hey knoght,
welcome to the board.
JoinedPosts by freddi
i am new
by knight ini have read the various posts here an i have my own story to tell i amstill a witness not as active as i used to be but stillfaithful i think the main problem that jws have is that they put c.o's m.s's elders and the like on pedestals and when you do that you set yourself up for a letdown and when that person does something you dont think is right you are letdown but one should not let this block his/her relationship with jehovah.
I cryed today...
by silentlambs ini recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
i agree. it is time to move on. you have generated enough responses.you certainly struck a chord within me. i don't know if this was a plan of yours or what but anyway. let it go.you need to learn more about the subject from a so called "worldly" sort of view. i just hope that all those who have gone through this experience get the much deserved assistance that they need.
love to all who have been subjected to such humiliation. there is more out there than guilt. strive for it!
peace -
I cryed today...
by silentlambs ini recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
hang on in there. you will never forget what happened and you never should but try your best to fill your life with the beauty of life that we can make for ourselves if you only try. i also struggle with thoughts from my past and many times i feel bad about it but later for that. i have to move on. why let my abuser ruin more of my life. i will not give him the priviledge. shake it off!!! you have the strength within.
peace -
I cryed today...
by silentlambs ini recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
i am so happy to hear that you and your daughter found the courage to survive such an ordeal. i know that it will always be a part of you and your daughter but at least we can rely on the love from Jehovah. we know that he would never betray us; whether we are in the kingdom hall or not. i am glad that you are off the prozac. Jehovah's love, good therapy and some beautiful friends and loved ones is all that you need. not even the elders can save themselves so you have no need of returning to the hall. go on with your and be happy!
peace -
I cryed today...
by silentlambs ini recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
how can you say that a pedophile is not a child molester? how can you approve of the accused not being brought up on charges if he goes to the elders and confess? as a survivor of molestation i am deeply offended. i remember when i finally made it known to my mother about what was happening to me. it was humiliating. she made me leave the house to live on the street. i was branded by my family as a habitual liar all because this person was so respected by everyone in the community. he worked with children in grammar school. he was head of the p.t.a. he was at every function. he took care of his family to the utmost. all in all does make him a good person? he even broke down to me and apologized in his own perverted way on my wedding day. he claimed that his only crime was loving me too much. WHAT!!!!!! please.
my friend's abuser was a ministerial servant in the kingdom hall and he still is. the elders chose to believe that he was not lying just because he was and still is so well respected. DIGUSTING!!!!!!!
abuse takes place everywhere. it doesn't matter if the hand of god is supposed to guard an organization, but i do know that molesters can be men or women in the world or even in the kingdom hall. therefore, you should not blind yourself. the cases of it being lower amongst j.w.'s, yeah right. tell me something else.
wake up and smell the coffee. fast!!! -
Door To Door? Not At Heathrow!
by Englishman inall this talk about whether door to door work is fruitful or not has really got me thinking.. so i was wondering, (a) how many jw's or ex's here were actually converted on the door, and (b) how many jw's or ex's here ever obtained a convert on the door?.
i made 2 converts whilst a jw, but 1 was the son of an interested person, the other was a wayward son of a weak sister so i get a zero.. my dad worked at london heathrow as an air traffic controller, he got 6 other controllers to join up, so if you're arriving in the uk, don't fly apostasy airways!
for all his frequent bouts of vac pioneering, i don't think that he ever pulled a live one off the doors, so he gets a zero too.. my mum was quite a puller in her time but they were all friends of friends who came to sit in on bible studies etc, so, sorry mater, you get a zero also.. as a matter of fact, i'm wondering if the door to door work isn't completely pointless!.
hey there;
when i was a teenager and very zealous in the truth, i managed to get my best friend,who was jewish, to believe in Jesus on her deathbed. i didn't talk about Jehovah at all just about the love that Jesus would have for her if she would only believe in Him and believe in the hope that she would be resurrected. before she died, she finally realized that Jesus is truely the Messiah. i prayed with her in the name of Jesus and then she peacefully passed away. ask anyone in the kingdom hall if they thought that she would be saved and they would say no. ask me and i will tell you what i was taught before i started going to the kingdom hall. all one has to do is confess in their hearts that they give their heart to Him and that is all you need. will she be shown mercy and will Jehovah remember her name? i really think that He will. who are we to judge.
R.I.P. Rose - shalom
peace to all -
To StiLLinTruth
by LoneWolf inthis is only the second post that i've made on this board, so i hope that by posting this a second time, that i'm not violating some rule that i'm unaware of.
if i am, then i apologize to all.. however, this answer to stillintruth is on the fourth page of his last post, and i want to make sure he and as many others as possible can see it.. you will note that i sign my real name to the bottom of this.
that is meant as an open challenge to any and/or all to do something about it.
i am starting to think that you are not a jw at all. you just want a place to start people chatting because you have nothing better to do. how can you find so much time if you are so dedicated? how do you read anything other that what you are told and lived to tell elders about it. you would have benn dfd way before now. i know the org myself and i know that they have their faults but keeping someone in the truth so that he can act like an overseer of the internet is too far fetched. it seems to me like you want to have us respond to you because you don't have a life. -
by MacHislopp ini have something that puzzles me, i'll try to explain:.
first part: let's go back in time: 1879, 1880, 1880:.
*** yb75 38 united states of america part one.
hoo hum:
come on. let's move on. -
Hang-ups about sex
by jelly ini have not really thought this out yet but i was thinking after reading another post.
what exactly did jesus say about sex?.
the only things i can remember about jesus was that he revealed his messiahship to a woment that had multiple husbans (lovers), for married men to not lust after other women, and in his linage was a former prostitute.. .
i have to disagree with that line of thought. mind you i love sex like any other red-blooded woman but the Jesus thing being laid?
we do have freedom of speech.
peace -
Goodbye and i want to say thanks
by nogs inthis is my farewell message.
i just want to say thanks to the number of people who i have spoken to and share stories with, i thought i was the only one who left for the reasons i did but i have met many and they have strenghened me in my life course now, basically i had never looked up witnesses before and was thinking about returning to the borg when i found this site, you all made me see that it would be like going backwards.
i feel strong now and will be not returning to this site, mainly as i want to let the past stay in the past, wts is the past and while i keep re-hashing it it will always affect my life.. thanks all.
good luck. :):):):):):)Hi All!!!
I am an inactive JW. The last time that I have been to a Kingdom Hall is about 11 yrs ago but I still try to keep up with what is going on with the society. I am happy to have found this site. Once again, "Hello to all."