And wait until 2035. Using 1914 as the start of this, and that joke-hova cursed us so we cannot live past age 120 (that abomination even put this directly in that filthy bible), that would take us to the year 2034. We are not going to see Armageddon, as the washtowel paints it, by then.
What we are seeing is mandatory coronavirus vaccination, where only the RFID chips will suffice as proof that you are vaccinated and up to date with your boosters. And those RFID chips will strip us of all ability to have independent thoughts--get out of line, and they will forcibly steer you right back in line and/or suspend your vaccination updates. We will ultimately be enslaved, with no hope of ever gaining our humanity back. This, unlike this washtowel Armageddon, is easy enough to track just by looking at how many places are making it impossible to live without the shots.
And no, joke-hova is not going to save anyone. That thing is responsible for these mandatory vaccinations (and no, the Amazon "shot" will not count toward this) and having the RFID chip being the only acceptable proof (that cannot be faked, as a fake vaccine card is easy to purchase or print, and a fake phone "proof" is easy enough for an expert computer programmer to create). And for sure, no one became jokehovian witlesses hoping to be vaccinated with torture shots and RFID chipped to enforce this and all the other Noahide laws.