And much of that "hypocrisy" is forced. One is expected to put on an outwardly pious appearance, and preach things they didn't really believe in. (And this is worse now that there are fewer articles to choose from.) You got a rag against fornication? Most people will not go along with that, because the rules go against the rules of nature. I had a miserable time when that was the feature article, and preferred to feature a secondary article or the Asleep! rag when a no-fornication article was the main feature. (I did, however, have a much easier time with no-smoking articles since smoking goes against nature).
However, those who write these articles are reprehensible. You write up something that goes against nature and force it upon the whole organization, you bind yourself to that rule. Whether it be the fornication issue, or something to do with not having any money or property or mandatory coronavirus shots, those writing up these things are forcing those in the field to preach things they may not believe in and that go against nature. Then some are going to just go along with nature, forcing them to act out of harmony with what they are preaching. Others are going to repress their natural drives, and then force it on the remainder of the congregation. And, which of these the hounders in your local congregation choose is going to determine how strict they are. If the lead hounder represses his natural drives, it will be forced on everyone else.