coincidence, i feel annointed as you claim me to be not as the w/t claims. to tell the truth, i am a woman who decided to leave the organization on her own. instead of feeling independence to this day, i still feel a sense of guilt because i left. don't know when that is going to leave me. i feel much comfort when i listen to tapes that i purchase from randy of free minds. his tapes and my prayers give me strength to walk out there and not feel like i am an evil spawn when ever i see a former j.w. but i still feel hurt. that is the many yrs of programming. cult, ya see. i shouldn't still feel this way but i do and i know that the w/t is false.l it is the yrs of conditioning. at least, praise God, i know that i am being decieved. may the many leave the organization before it is too late like they used to tell us.
JoinedPosts by freddi
tuesday or wedsneday?
by freddi intuesday - (this is when i observed jesus' last supper)
jesus ate an evening meal with his disciples, at the beginning of nisan 14, biblical reckoning, and instituted the nes covenant's symbols.
matthew 26:26-28) jesus was then betrayed by jesus, arrested and during the night brought before the high priest.
tuesday or wedsneday?
by freddi intuesday - (this is when i observed jesus' last supper)
jesus ate an evening meal with his disciples, at the beginning of nisan 14, biblical reckoning, and instituted the nes covenant's symbols.
matthew 26:26-28) jesus was then betrayed by jesus, arrested and during the night brought before the high priest.
Hello Coincidence, I am a she and not a he. thank you. peace and love, freddi p.s. whenever the vernal equinox falls, the day that we should observe the dinner is not on the night of the Passover. They argued that Christ be taken down from the cross and buried so as not to interfere with the Passover, not the regular Sabbath. So Christ, no matter what day of the week Passover falls on, He had His last meal the day before the Feast of Passover.
tuesday or wedsneday?
by freddi intuesday - (this is when i observed jesus' last supper)
jesus ate an evening meal with his disciples, at the beginning of nisan 14, biblical reckoning, and instituted the nes covenant's symbols.
matthew 26:26-28) jesus was then betrayed by jesus, arrested and during the night brought before the high priest.
Tuesday - (this is when i observed Jesus' last supper) Jesus ate an evening meal with His disciples, at the beginning of Nisan 14, biblical reckoning, and instituted the Nes Covenant's symbols. Matthew 26:26-28) Jesus was then betrayed by Jesus, arrested and during the night brought before the high priest. Wednesday - Jesus was crucified and died around 3p.m. (Matthew 27:46-50) This was the preparation day for the annual, not weekly Sabbath, which bagan at sunset. (Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54, John 19:31) Jesus' body was placed in the tomb just before sunset. (Matthew 27:57-60 Thursday - This was the high day Sabbath, the first day, of Unleavened Bread. (John 19:31, Leviticus 23:4-7) It is described as the day after the "Day of Preparation". (Matthew 27:62) Friday - The high day Sabbath now past, the women bought and prepared spices for annointing Jesus' body before resting on the weekly Sabbath day, which began at Friday sunset. (Mark 18:1, Luke 23:56) Saturday - The women rested on the weekly Sabbath accoeding to the Forth Commandment. (Luke 23:56, Exodus 20:8-11) Jesus rose near sunset, exactly three days and three night after burial, fulfilling the sign of Jonah and authenticating the sign He gave of His Messiahship. Sunday - The women brought the prepared spices early in the morning while it was still dark. (Luke 24:1, John 20:1), finding that Jesus had already risen. (Matthew 28:1-6, Mark 16:2-6, Luke 24:2-3, John 20:1) He did not rise on Sunday morning but near sunset the day before. So apparently, even the j.w.'s don't even commemorate the Lord's Supper on the correct evening. Go figure. They always claim to do things in accordance with the precise timing. So why the memorial on "Wednsday" and not "Tuesday"? Peace and Blessings, Freddi
JW memorial 2006
by toreador in.
anyone know the date yet?
i think i may attend this year to keep them guessing.. tor
hi all, even though i am no longer a witness and was baptized as a baptist after i left organization of my own accord, i still don't observe "good friday". i still stick to the day before passove to observe Christ's last supper. which happens to be on the 12th this yr. i will have my partaking of the matzah and grape juice. this "good friday" thing is only tradition for many. Jesus rose after the third day. how do you get three days from friday afternoon to sunday morning? go figure. peace and love
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-26-06 WT Study (Gathering)
by blondie ingathering things in heaven and things on earth.
the christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.
