What is considered a good relationship with someone you love? Trust, sadly few people have had a relationship with anyone they could trust let alone JW's.
When a person puts trust into anything it is an act of faith. People risk there lives constantly because they trust something or someone. There is a pay off for doing so. That pay off rather it friendship or love or the experience of climbing a mountain or going to the moon requires putting trust in something.
If people weren't willing to take risks and they relied only on fact before doing something most people who never have a child. If you run the numbers the risk, the cost, pain, possible health issues, and problems of having a child is not worth it logically and factually. However, most people do take that risk and enjoy a life of love frienship and experiences that no logically price can be place on. In fact, a good parent will give up their life for their children. Simply not logical!
That is why a person cannot understand God without His Spirit it is not possible accept on a logical factual bases and that make no sence. It does not add up there are too many contradiction for a factual physical human mine to accept.
That is why God is Love that is "spiritual" and not understood no more then a parent loving their child can logical be explaned without it become dry fact and make a person look foolish for do so. And that is why history has shown amazing examples of courage and sacrifice by people loving God. It make no sence to the physical person that counts cost of love.
Furthermore, that is why people that have a personal relationship with God and His Son cannot be understood by people that don't. Knowledge is not enough nor is knowledge a personal relationship. And that is why Christ stated that he would send his followers a comforter in the Holy Spirit that would teach them all things. And that is why people that have the Holy Spirt can see God and feel His love for them and it is as real as a Fathers love for His children. That is, the Holy Spirit can't be seen but felt and it comforts doubts and fears.
With a Christain that has Gods Spirit there is a peace that surpass all knowledge. But to a physical person wanting an iron clad contract with God, that is, finding fault toget out of the contract. The child of God understand that words can get in the way of a relationship, but love is trust and love never fails. Love does not require a contract because it is base on love not on performace.
And that is why Christain will always look foolish they not only have faith but they give God trust and He reveals Himself too them and walks with the daily. Trust activates God's love as it does in any relationship.
And that is why there is no evidence, fact or argument that can distroy a child of God's faith. The real problem is people on this site put their faith into the Watchtower Society. That faith was destroyed by logic and facts so they must assumes that there is no faith and they assume again that has something to do with God and Christ.