I have been notified of an addition - see the bottom:
Who Appoints Elders and Congregational Servants?
1879 - Congregations by vote (1993PROC 054)
1919 - Jesus (1971WTWR 12 15 748-50)
1920s– After registering as a 'service organization', subject to WTBTS appointed Director (1993PROC 212)
1932 – Elective elder position abolished entirely (1993PROC 212)
1938 – President of WTBTS (1965WTWR 07 15 428)
1955 - Governing Body (for all congregation servants: confirmation of existing practice) (1955WTWR 06 01 333)
1959 – Holy Spirit (1959WTWR 06 01 339)
1965 - Anointed Remnant (1965WTWR 07 15 428)
1967 – Governing Body (1967WTWR 09 15 563, 1972WTWR 08 01 458)
1974 - Holy Spirit (1974WTWR 07 01 413)
1976 – Jehovah (1976WTWR 02 15 118)
1985 - Holy Spirit with the Governing Body (1985WTWR 08 01 31)
1993 – Governing Body (1993PROC 054)
1994 – Holy Spirit (1994WTWR 01 15 16-7)
1996 – Governing Body (1996WTWR 01 15 15)
1997 – Jehovah (1997WTWR 03 01 28)
2001 - "We don't care, as long as it is NOT US!" (Louisville Courier-Journal, Feb 4 2001: summary of attitudes of the Watchtower's legal representatives to the fact that the elders did not report to competent authorities serious child abuse of which they were aware)
(Silent Lambs Class)