This "theory" pushes the blame for all of our problems, including any asteroid strikes on earth, on the white race and silences any discussion otherwise. God's "chosen", or god itself, tries enslaving us, it is the white race's fault. Black on Asian crime, white's fault. A new virus, it is white's fault. The dollar becomes toilet paper because the banks steal the purchasing power, white's fault. Your wages stagnate because big conglomerates refuse to part with more of their power, white's fault. Garbage in the streets because of slobs, white's fault. Mercury retrograde, white's fault. The reptilians blow up the earth, white's fault. Nothing white people do can ever be any good.
And, that is on top of the fact that schools need to be teaching the basics, not lies. We are firing teachers for teaching the basics instead of this garbage, and then we wonder why we are losing science at an alarming velocity. At this rate, within 20 years we will believe that the earth is flat, and that the white race is responsible for every single problem we face (and, to the extent that it is not true, we will never solve them).
I understand that the core responsibility for schools is to teach people to read, to write, to do arithmetic, and to use basic science to learn about the world around them. This they cannot do if they teach fake history, they keep teaching the outdated doctrine of how Hitler slaughtered so many and that we need to perennially pay for it, how early America oppressed blacks and we need to perennially pay for it, or other doctrines that are either outdated, false, or simply not that important in this day. At the same time, we are not going to figure out how to clean up the mess moving forward, and 100 years from now (if there is even a white race to heap blame on), we are going to have the same problems then as now, with many worse ones on top of it.
To me, this is not that much better than the jokehovian doctrines that all men are inherently evil, and that all problems are the results of someone seeking knowledge of good and bad, and that we must perennially pay for it. It is not going to solve the problems, and joke-hova is only going to heap debt on top of debt in the name of "solving" the problem. Instead of a paradise for us, we will have a paradise for joke-hova and its filthy reptilians on this earth. Instead, we need to look past the past, figure out where we are now, and how to improve our situation in the future--and this political correctness is only going to stop that from happening.