" (1 corinthians 10:16) in what way do those partaking of the wine `share in the blood of the christ'?
hey blondie, thanks as usual. i always look forward to seeing your posts. i have tried to get a subscription of the mags but they don't even speak to me anymore so it is a joy to see your notes. they are full of so much info on w/t articles. freddi ex j.w. (now a born again Christian)
by freddi ini would like to know if there are going to be any of these fests in the n.y. metro area.
i am from bklyn and the j.w.
's do hold conventions in the bronx.
thanks lonelysheep. i will certainly look that up
by freddi ini would like to know if there are going to be any of these fests in the n.y. metro area.
i am from bklyn and the j.w.
's do hold conventions in the bronx.
thanks diamond. i will keep looking on the forun for the info. if there is drinking so be it. i can remember when i was at a friend's house back in the day and the family was inviting some bethelite over. they had a six pack ready to offer the brothers and they said that there was nothing wrong with it. i find nothing wrong with it. i am not to judge.
by freddi ini would like to know if there are going to be any of these fests in the n.y. metro area.
i am from bklyn and the j.w.
's do hold conventions in the bronx.
hi all! i would like to know if there are going to be any of these fests in the n.y. metro area. i am from bklyn and the j.w.'s do hold conventions in the bronx. i sure would like to find out how to be a part of those who are standing out there with the picket signs. i can remember when i was a j.w. and i was told that these ones are apostates. i want to join the club or at least go to a fest. God Bless, freddi
Charasmatic Churches (Pentecostal, Assemblies of God, Foursquare, etc.)
by kristyann inthis might sound stupid to some of you... and i hope that i do not offend anyone that is a member or regular attender of a charasmatic church... but i am really confused by them.
i grew up in a nondenominational christian church... it is basically your typical nondenominational, protestant church.
the thing is, most members of charasmatic churches that i have talked to also told me that a true christian must be "baptized in the holy spirit" according to their definition of being "baptized in the holy spirit"... and if you aren't, you're not really a christian and not really "saved.".
hi! it is not true that most of us here do not believe in God or the Bible anymore. i most certainly do. after leaving the k.h. i was baptized at a baptist church. i don't consider myself to be baptist though. i have a personal relationship with Christ. don't rely on what others tell you about gaining salvation and being a Christian read God's Word for yourself. there are many gifts of the spirit and God doesn't give any particular one to prove that we are His. last i read is that believing in Christ and accepting Him as your personal savior gives you the right to earn the inheritance as being one of God's children. in my church my pastor doesn't go for those who cry out in this tongue speaking thing and he was raised a pentecostal. if you speak in a tongue there should be one who can interpret what you are saying. who are these ones edifying? only themselves. they only want people to notice them. what displays you as a true believer in Christ is the love that one displays to one another. what sense is it to speak in tongues and still to spiteful and worldly like those who don't know Christ. you are a Christian just for believing in Him and if you feel uncomfortable in the church that you attend pray to God and ask Him to direct you to a church that is based on the Bible and not on some theory that any denomination has made up. God will lead you. focus your eyes only on Jesus and not on those who try to full your head with triffling matters that definetly not lead you to eternal life. God Bless, freddi
Are a lot of your relatives starting to exit the Witnesses?
by free2beme inbasically in my life i have a handful of relatives that are still in.
my mother and sister, my in-laws and my sister-in-law.
over the last ten years of our exit, they have actually been pretty supportive of our decision.
unfortunately, no. they are all still blinded and continue to march to the sound of the piper.