Had a part in the August KM about the importance of the BS, and who it helps us to get close to one another, its more intimate, and the BSO gets to know the spiritual health of the flock, he can work along with them and help them in the FS, *which is crap, never once has he offered to help me.*
Also they have everyones phone, email or mobile number in case of emergancies, or natural catastophies, that is good and can be practical especially if you are old, ill disabled and are on youre own.
So I can't see that they would get rid of the BS group. I actually don't mind it, as I sneak some little beuts in sometimes, always using the insight book though huh.
I think they should cut of at least 1/2 hr of the TMS, it really is a burden especially on those that have to work and families with young kids, we don't get home until 10 o'clock at night, and ones that are old and disabled it really is a nuicence, cant see any need to see demonstrations of offering the WT at the doors, they already have the sugestions on the back of the KM anyways. The bible reading and maybe a bible disgussion and info for our local territory thats it.