Welcome to JWN. I am the Granny on board .
I would like to advise you to NOT deprive your little ones of the Holidays
First of all many of the things are pagan as been told above. But to cut
kids off Birthdays, Christmas etc is cruel to the kids. I brought MY kids up as JWS
Then was kicked out because not believing Christ came invisably in 1914
I was devastated!!!!!!wanted to kill myself. A daughter is still in bondage ,3
of my kids died, I have one that is out > she is GUS GUS on here none of her kids
believe in anything spiirituel Only because the WT was all wrong. But you should
see how they enjoy the holidays !!!!!They love them...It sounds like you have a
good hubby!!! stay close to him & your kids ,let your Mum & Dad lead their lives
but DONT disguss the religion with them at all. Tell her the kettle is boiling & get off
the phone...They taught me how to lie.....Gods blessing go with you