a family that is forced to deal with problems some times for years. Christian are a family that's the reason they call each other brothers and sisters. Further, family members are never forgot even in death.
Moreover, the reason for most disfellowshipping is do to the fact people cannot confess their sins openly without being somehow humilated. Thus, problems are hid in fear and distrust until the elders find out.
Honor Killings vs. Disfellowshipping
by writetoknow inrecently two teenage girls in texas where kill by their father it has been reported as a honor killing.
do you think disfellowshipping can be elevated to the level of honor killings?.
special focus: islam.
What degree of seriousness are we talking about here? Many religion on this earth function fine without disfellowshipping ever person that does not agree with ever changing interpretations of doctrine.
If perfect loyality is such a big factor for JW"s what of the many that were disfellowship for doctrine that have now been changed or dates that didn't come true? Moreover, where is the loyality to correct the wrong?
Loyality is not "lock-step" it is first to God not man and when a wrong is committed then God's righteousness requires righting the wrong.
Disfellowshipping was not to get read of the enemy for Christian it was to correct a wrong and restore the person - a Christian can never hate the person. Hate for Christain is murder that is why they are to pray for their enemies.
And that is why dissfellowshipping is done behind close doors. It is used by a legal corporation to conform people to it laws and to protect itself from lawsuits.
Honor Killings vs. Disfellowshipping
by writetoknow inrecently two teenage girls in texas where kill by their father it has been reported as a honor killing.
do you think disfellowshipping can be elevated to the level of honor killings?.
special focus: islam.
Is disfellowshipping as cruel in the big picture for some families?
Does Free Will Allow Evil?
by writetoknow inby dr. mark eastman.
" a proper understanding of this issue not only provides great insight into the nature of god, it ties together a comprehensive understanding to some of life's ultimate questions: the answers to my origin, meaning, morality and destiny!.
the christian worldview is an impractical, even phony, view of the cosmos because it embraces a god who is either incapable of stopping evil and suffering, and he is therefore not omnipotent, or is unwilling to do so and therefore a devil!.
Evil does not allow for "free will". Free will allows for evil.
Honor Killings vs. Disfellowshipping
by writetoknow inrecently two teenage girls in texas where kill by their father it has been reported as a honor killing.
do you think disfellowshipping can be elevated to the level of honor killings?.
special focus: islam.
Recently two teenage girls in Texas where kill by their father it has been reported as a honor killing. Do you think disfellowshipping can be elevated to the level of honor killings?
Special Focus: Islam
Honor Killings, Illicit Sex, and Islamic Law
Intimate violence against women is a worldwide crisis. From “crimes of passion” to “dowry deaths,” not to mention domestic violence, many types of aggression against women occur at the hands of family members. The so-called “honor killing” of women and girls in some Muslim nations is one horrifying manifestation of this global phenomenon.
These killings, which occur with shocking regularity in certain parts of the Middle East and South Asia, target women whose actions – actual or suspected – violate the honor of their family, an honor which is thought to depend on the sexual purity of its female members. Anything from speaking with an unrelated man, to rumored pre-marital loss of virginity, to an extra-marital affair can be cause for an attack, often carried out by a father or brother. In some especially tragic instances, even women and girls who have been raped are slain to remove the stain from the family honor. As with other forms of intimate violence against women, perpetrators are seldom punished.
Some have viewed honor killings as a logical extension of traditional Islamic gender practices, the natural consequence of system that enforces sex-segregation through veiling and female seclusion and harshly punishes violations of these boundaries. Others have argued that honor killings are the antithesis of Islamic morality. This latter view is essentially correct from the perspective of Qur’an, prophetic traditions (hadith), and Islamic legal thought, as a careful analysis of the relevant texts shows. (CLICK HERE TO READ “The Treatment of Honor Killings in Traditional Texts.”) However, certain elements of traditional sexual ethics do contribute to the climate of intense scrutiny of female conduct that finds one extreme expression in honor crimes.
In Qur’an, prophetic tradition, and law, one finds a very strong presumption of women’s chastity along with numerous safeguards to prevent any imputation of unchastity. Within such a context, honor killings are utterly criminal. Numerous prophetic traditions report that when asked about a husband finding his wife with another man, the Prophet agreed that the husband must procure three additional witnesses to her act before the public authority can judge her offense; otherwise he would be liable to lashing for publicly accusing her or to being killed if he killed. If a woman discovered in flagrante cannot be even publicly accused unless there are four witnesses to her act, then mere suspicion can never justify slaying a woman. Questioned by another man who claimed that his honor (ghira) would require him to immediately slay his wife’s lover in such a case, the Prophet reportedly declared that God’s honor was greater than any human’s. (See Hadith page.) The implication is that God’s revealed procedures for dealing with illicit sex must take precedence over human ego and emotion. This does not mean, of course, that human honor is unimportant. The stress placed on safeguarding women’s reputations and punishing slander demonstrates an awareness that such accusations can have devastating consequences for those accused.
