At least it will produce something you can eat and survive
JoinedPosts by writetoknow
Inspection of Emotions 1919
by writetoknow ininspection of emotions 1919. .
according to the teachings of jehovah witnesses starting somewhere around 1914 the first world war christ returned and upon his return he started the inspection of the modern day virgin class.
after a serve period of testing god chose his faithful and discreet slave class out of all religion on earth.
Faith vs Accurate Knowledge
by writetoknow inalthough that organization may presently be under going a name change do to recent sex scandals plaguing the group.. .
basing their doctrinal teaching of accurate knowledge from john17: 3 of the new world translation.
however, other translation put the verse this way: and this is eternal life; to know thee, the only true god and jesus christ whom thou hast sent.
Exactly Perry - It so much simpler that way.
Inspection of Emotions 1919
by writetoknow ininspection of emotions 1919. .
according to the teachings of jehovah witnesses starting somewhere around 1914 the first world war christ returned and upon his return he started the inspection of the modern day virgin class.
after a serve period of testing god chose his faithful and discreet slave class out of all religion on earth.
He chose (according to JW’s) those associated with the Watchtower Bible Tract Society because they were the only ones on earth sincerely seeking the truth.
What biblical truth “accurate knowledge” can be found to support this doctrinal teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses – none!
Moreover, if you have read the publication during that period they reveal that the inspection period was based on “emotions” rather then fact. That’s right! The group of persecuted Christian (International Bible Student) then associated with the society wanted an explanation for the testing they were going through at the time.
Imagine if you will today a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses coming up with a new teaching based on emotions, that is, trying to make their feelings prove God was working through them, thus, bring forth a new truth. They would be label apostates and thrown out of the organization.
Imagine again hearing of a group that’s not Jehovah’s Witnesses using the same method to reveal “new light”. What would Jehovah’s Witnesses call a group like that?
Rather or not Jehovah’s Witnesses act on faith in Jesus Christ is an on going debate, but there is no question that the whole organization stand on an act of faith based on human emotions translated into the now days doctrine for the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
. -
name change??
by isaacaustin inin the post on faith vs accurate knowledge writetoknow posted this:.
"upon gaining this accurate knowledge of the scriptures they can then be baptized into the organization of jehovahs witnesses.
although that organization may presently be under going a name change do to recent sex scandals plaguing the group.".
There is a discussion on this forum under "watchtower name going away" The society of Jehovah's Witnesses has over the last hundred years change various names for legal reasons.
This becomes or should become a serious matter for people dedicating themselves into and oraganzation rather then being baptized in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. For some of us old enough to remember being correctly baptized meant eternal life.
Younger groups of JW's don't seem toget it, that is, how important it is not to dedicate one self to an organization but rather God.
The uses of the WatchTower and Bible Tract Society is being put away in favor of other names for legal reasons?
It seems strange that a Jehovah's Witnesses my be dedicating themselves to a legal corporation that will no longer be here in a few years. Where as God and His Son and the Holy Spirit will continue forever.
Faith vs Accurate Knowledge
by writetoknow inalthough that organization may presently be under going a name change do to recent sex scandals plaguing the group.. .
basing their doctrinal teaching of accurate knowledge from john17: 3 of the new world translation.
however, other translation put the verse this way: and this is eternal life; to know thee, the only true god and jesus christ whom thou hast sent.
Perry absoluate correct your post are wonderful and full of faith. A condition of freedom given through the Holy Spirit. Peace with God well stated very few of Jehovah's Witnesses experience that peace. The constant wrangling in their own thoughts ought to bear witnesses that something is wrong.
Thank you for your wonderful post
Faith vs Accurate Knowledge
by writetoknow inalthough that organization may presently be under going a name change do to recent sex scandals plaguing the group.. .
basing their doctrinal teaching of accurate knowledge from john17: 3 of the new world translation.
however, other translation put the verse this way: and this is eternal life; to know thee, the only true god and jesus christ whom thou hast sent.
Analogy: people that date online there is a process that they go through usually. First they gather as much information about the other person, that is. 1.) to see if they are compatible, and 2.) to protect themselves from a bad date or entering into a bad relationship.
Once both people have gain enough knowledge they will meet first by phone then in a date. Gaining of knowledge is the first step to the relationship if there are no red flags the second date will be arranged and so on…
Over a period of time through association “personal” association they both will come to an accurate knowledge of the other person this may take years.
