mena pause can be a real pain both for her and for those around, but when she tells you to get something for you're depression why not tell her to get something for her menopause.
If that doesn't work I have a two bedroom unit.......
mena pause can be a real pain both for her and for those around, but when she tells you to get something for you're depression why not tell her to get something for her menopause.
If that doesn't work I have a two bedroom unit.......
part 1 is located here:
i moved to a neighboring congregation and my whole life and view of the witnesses changed.
it was a huge step above lakeview.
My friend and roommate became more and more controlling. Suddenly he decided I was addicted to the internet, unplugged the modem cable from the outlet, and taped it with electrical tape. This annoyed me, considering that I was PAYING for the service. When he wasn't home, I removed the tape and plugged back in. The next day, the plug was ripped from the wire. It occurred to me that I was living with a psycho, and moved in with my parents the same day.
B_D you are a saint the world will be a better place to have you, control of you is not you. welcome to yourself. some nice people in the org, but there are some real dickheads to.
the theme of last nites 'seinfeld' rerun.
it was a hoot!.
well.... do you fake them?.
No I haven't got the time to busy trying to
it's funny, cause i never thought i would do this.. not that i am engaged, or even dating anyone for that matter... but i *could*.. it's such a foreign concept to me... dating someone who isn't a witness.
who doesn't understand all this.. i don't know why, but it does kinda scare me.
i think that there are certain jw teachings that i will carry with me for a long time... and what if he doesn't get it?!.
hi veronica_mars
I married out of the troof and had a great almost 10 yrs, things fell apart not because of the religion, he didn't care and I went to all the meetings even had people coming to our home to study, it was someone from outside from his past that was the problem.
My point is that my sister has been married twice to brothers in the troof and she is now on her own both marriages turned out crap.
At my age now I just take one day at a time, I don't look or worry about it. If someone comes along weather they are in the troof or not and you can communicate and have a friend in them that is a better start than most. Attitude is the key. Good luck.
did you ever have a partner who sucked the joy out of your relationship because of their jealousy?
have you ever felt jealous?
surely we can all feel jealousy, it's just that the triggers are set differently for everyone.. i'll admit to having been jealous at times, my own insecurities got the better of me, but jealousy is truly corrosive and anyone who intentionally sets out to make their partner feel jealous needs a good smack on the bum!.
Jealousy is the one emotion that is mentioned in the bible in dramatic scenerios. Jehovah is a jealouse God. When they died all their thoughts their jealousy died with them. Jealousy is rotten to the bone. And so on.....
Jealousy is really one of the worst inflictions one can have, Cain killed Able because of his jealousy. Dare I say that Satan was jealous of Jesus, and this contirbuted to his downfall. Jealousy eats away at any goodness and is so destructive that the only way one can get over this evil is by love.
Love of God, love of oneself, love of one another, love of principle.
Feeling insecure is what makes one want to incite jealousy in the other and vice vera. To be jealouof another is not to have confidence in the other person for what ever reason.
(article link)
marijuana may increase psychosis risk, analysis says.
london, england (ap) -- using marijuana seems to increase the chance of becoming psychotic, researchers report in an analysis of past research that reignites the issue of whether pot is dangerous.
It does risk with someone addicted to dope for years, I can personally tell you this is true, not to mention my job and work with those that have been smoking this pchycotic drug for years. For those that have a bi/polar or other mental disorders that smoke this weed it is deadly.
After years of using this drug it does harm the mind and causes all sorts of mental problems including paranoia and shizaphrenia. It has been proven.
the age article:.
the youtube footage:.
good on him.......go go go go go
had enough of these political correct lunnies minority, feeding the brats, we cant say anything without being called rascist yet they say heaps and get away with....halilujah
and you know it don't matter anyway.
you can rely on the old man's money.
well, she lost the old man's money.
she doesn't know any better compete concrete
all of you who play guitar know that it is much harder to play and sing at the same time.
i was just wondering what are some of your favorites covers to do that to?.
heare are some of mine:.
I actually play the spoons.. and harmonica.
love the banjo and fiddle, I think some of the deep south music is tops.
love dylan
a recent thread got me thinking about authenticity of conversations that are retold via print or forums, etc.
i seem to remember when i read ray franz' book (it's been a while) that there were a lot of conversations he retold in great detail.
they were written as if those were the actual words spoken.
hiya startingover
Good topic,
Rather I see that the essence of what is writen is truth, but detail is added to emphasis a point that means so much to the teller, as they have live the emotion as well. If a wrong has been commited this is far more emotional and certain tears come through without being wet.
When something is suppose to be real, those that read it see it real when the emotion is added weather it be exagerated or not, some call it emotional blackmail others see it tears on paper. Whatever, facts should always be considered before one can take all the rest on board.