What's so impossible about loving someone you never met?
It's happened countless times, on here and on other forums...
it may even happen to you! you never know
i read how certain ones will profess their "love" for another poster---a poster that they probably never met in "real life".
is it me or does this strike you as almost impossible??
What's so impossible about loving someone you never met?
It's happened countless times, on here and on other forums...
it may even happen to you! you never know
please join in sending your prayers, good thoughts, reiki, healing vibes, lighting a candle or just taking a moment to think of all those named and unnamed who are fighting cancer or in any other need.
also their loved ones and caregivers.. - has been fighting mantle cell lymphoma for three years.
he received an allogeneic cell transplant and his latest blood and bone marrow results have shown no trace of cancer!!
every now and again i get a lil bee in my bonnet and i have to just blurt out stuff - so this one is on love....so many types of love out there today.
one can find it under any rock, in any nook...that is if you dont care what type of love you want, or the type of love you'll be giving.
if you are looking for it, aim to never settle for nothing but the best, not for left overs or scraps.
And when you find it, it changes your life, changes how you see the world,
It makes you feel safe, secure and at peace.
Love without fear...Love without expectations...Love without any strings
Feels wonderful when you give it away for free and feels like home when you receive it in return...
Makes me cry....
here is a link to torrents for the last two episodes.
Excellent observation, Eagle!
here is a link to torrents for the last two episodes.
Dexter is my favourite one hour series.
Love it. Love the characters. Very well done.
as much as i hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.. there are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.. those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.. those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.. you are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.. you can quit telling eryn to die already.
you can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.. you are pathetic.
people like you disgust me.
To all who have posted here:
I just wanted to thank everyone for all your love and support....Eryn was blown away and really thought she was invisible and an unknown member here, and you all have shown her that she is not, and how much she is loved and well thought of...
The member who sent her these emails is not a guest. They are a member. They got her email address off of her profile, which is not accessible to guests. They made references to her threads and posts that were specifically posted in the PRIVATE section.
Eryn had received some nasty emails back in October from a couple of members here who did not believe her because of the whole trevor thing. They know who they are. (There are some really nasty people in here but we all know that.)
She was devasted and crushed to say the least.
It is NOT trevor. He may have lied, but both Eryn and I feel that he did not do this. He wanted attention, but he is not cruel or mean.
This person is EVIL. We believe that this member is a woman.
If you are smart enough, you will not post on here again. You will NOT email her again.
Feel free to email me insteadyou have my email address.
as much as i hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.. there are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.. those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.. those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.. you are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.. you can quit telling eryn to die already.
you can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.. you are pathetic.
people like you disgust me.
I just wanted to reiterate what I stated before on page 1.
It backs up everything Angharad said.
I will not post the hater's email without explicit consent from Simon or the mods.
They are aware of this situation and I wanted to call this person out and see if they show their cowardly face here.
I doubt they will, but that person should know that their actions are not welcome and will not be tolerated.
If they want to email me, they are free to do so.
Just so everyone knows, they do not PM her, they email her to her email address that she had previously posted on her profile.
She has since taken out her email address.
This low-life emails her whenever there are threads or posts written in regards to erynw's wellbeing.
The mods do not know who this person is.
They keep using a different anonymous email address everytime they email her.
They are explicitly refering to specific threads and posts on JWD when they taunt her.
This is a member of JWD, but we do not know who it is.
Hopefully they will stop emailing her and get a life....
I hear that Karma is a real b*tch.
as much as i hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.. there are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.. those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.. those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.. you are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.. you can quit telling eryn to die already.
you can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.. you are pathetic.
people like you disgust me.
Please, everyone, I do not want a witch hunt. That was not my intent.
I do not know and erynw does not know who this person is, but it is not Trevor.
He has his issues, but in all of that time he was never mean or cruel to anyone.
Please do not attack him or anyone else without proof.
The reason I wrote this thread was to let that person know that Eryn has our support and love
and no amount of hatemails from them will ever stop that.
They cannot take away her dignity or her strength or her courage and our love.
She is a wonderful person, everything that person is not.
If they stop attacking her because of this thread, then my goal is accomplished.
Please do not attack anyone else, I implore you.
Thank you.
as much as i hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.. there are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.. those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.. those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.. you are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.. you can quit telling eryn to die already.
you can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.. you are pathetic.
people like you disgust me.
This thread is not in violation of board policy since I have not / will not post the hater's email without explicit consent from Simon or the mods.
They are aware of this situation and I wanted to call this person out and see if they show their cowardly face here.
I doubt they will, but that person should know that their actions are not welcome and will not be tolerated.
If they want to email me, they are free to do so.
Just so everyone knows, they do not PM her, they email her to her email address that she had previously posted on her profile.
She has since taken out her email address.
This low-life emails her whenever there are threads or posts written in regards to erynw's wellbeing.
The mods do not know who this person is.
as much as i hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.. there are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.. those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.. those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.. you are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.. you can quit telling eryn to die already.
you can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.. you are pathetic.
people like you disgust me.
As much as I hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.
There are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.
Those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.
Those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.
YOU are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.
You can quit telling Eryn to die already.
You can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.
You are pathetic. People like you disgust me. You are a useless waste of human flesh. You contribute nothing to humanity.
If you keep emailing her your cowardly emails, know this -
You cannot hurt her because she has more love in her little finger than you could ever wish to have in your entire body.
You are a coward since you hide your identity and you keep going to all that trouble of making a new addresses.
Do you not have a life that you have this perverse need to email a total stranger hatemail?
Seriously, that is SAD.
Some village is looking for their idiot, so I sent them your email addresses and told them to contact you.
And if you think that emailing her makes you tough or special,
try emailing me and we'll see what happens. eclipse _ exjw @ yahoo.com (no spaces)