Without a personal association there is no accurate knowledge of the other person. Jehovah’s Witnesses have the knowledge of God but not the personal association with Him or His Son. In other words, they have gather information to find out about Christ and Jehovah, but they never gone on the date to move the relationship to knowing them personally.
The description for them is the so-called labeling “knowing God” as “accurate knowledge” believing that this is a personal relationship with God and His Son required though Holy Spirit. The self-deception grows as their knowledge of scriptures increase to the point they can win most arguments regarding basic bible doctrine.
To run the analogy further, it as if you continually gather facts about the person you want to date until you are burden with facts and it creates a fear of every meeting the person in person. But when someone ask you about the person you command a great deal of facts about them convincing people you actually know them personally. That is why when Jehovah’s Witnesses find something that contradicts their facts it is devastating to their faith in the GB
They have moved no further then an attorney does with law, that is, they know the law that their client is under but they are divorced of personal relationship because it is against attorney rules to get involved with their clients.
Subsequently, the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses have forbidden them from getting involved with God through His Holy Spirit. Moreover, their so called accurate knowledge convince them it would be a sin to accept the Holy Spirit as required of the anointed class represented by their governing body.
They are confound and confused when someone can act out of faith for God without having to go to a legal book to see if their act of faith is legal. -
Faith vs Accurate Knowledge
by writetoknow inalthough that organization may presently be under going a name change do to recent sex scandals plaguing the group.. .
basing their doctrinal teaching of accurate knowledge from john17: 3 of the new world translation.
however, other translation put the verse this way: and this is eternal life; to know thee, the only true god and jesus christ whom thou hast sent.
I am really please that the post is getting attention. What brought the subject up was another post about JW's and Armageddon, that is, do they want people destroyed at Armageddon?
The whole subject of people being destroyed because they don't have perfect knowledge through the Org needs to be addressed. I feel it is shameful and sad to think if we have 90% accurate knowledge and another group has 75% and so on the people with 90% will make it but the rest won't?
Somehow, thats ok! It goes to show you how sick the human mine can get through control and false reasoning on the scriptures.
When the gift of grace/underserved kindness is so great for us sinners how could one want to judge such matters.
Faith vs Accurate Knowledge
by writetoknow inalthough that organization may presently be under going a name change do to recent sex scandals plaguing the group.. .
basing their doctrinal teaching of accurate knowledge from john17: 3 of the new world translation.
however, other translation put the verse this way: and this is eternal life; to know thee, the only true god and jesus christ whom thou hast sent.
Jehovah Witnesses state that “accurate knowledge” is the “key” to gaining eternal life in a new world paradise.
Upon gaining this accurate knowledge of the scriptures they can then be baptized into the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Although that organization may presently be under going a name change do to recent sex scandals plaguing the group.
Basing their doctrinal teaching of “accurate knowledge” from John17: 3 of the New World Translation. However, other translation put the verse this way: And this is eternal life; to know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. The Berkeley Version.
Because of this doctrine Jehovah’s Witnesses are not truly baptized into Christ nor are they any longer baptized under the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit , but rather they are under the legal organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. My contention is, they have elevated “accurate knowledge” to the place of Christ. Thus, the worship of “accurate knowledge” translates into eternal life by being a baptized members of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
Thus, to survive the end of the world and go through Armageddon and receive eternal life comes through the “accurate knowledge” of scriptures rather then accepting Christ as our savoir. In other words, it is accurate knowledge that obligates God to protect the group through the Great Tribulation and Armageddon rather then faith in the blood of Christ. (correctly stated in Revelation: being washed in the blood of the lamb; which means salvation)
Jehovah’s Witnesses are dubiously required to put their faith in the governing body because according to their teachings the GB are the only group on earth that can accurately explain the scriptures. Thus, to disagree with the teachings of GB is equivalent of rejecting God and Jesus Christ.
Subsequently, if the governing body changes a doctrinal teaching or they fail in one of their many predictions it is devastating to the faith of those that worship the “god of accurate knowledge” . Where as bible Christian accepted Christ as the one and only savior and the Holy Spirit was to teach them to know God the Father and His Son.
However, for Jehovah’s Witnesses it is the end of their faith in “accurate knowledge” translated to mean the governing body.
