To be properly counted, you would need to be a publisher. This means either being regular for the past 6 months, or being a new publisher (and yes, they count unbaptized publishers as publishers) and having time every month since becoming approved or the past 6 months, whichever comes first. And lying about your time is not acceptable, nor is having someone else filling a fake time slip in your behalf good enough.
I would also add that people, to count, must have a genuine belief in the arrangement and be in line, according to their own theology, for salvation. This means that anyone that turns in time but would be destroyed, under their own theology, would not count. It also means those just doing the time would not count. Nor would they count if they are in it simply because it is a free pass to be a tyrant. Under their own theology, such are not to be counted because they would not survive Armageddon.
Using these additional guidelines, you would have well under a million. Most of them are either in it so they can be tyrants (and abusing children is a form of tyranny, especially doctrinal abuse), to look good (and many of those putting in 80 or 90 monthly hours are doing it for self righteous reasons), or because they are under pressure. Taking these out of the picture, you are not going to have anywhere near 8 million.