Congrats, Elsewhere!!!
The model homes are beautiful. Will yours be brick, too?
It is an exciting time.
this is a pic looking down on the lot of my new house from the second story window of another new house.
when finished it will be 2005 square feet and one story.. .
in the foreground is the back of the house and in the distance will be the front of the house.
Congrats, Elsewhere!!!
The model homes are beautiful. Will yours be brick, too?
It is an exciting time.
WELCOME FALLGIRL!!!! Enjoy your stay here.
at my old hall, after the new sound system was installed, it would pick up am radio.. i have never known so much about the seattle mariners as i did in the 3 months it took them to find a fix for it.
My husband is a very good stone mason. He did the exterior front of the hall and base of the platform inside using some really nice stone that was purchased by the Hall. He spent alot of time on it, and it turned out beautifully, in spite of "help" he received. Then he was told he could buy the left over stone! After all the work he did, work that would have cost a fortune out in the real world....Anyway, I drive by it almost every day, thinking how ironic it is that most of the people in the hall now have no idea who did the stone work.
i lost someone very special to me.
my cat.. she was 12 years old.
she was the friendliest, most loving, cat i had ever owned.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
disney's fictional 'fahrenheit'?
tuesday, july 27, 2004
Hi Annie,
I'm so glad you wrote. I was afraid I would get ripped a new one because I didn't see "the big picture." Another thing that struck me about the movie was sending a blind girl--either "a true believer" or a witness blinded to the real truth, to make contact with the outside. And her surprise that "worldly" people were not the monsters she was told they were--the monsters were in their midst. I don't want to say anymore and spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it. Take care,
disney's fictional 'fahrenheit'?
tuesday, july 27, 2004
I saw "The Village" two nights ago. It was very good, in my opinion. As was mentioned, all I could think of was the Watchtower--the isolation, control of information, the elders deciding what was best, the maligning of the outside world. And all the while someone controlling the entire thing. The color red= the blood issue. I could go on and on. I know it has a larger application, but for me it was very personal.
ok, it's only an hour to go before we move out for the summer!
we are looking forward to seeing several this summer along our journeys.
we will try to post where we are at and if anyone would like to get together for lunch or just to chat.. this weekend steve, salem & i will be in dallas.
HAVE A WONDERFUL VACATION AND A SAFE JOURNEY!!!!!! Wish you were coming up this way, well maybe next year.
my daughter has been accepting of my intervening in her relationship with an unbaptized jw.
although still sad at times, she is determined to finish high school (this is her senior year) and go on to college.
(carl, her x-boyfriend, is a hs drop out and aspires to get a job at guitar center and eventually get certified for smog inspecting automobiles.
She's a beautiful girl, and very lucky to have you for a Dad. Best wishes to you both.
when you feel low, or someone on line said unkind and untrue things about you ... or you are stressed and taking life too seriously ... maybe an irritating conservative is being overly righteous, or a liberal is pontificating the cure or all humankind's problems ... then click on this, wiggle your mouse ... and have a good laugh ... it puts things in perspective.
you must have your sound on:
Ohhh, I'm dizzy from swinging that kid around!
From one Kat to another....
What a pretty dog! How much training is involved in getting a dog certified for therapy work? I'm familiar with the CGC, but is more required?