The Gods Must Be Crazy
JoinedPosts by kurtbethel
What's the greatest movie no-one's ever heard of?
by rory-ks inyou know, that film you really love, but when you mention it everyone's, like, "eh?".
i'll get the ball rolling.
for me: ulee's gold..
Jesus washing feet in underwear or naked?
by John_Mann injohn 13:4,5. got up from the evening meal and laid aside his outer garments.
and taking a towel, he wrapped it around his waist.. after that he put water into a basin and started to wash the feet of the disciples and to dry them off with the towel that was wrapped around him.. .
the wt "translates" himatia as outer garments but some other translations says just clothes.. if he were wearing just an underwear, why wrap a towel around the waist?
And David found his love for Jonathan to be greater than his love for women.
So what's your point?
Wifey is getting into audiobooks...
by Captain Obvious inso i'm a huge audible fan.
i'm always plowing through an audiobook about history, religion, science or money.
imo, no one could ever read/listen to my library and continue to be religious or ignorant of natural history.
Very cool. Depending on your library and listening device, you can check out audiobooks from your library online. There is also a lot of public domain stuff available through Librivox.
Here's some free audio book for you.
Saw Son Of God today
by KariOtt inhubby and myself saw son of god today.
it was fantastic.
hubby was silent on the way home.
It was okay. The presentation was of a good looking rockstar Jesus, who incidentally could do magic tricks and raise a guy from the dead. He stood out as a European among middle eastern looking people. The Jews come off looking like total tools, specially Caiaphas. Then there was over half of the movie devoted to a Gibson Lite treatment, less gory but still graphic violence and torture. There was much more that could have been front loaded into this, like the water into wine bit, and other scenes, but the director decided to give the passion part of the story a major treatment. This is okay, in fact I like different aspects like those found in Jesus Christ Superstar and Last Temptation. The movie flows along well from one scene to the next, never plodding. If it was on Netflix I would give it 3 stars, maybe 4.
I had one problem with it. I liked the music a lot and was amazed because I recognized it as Bear McCreary's music. He did Battlestar Galactica and Walking Dead. I looked for him in the credits and was stunned to see he didn't do the music. Well he actually did, but it was credited to someone else who blatantly lifted his music. That's kinda naughty.
One last thing. Parts of it could annoy a JW. Evidently, Judas was a partaker, despite the blatant lie that the Watchtower made up about him not partaking. Oh well, too bad for them.
Any 'Breaking Bad' fans?
by keyser soze ini finally got caught up with it on netflix, and now it's ending.. predictions for sunday night's finale?
i find myself not really caring what happens to walt.
but i'm definitely rooting for something good to happen to jesse, anything at all..
Just started, amost done with season 2. Stay tuned.
Are JW's Fundamentalist Christians
by What is Truth? intop ten signs you're a fundamentalist christian.
10 - you vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.. .
9 - you feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the biblical claim that we were created from dirt.. .
Fundamentalist Watchtowerites.
If you want to make it personal, they are Morrisites, Splaneites, or best of all, Lettites. Sounds Biblical.
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
Words don't mean what they mean if someone needs them to mean something else.
Someone who uses that standard cannot be trusted when they are using words, since you can never have any certainty of what they are meaning at any given time.
I want my donations back!
by Hortenzie ini want to ask wt for my donations back.
i live in canada and i have income tax receipts from them so i can prove how much i gave them.... anybody ever tried something like that or heard about somebody doing it?
what approach should i take?.
If you want your money back, you need to keep in mind that they use crafty words and never promised you anything or any performance for your donation of money, time and labor.
At best, they offer you a prospect of living forever on Paradise Earth. There is no was to disprove that offer. When you go into a casino you have a prospect of winning a jackpot. If you don't, you can't get a refund for that. You were a member of the casino religion.
Perhaps you can write a book and recover your money from revenue. Best wishes.
If you wrote book about JW's what title would you give it?
by LogCon inmany, after leaving or being cast out of 'the society,' have felt so strongly so as to write a book.
some well thought out and good reading.. my questions are the following:.
if you were to write such a book what title would you give it ?.
The Rise and Fall of the Watch Tower Society: The Corporation That Pretended to be a Religion