Caliber - Is it safe to assume that you make requests of god? Do you ever pray for things like good health, a safe journey or protection from harm? Do you make similar requests on behalf of others ?
Intercession means you are interceding—acting in prayer—on behalf of someone else. The person may be incapable of praying for himself. Perhaps he is on drugs or mentally confused . Perhaps the person is so sick he can't muster the energy to stay awake, let alone pray.
(intercession ) ... that they may have strength and comfort to cope..
(petitionary) for wisdom and strength to face the day
The prayer of faith, also known as petition prayer, is the prayer that most people think of when they use the term "prayer." Petition prayer is between you and God. It is you asking God for a particular outcome
In Luke 22:41-42 "And He [Jesus] was withdrawn from them [Peter, James and John] about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, 'Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.'"
He was praying, in effect, "If there is any other way to do this, let's do it that way." But the key for Jesus, and for us, is, "Nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done."
It is to be noted above that even Jesus did not presume or assume God would concede to his personal will
the Prayer of Binding and Loosing
Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Like all things in God's system, this type of prayer works only in line with God's Word and His laws. You cannot bind things willy-nilly. Binding a team to lose in the Super Bowl won't work any more than loosing someone to love you.
Any christian who does any of these things has destroyed all of your arguments over the last few pages. They believe that god intervenes daily and hourly in their lives and in the lives of millions of other christians.
Please note I am not asking how or if god answers your prayers, simply whether you make petitionary prayers. ~~Cofty
I try to express gratitude for needs of the day... I do not expect divine intervention to keep me from physical harm
"unforeseen befall them all" ... I pray for strength so in this sense I guess I pray for health and wellbeing