Welcome Michael. Use that same logic and ask yourself , Would a loving God only allow the JW to survive and kill everyone else on earth simply because they did not feel like listening to two stranges knocking at their door on a Sunday morning? Also ask what message do they bring to the door? Is there a message or just a magazine or book placement? If JW were really interested in reaching as many people as possible because they truely believe that they are the only ones on earth that have the "truth" would they not use modern technology and the media to reach many people. Going from door to door may have been the only means of getting the message across in bible times but it's not very effective now.
I agree with that and it helps me in my thinking. It saddens me that you had to experience such a thing first hand without the help of others as everyones helping me.I'm really glad that I found this place to chat with you guys I'll respond more to tehse informative posts when I get back.... and.. I'm gonna post in a little while actually.. I just made insta plans for food, and my friend is bringing me over an New International version of the bible. I'l be back soon to post. Oh! and if anyones still interested, not to be selfish, but i can tell anotehr story of todays talk with Russ and what he said to me about how i'm starting to sway away more from the watchtower and how he thinks im "hoopy" and that i'm too wishy washy. I'll post in an hour or a bit longer.