From the perspective of Qur’an, prophetic traditions, and law, sex outside of a legally binding tie is considered zina, and is punishable for both women and men. Though there is a double standard in that men are, under certain circumstances, permitted to have several lawful sexual partners while women must always remain monogamous, when it comes to punishment for illicit intercourse men and women are treated exactly alike. In this sense, the traditional framework for dealing with illicit sexual behavior is balanced – unlike in the case of honor killings for actual or suspected sexual misconduct, in which only women are targets.
Still, while honor killings find no sanction whatsoever in Qur’an, prophetic traditions, or law, these sources cannot be absolved of all responsibility for placing a greater share of the burden of maintaining societal chastity on women. Though the Qur’an commands both men (24.30) and women (24.31) to “cast down their gazes” and to “protect their chastity,” it specifically regulates only women’s dress (Q. 24.31; 33.59). Yet it is a long stretch from these commands, which have the declared intention of protecting women from harassment (Q. 33.59), to the legal rules that allow men, especially husbands, to impose seclusion on women, forbid them from leaving the home, and limit their access even to other relatives. These rules for seclusion were never strictly observed by more than an elite minority, and are not generally enforced today. But the basic perspective they embody – that the separation of men and women is to be enforced by keeping women apart from men, and that women who violate these boundaries are suspect – remains influential.
Some have suggested that the best means of combating honor killings is to insist on a strict application of traditional law, under which only the public authority is empowered to punish illicit sexual intercourse, and then only with incontrovertible proof of wrongdoing. The evidentiary requirements for conviction in cases of zina (four eyewitnesses to the actual act of penetration or confession by the offenders) ensure that punishment will virtually never be carried out. By claiming the Islamic “high ground” such a move could be influential in shaping Muslim ideas about honor and punishment. The danger to this approach, though, is that by enshrining traditional texts as literally applicable to the contemporary world, one leaves unchallenged those elements of traditional sexual ethics that create a climate of hyper-attention to women’s bodies and behavior. So-called honor killings are indeed one extreme outgrowth of this climate. A Muslim feminist sexual ethics must help create the conditions for the Qur’anic and traditional values of modesty and chastity to be lived by Muslim women and men in ways that are faithfully chosen and equitably maintained.
Kecia Ali -
ATHEISM - Better World When Christian Are Gone?
by writetoknow instereotypes and prejudicessynopsis.
genocide is the ultimate expression of hatred and violence against a group of people.
this chapter traces the steps by which a group becomes the target of prejudice, discrimination, persecution and violence.
My poop poop smells better then yours!
by writetoknow inand blame which involves urges to punish either by asking punishing questions or by threatening punishments but then explaining away these urges away.
layer 2 blame.
here again, in theory, seeing this difference is simple.
According to those in the know blaming other for our problems is a mental illness and you won't get better tell you get over being bitter.
Does Free Will Allow Evil?
by writetoknow inby dr. mark eastman.
" a proper understanding of this issue not only provides great insight into the nature of god, it ties together a comprehensive understanding to some of life's ultimate questions: the answers to my origin, meaning, morality and destiny!.
the christian worldview is an impractical, even phony, view of the cosmos because it embraces a god who is either incapable of stopping evil and suffering, and he is therefore not omnipotent, or is unwilling to do so and therefore a devil!.
No actual I don't as I am certain you don't! But that is point - as your question is not sincere most people on the forum have their mind-set and they only have one purpose. And that is to prove their point!
So what is your point?
Is Bigotry A Mental Illness?
by writetoknow inwith so much hatred in society on all levels against most groups from religion to politics - is this a sign that society has an mental illness or something else?.
is bigotry a mental illness?
ronald pies, md .
What seems to be an improvement of education/enlightenment in the last 100-years has made people more prejuices rather then improve things as some would state.
The more we know about each other and the fields of knowledge that exposes everyone to being human the greater the intolerance seems to be for each other?
Some times I wonder if real changes has been made or circumstance in society force people not to express their real feelings because it not political correct?