see i couldn't do the double life.i believed in it too every time i did something wrong i ratted myself out to the elders.i was actually on reproof for like 2
JoinedPosts by 4digitcode
Did you lead a double life as a JW? Are you leading a double life still?
by Bumble Bee inas a jw, alot of us lead double lives.
i know i did.. in talking about our situations with my sister in law, realized that i now lead a double life as a "fader"!!!
my husband and i are "out" of the religion (my brother, sister in law and the kids too) but for the sake of family, they think we are still "in" although they know we are not active.
Obves correct! Yearbook 75 says BABIES who take blood won't live forever!!!
by Witness 007 inyearbook 75 p.223-224 witness couple and their 6 day old cheryl, who needed blood.
"darell and rhoda correctly viewed blood transfusion as a violation of god's law, and thus oposed it.
they were concerned about the babies welfare, for everlasting life is only the prospect of those adhering to god's laws.
oops sorry didn"t look at alphaomega's post. WOW! am do they say a child will not have everlastinglife if they have a blood transfusion but turn around and say that baptizing children is wrong cause they HAVE NO DECISION in the matter!
subliminal message in x-mas song
by bigdreaux indid you guys know that if you play jingle backwards there is a demonic message?
check this out.
you gotta turn it up a little to hear it.
i almost died....
not scared anymore
by 4digitcode ini posted my pic.
(well part of it at least (am a bit shy still...) because i am not scared to be found out anymore.
mind you i've been df'ed for nearly a year now but still had hope 'friends' would remember we were like family and realize they couldn't possibly live the rest of their lives without talking to me again....ha!
oh thanks guys *blushing* Gopher:the word apostate still scared me you know? but i sent an email to an exfriend today where i'm sure by tomorrow morning the whole of manhattan and brooklyn heights will know i am an apostate...and i'm cool with that. FINALLY. how liberating. and yes it is very creepy being friends with hypocritical people and not only that but i found out yesterday through her ex worldly boyfriend that my ex best friend of 7 years that i have been grieving for the past year was actually a psycho pathological liar with 'single white female' tendencies(for those who don't know that's a movie. i'm not a racist)...will elaborate in my biography post. spooky. and glad to have found this forum. i was kind of like that the333 poster when i first saw 'apostate' sites but i lurked for a bit before i opened my mouth!whatever the hell happened to him. he just took off!
not scared anymore
by 4digitcode ini posted my pic.
(well part of it at least (am a bit shy still...) because i am not scared to be found out anymore.
mind you i've been df'ed for nearly a year now but still had hope 'friends' would remember we were like family and realize they couldn't possibly live the rest of their lives without talking to me again....ha!
i posted my pic.(well part of it at least (am a bit shy still...) because i am not scared to be found out anymore. mind you i've been df'ed for nearly a year now but still had hope 'friends' would remember we were like family and realize they couldn't possibly live the rest of their lives without talking to me again....HA! been thinking of writing my story but it's like a bad movie i never want to see again. i will though sooner than later.
Searching For JWs/Dr. Laura's Advice (cheating with two topics :P)
by bbdodger inoften, i find myself doing google searches for people who i went to kh with years and years ago.
i try to find clues of what they're up to, search out the ones who were "weak in their faith", and try to see if they are still hanging on, or have "fallen away from the truth".
i look for people my own age to find out what they're doing.
i searched for friends all the time. and still do. found a few through myspace,facebook-type websites and found someone through this site. it's nice to have contact with this person from my past who turns out to be an awesome person and also to find high school friends that i finally see as regular peeople not people to be avoided. thank goodness high school was 5 years ago and they don't remember how creepy and antisocial i was...:°)
any ex JWs based in london,GB??
by 4digitcode ini posted this on the apostafest section but thought i would reach a bigger audience here.
i live and study in london.
i've been on the site for a little bit now and i think it's awesome....a bit addictive actually,but anyways i would love to meet real people as well.
gee thanks!! glad to be here. :)
any ex JWs based in london,GB??
by 4digitcode ini posted this on the apostafest section but thought i would reach a bigger audience here.
i live and study in london.
i've been on the site for a little bit now and i think it's awesome....a bit addictive actually,but anyways i would love to meet real people as well.
i posted this on the apostafest section but thought i would reach a bigger audience here. :) i live and study in london. i've been on the site for a little bit now and i think it's awesome....a bit addictive actually,but anyways i would love to meet REAL people as well. cheers.
Question about Sept. 11th
by pratt1 ini spoke to a friend of mine yesterday who is a active dub although his actions and decisions in most things would indicate that he is not a believer of the "troof".. we spoke about 9/11 and how horrific the event was for everyone.. one of the things we spoke about was how terrible it must be for the people who made the decision to jump out of the windows because of the intense fire, heat and smoke in the tower.. he commented that an elder in his hall mentioned that this act is still considered suicide and those persons would not be part of the resurrection.. how ridculous is that?
do they just make up the rules on a whim?.
does anyone know what the "offical postion" on this would be with the borg?.
That's just wrong.... i read a newspaper once that talked about japanese high school students killing themself after they received exam results not good enough to get into university. a few years later a professor at my college brought it up saying psychologically most of them don't actually decide ok i'm going to kill myself, they kind of just disassociate from their reality even for just a second...but that second is enough to jump out the nearest window. so imagine someone who has flames and smoke engulfing them? you know there is no other way out and you know you're already dead. it's reality. people were calling loved ones giving them their last goodbyes. i don' think most thought about it, it was just the only way out. if a pack of bears chase you towards a cliff are you going to run towards them and be ripped to shreds or jump off the cliff? i feel like even though it's impossible realistically to survive such a fall, it consists of more hope then walking straight into the danger on the other side. i'm really sad when i hear such comments. the lack of compassion and cold technical way of looking at things ...well from their cult's views just sickening.
How Do You Get on the Cover of a BOrg Magazine?
by Clam indoes anyone know where the models come from who appear on awakea and watchtowera magazines?
it would make sense to me that theyre dubsa as this would be saving the societya money.
or are they worldlya people?
i knew many people who got onto covers. bethelites, pioneers,etc. actually i knew the blonde sister in the young people video but didn't they openly say that they used to drink and party?? that's how i remember it... anyone here know the brother on the require know the one studying and getting baptized?? oh snap talk of the devil..he just signed on to msn. he was one of my best mates. i miss him a lot. Don't you wish you could get the worthy ones out? i feel sorry for them...