Also, I can't speak for mainstream Christians, but JWs don't believe that God is only love, all the time. His attribute of love is balanced with justice, wisdom, power, etc. Thus you cannot expect all his actions to be 100% love. ~~Apognophos
So true , it seems many are expecting "absolute love" from God at all times , when in fact in the final outworkings of things...
his "ultimate love" may somehow require that his other cardinal qualities come into play.
one of God's standards is that he sets the standards and we can't know exactly what his plans or thoughts are.~~Apognophos
Idealistically love shown by God would be absolute love
But consider God is taking pragmatic steps for the eternal welfare of all mankind for all time to come
pragmatic .... a word that describes a philosophy of "doing what works best given the circumstances " ....
thus His ultimate goal ..... restitution of mankind ....... ultimate love
ultimate ..". happening or coming at the end of a process, series of events, etc."
love , justice, wisdom & power
"But the greatest of these is love"