I'll email you tomorrow morning and let you know a good place or two. you thinking nice restaurant?? or what?
I'll email you tomorrow morning and let you know a good place or two. you thinking nice restaurant?? or what?
nope LB, i'm from Firmbutte ;)
ok here goes - after 15 years of unimaginable shit (wait, you guys can imagine!
) and a tearful phone conversation tonight with my mother & father, my father is willing to sit & discuss jehovah's witnesses with me (he actually sounds open).
i left the borg when i was 17. my father is an elder.
with all due respect wildeflower but this is something i feel you need to be able to do on your own without anyone else telling you what to say. you have to know why you arent a witness and you should be able to give that reason for yourself.
i say this because in my humble opinion its our actions and attitude and expression that is going to win over our relatives if they are to be won over. its not going to be some quote from an apostate site or book. they wont even look at it. we all know that.
what you present to your father has to come from your heart and the bible. of course to present their double standards, wrongful policys, lies ect you need to know what the books and websites say but you really need to present it like you know it well and its coming from YOU not the others.
just my thoughts..good luck with your dad. i'm looking forward to your update.
theres another xjw in my area and i'm sure she'd love to hang out with us too (she doesnt post here much and i cant remember her screenname at the moment.
we could meet next weekend for a late lunch or dinner at one of the restaurants up in princeton and then go out from there..theres not as much to do as there would be in the city but i'm not really a city person myself. i'm up for whatever you all decide though.
princeton would be perfect for me... i work there.
i'm not too far from philly..
let me know if you get together for a philly gathering i'll definately come.
lilacs started a fluffy thread on what "men look for in a woman".
i think it only fair that we ladies have the opportunity to have our say!!!!!.
and.....it's time i had a fluff post.
Well, I'm not looking for a guy right now but if I was...
-Someone who is confident and secure with who he is.
-Must be flexible and openminded, not rigid and unwilling to explore change
-Someone who can teach me things and is willing to learn from me without feeling immasculine
-Someone who loves my son and enjoys spending time with him
-Someone who can make me smile
-Who can find beauty in little things
-Who can balance fun and excitement with quiet calm
thats about it for now...lol
has anyone ever spotted a gay cartoon character?
i firmly believe that peppermint patty in the "peanuts" cartoons was gay.
she was pretty much a tomboy and did you ever notice that patty's friend marcy always called her "sir" even though patty was a girl?
that skunk in the Disney flick Bambie definately had an obsession with Bambi. He blushed when Bambie called him 'flower' and said he liked it. He even named his kid after him. LOL
no thats not where my handle comes from either :)
ps. Jess, you have way too much time on you hands bud!
i remember skimming through a thread a while back that seemed to be some of your favorite songs and i thought i'd share one that has recently touched me.. its called 'i refuse to be lonely'.... i cant hold you.
cant hold you to the promises you made.
you wont be here tonight.
Ok Termite..i'll try it. Is this a little better? I'm in a better mood today..hope it shows. This is one of my all time favorite love songs..."meet me on the moon"
meet me on the moon
soon as you can
in the middle of the sky
you and i
riding on a cloud
soft as you please
we can sail upon the breeze
to the everlasting moment of love
oh i feel your symphony
so strong and so pure
it echos all through me
i am so sure
that we were meant to be here
sharing this love
we share
meet me on the moon
oh please dont be late
you know how i hate to wait
cause you're so great
flying to my love
thats what i need
so my spirit can be free
in the everlasting moment of love
oh i feel your symphony
so strong and so pure
it echos all through me
i am so sure
that we were meant to be here
sharing this love we share
you be my love
and i'll be yours too
as long as the sun warms the heavens
tell me you'll be my love
oh heres what we'll do
we'll skywrite our love through the heavens
the echos of joy
will sing through our lives
meet me
meet me on the moon
ps. also sung by phyllis hyman..man she was good. i miss her lots.
i remember skimming through a thread a while back that seemed to be some of your favorite songs and i thought i'd share one that has recently touched me.. its called 'i refuse to be lonely'.... i cant hold you.
cant hold you to the promises you made.
you wont be here tonight.
Welcome to the board Pamela,
I'm sorry to hear that you know what this song is really about. I think most people think its about breaking up with a boyfriend.
I hope things are going well for you now and that you are able to 'close that door and not live there anymore'. I am getting there since I've started getting to know the real God.
Take care and if you ever need to chat give me a holler.