Adamah and HB...
I think what bothers me, is that it would appear that we run a double standard when it comes to comparing secularists and religious people. I absoulutely find ANY type of molestation abhorrent, but I think we would be quick to tar and feather the WTS and individual JW's (or any other religious denomination) as condoning pedophilia even if it just involved "minor" groping. It just seems to me that some are more willing to be apologists for the "other side" by finding justification for their positions or statements.
I get what RD says about times being different, but certain types of behavior are inappropriate and likely harmful no matter what the era or time might be. I doubt highly that he is saying it is ok to molest children, but I still don't understand why it is even necessary or relevant for him to open a discussion on the relativism of sexual abuse.
Adamah, my mention of the judge differentiating on "types" of rape was more a reference to the "slippery slope" of assigning degrees to the crime rather than trying to make a direct comparison of rape versus molestation.
I would hope that people who support RD are just as balanced and open as they expect opponents of him to be.