This so called “accurate knowledge” set a standard for JW’s to teach all of mankind will be destroyed at the end of the world because they lack or don’t have this so called “accurate knowledge” processed by Jehovah’s Witnesses alone. This teaching is the moral equivalent of Hitler’s superior race.
In psychology 101 we learn of a study that was conducted with school children where one group of children wore a red ban on their arm and another group blue ban. They were told by some one in authority { in this case a school teacher] that the blue ban children where superior and that the reason they were given the blue ban. While the red ban children were inferior and that why they wore a red ban.
The out come made history and it showed how cruel people become when they believe they are superior to others due to knowledge allowing them to judge others harshly. There is no wonder why Jehovah’s Witnesses come under abject submission of the leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses. To maintain a superior position over other groups they are force to defend and have an answer to every verse in the bible because their faith in eternal life depends on “accurate knowledge”. Where as early Christian lived by faith in Christ Jesus - fully understood God as love and had provided them away of coming into close personal association with the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit. They did not worship at the altar of “accurate knowledge” which confounds Jehovah Witnesses as a lack of faith.
Thus, Christian of the bible concerned themselves with perfecting their faith in the living Word of God Christ Jesus which produced the fruits of God Spirit marked by love. The fruits of the Spirit proved they have come to “know” God and Christ intimately and accurately. -
When it all started for me.
by Anti-Christ injust felt like sharing this with you all.
i was thinking about what started my big doubts with the wt doctrine.
i remember often questioining certain things but the biggest doubt was when i started some research in the wt literature about a subject i knew a lot about.
For me it was bring someone to a meeting full of joy and then in a few months the person would becomes so burden with rights and wrongs they'ed lose there joy and just stop coming. I never got it I knew something was wrong and of course justified it as we learn to do as JW"S.
I always assumed problems were on the congrecational level as you went up to the top things were better. So it was easy to justify the inconsistency with the teachings. I had a close friend who I admired alot he had been disfellowship and we started talking he offered me the crisis of conscience book.
As an elder I had rally against this book we had had a number of people read it and walk away from the organzation. I assumed that Jehovah had cut them off for being disloyal to the GB. But I was ready after seeing so much bad treatment and dishonest among the elders.
Upon reading the book ; I had to stop every few pages; overwhelmed with grief for my blindness and the many people I had brought into the org. which I believed was the only truth on the planet earth. I found I could not assoicate or stay with them any longer. I realized after reading the book and others books there was going to be no reforming or changing or cleaning up of the org as many have thought to justify not leaving.
I found it hard to admit I was wrong moreover I found it equally hard realized I had been so deceived. And the worst of for me was the shame I felt realizing the many people I had sincerely mislead and hurt.
I am amazed that a group can feed you information to the point of believing that you are an independent thinker and at the same time be controlling every thoughts through indoctrination. At first it puts you on very shaky legs. I now have come to realize it is human nature and all of us go through it to a greater or lesser degree depending on which group we associate with.
Aren't we really the pioneers?
by purplesofa inwe are blazing through the time we live in, seeking freedom from the oppression around is, in us, through us.
we are opening our minds to new ways of thinking, feeling, living, sharing.. it's not easy, we pay a price, for some of its much higher than others.
we suffer alone, endure hardships, bear the truth and it's consequences.. there is no new land to conquer, no nations to be born, no places to run to any longer.
I think that search ends in belonging when we can trust God has always been there for us. And our lives are not chance but directed into new experience and people. Most of those people are issues dealing with control in someway. Learnig to thank God for the blessings that come from those experiences and forgiving those that control us.
Understanding it is exactly what was told us at some point in our hearts that we always knew that we must conquer in this life through faith in God. Learning that we must never subject our freedom to anyone on earth; knowing we knew but could not understand until it was God's timing. Understanding that our preconceive thoughts and ideas our not God's thoughts and never were. Learning that what ever condemns even our own hearts God always encourages us and forgive us when we can not understand or forgive ourselves.
Some how knowing that every person must learn the same lessons that we are going through and although promises seem to have been delayed they are always moving forward and being fulfilled opposite our ways but the way the should be.
Instinctively knowing we are being taught mercy in areas of life where we do not want to go, but are made too. Although we are alone we are made to deal with problems not of our own making and when we stop defending we are defended.
Some how letting go we are taken and care for resting in faith, but can't. Understanding all things but not understanding the world around us.