What I have learned about JW's has eclipsed the lies they taught.
I love eclipses and anything to do with Space, astronomy and the night sky.
I too loved watching Star Trek TNG, and Voyager, Miss 8572. - great nic!
a few days ago someone asked me what my name meant, 'miss 8572.
as an unabashed star trek fan i find all the references to the witnesses as "the borg" on this site really charming.
when coming up with my name i just thought "what is anti-borg?
What I have learned about JW's has eclipsed the lies they taught.
I love eclipses and anything to do with Space, astronomy and the night sky.
I too loved watching Star Trek TNG, and Voyager, Miss 8572. - great nic!
this past weekend, we met a new couple in our campground, and the conversation soon came 'round to the supernatural.
the lady said she has had quite a few supernatural experiences, and that she plays her own home-made version of the ouija board.
my husband was all excited and begged her to play .
Warlock, I will.
Want me to shut up?
this past weekend, we met a new couple in our campground, and the conversation soon came 'round to the supernatural.
the lady said she has had quite a few supernatural experiences, and that she plays her own home-made version of the ouija board.
my husband was all excited and begged her to play .
If you had the opportunity to use a Ouija board what questions would you ask?
I would ask:
Do you want to be here?
Would you mind answering some questions?
Is there was a God?
What is God's real name?
Are you the son of an angel and a woman?
What is your name?
How long have you been on earth?
Is the great tribulation prophesy for our day?
Was John's Revelation for our modern day?
Is the 144,000 with God in heaven right now?
Is Jesus God?
Is Jesus God's son?
Will there be a paradise on earth?.
When will I die?
wow.............caught a programme about them today...........now there is a normal bunch..........not.........what a bunch of loon's.. these people wear t shirts with 'god hates fags' written across them.................. they were enough to put you off god and religion forever.. anybody else come across them?.
Sounds like a wonderfully openminded loving religion. Fred Phelps needs to have a lobotomy stat.
as of june 1st 2007..many canadians will not be purchasing gas from petro-canada.....why?.....to start a price war.....this will drop the price of gas in this country.....a question for my fellow canadians..will you be participating?
Mary is correct, buying a vehicle that doesnt depend on gas the primary source of fuel will hurt the fuel companies the most.
But I would boycott Petro-Canada just for the fun of it.
Rutherford looked nothing like Russell. And Ruthurford was an alcoholic, woman hating, egomaniac, narcissistic asshole. Russell was not.
My friends reacted the very same way....and my family, and my brothers and sisters...it's not their fault they are so thoroughly brainwashed.
I can't blame them since I would of reacted the VERY same way just 3 years ago.
They may come around....just always be there for them, always show love and respect.
You can show them how happy you are being out of the cult.
this past weekend, we met a new couple in our campground, and the conversation soon came 'round to the supernatural.
the lady said she has had quite a few supernatural experiences, and that she plays her own home-made version of the ouija board.
my husband was all excited and begged her to play .
A person who already believes in God is targeted by the Ouija board (demons) in order to skewer their beliefs in God/religion. If someone is an atheist, then the demons have nothing further to do, they can move on to other people. - Junction-Guy
If anything, a demonic (good or bad) experience would reinforce the idea of ''god'' to a believer of god....not make them alter their beliefs, or disbelieve.
this past weekend, we met a new couple in our campground, and the conversation soon came 'round to the supernatural.
the lady said she has had quite a few supernatural experiences, and that she plays her own home-made version of the ouija board.
my husband was all excited and begged her to play .
Most adult don't play with ouija boards unless they're stone drunk... they also see purple elephants.
Hmm, ok, what if they were sober? and I've been drunk out of my skull and never once saw things that weren't there
no offence to the skeptics, as I highly respect the skeptics...it just seems close-minded to state that all paranormal activity is imagined
this past weekend, we met a new couple in our campground, and the conversation soon came 'round to the supernatural.
the lady said she has had quite a few supernatural experiences, and that she plays her own home-made version of the ouija board.
my husband was all excited and begged her to play .
Seeing things move that shouldnt be moving, isn't all in people's minds....how do you explain it?
guess until it happens to you, you will be a skeptic..understandable...