Howya Lone Wolf,
Get stuck in.
my story is much like others.
i have found a faith to call my own, thankfully.
my parents don't agree with it, though they are very much still in my life, whether it's in my head or on the phone.
Howya Lone Wolf,
Get stuck in.
below: notice the masonic cross in this freemasonry meeting hall.. .
in his book the watchtower .
& the masons fritz springmeier says:.
What is the story with the drawing of Charles Manson that you posted ?
below: notice the masonic cross in this freemasonry meeting hall.. .
in his book the watchtower .
& the masons fritz springmeier says:.
Yes men will always rise to near the top in any organisation. Brain washing and grooming takes place in the military, insurance companies and most brands of religion. This practice tends to prove that 'different' religions are in fact the same when one examines their methods.
I do not see the difference in any religion, Christian or otherwise. I see good people who are members of diverse and perverse religions. I see sincere persons who believe that they are right and every one else is wrong.
In real life anyone who adopted an attitude that they were always right in the absence of evidence to support their attitude would be described as delusional. Throw religion into the mix and any thing is believable and millions will believe anything including that which cannot be proved or should not be believed.
What I find irrational ( although understandable) on this site is that persons who have thrown of the shackles of their former slave master are willing to try on shackles belonging to other slave masters for size. The same thought processes that caught the slaves in the first place will catch them all over again. Do not fill that empty feeling or hole in your life with Sh!tE that is thrown in front of you at an opportune moment.
Weakness comes from within..........and so does strength.
Who cares whether or not the Masons are running the JW's ? What difference should it / will it make to your life ? Why poke through Watchtower Sh1tE to see what they were eating years ago?
Use your nose and keep moving away from the smell and the shackles. If it looks like Sh1tE and it smells like Sh1tE you dont have to taste it to find out that it is Sh1tE!.
below: notice the masonic cross in this freemasonry meeting hall.. .
in his book the watchtower .
& the masons fritz springmeier says:.
Learning to fly,
Thanks mate. My feet can be a bit big at times and especially when others bare toes are concerned .
This forum is all new to me and because I had already found my way through the fog unaided. I am only looking with interest at others experiences of the JW's and trying to be helpful.
Remember this. You have nothing to fear but fear itself. Do not let it be your master or it will make you its slave.
Any religion that thrives on fear is evil personified.
"I hope you find the feet of a dancer,
I hope you can sing in the rain,
I hope you find all the easy answers
............ to your your pain,"
Words from a song called "Feet of a dancer", written by Charlie Mc Gettigan and sung by Maura O'Connell.
below: notice the masonic cross in this freemasonry meeting hall.. .
in his book the watchtower .
& the masons fritz springmeier says:.
Leaning to fly,
I do not know what you think I have said. I am not commenting in a disparaging way regarding anything that other members have said. I am only adding my two cents worth. I welcome yours. I still do not see the connection that has been inferred in the first post. I am a bit of a Columbo fan who likes to stick with the facts when drawing conclusions. I knew a few former masons who did not try to hid their former involvement in masonic society. I also knew former Catholics in the JW's.
I refuse to believe that either the Masonic Order or the Catholic Church would claim the JW's as being kindred spirits.
I hope I have not pissed you off in any way. If I did , I am very sorry and it was not my intention. Friends ?
below: notice the masonic cross in this freemasonry meeting hall.. .
in his book the watchtower .
& the masons fritz springmeier says:.
Leaning to fly,
I do not know what you think I have said. I am not commenting in a disparaging way regarding anything that other members have said. I am only adding my two cents worth. I welcome yours. I still do not see the connection that has been inferred in the first post. I am a bit of a Columbo fan who likes to stick with the facts when drawing conclusions. I knew a few former masons who did not try to hid their former involvement in masonic society. I also knew former Catholics in the JW's.
I refuse to believe that either the Masonic Order or the Catholic Church would claim the JW's as being kindred spirits.
I hope I have not pissed you off in any way. If I did , I am very sorry and it was not my intention. Friends ?
below: notice the masonic cross in this freemasonry meeting hall.. .
in his book the watchtower .
& the masons fritz springmeier says:.
When one considers that the Masons are older than JW's, where is the surprise that members join the Org. ? The masons are international and represented throughout the Christian world by various religions (mainly protestant) but also Catholics. It is not a secret so where is the surprise ? Any news on the so called Masonic Cross in the first post on this thread ?
have any of you or people that you know such as relatives or friends, made a very significant donation to the wts?
by that i mean property, or money in excess of let's say $10 000. .
enriching an already very rich organisation has to be moronic, they are the ones that should be helping the poor among them the proverbial orphans and widows.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is officially registered as a 'Charitable Organisation' in many countries to avoid having to pay income or corporation tax on their profits.
When they are the beneficiary of a will they are not liable for 'gift taxes' once they are registed as a Charity with the various countries income tax or revenue collectors.
the last question was asked for the first time, half in jest, on may 21, 2061, at a time when humanity first stepped into the light.
the question came about as a result of a five-dollar bet over highballs, and it happened this way: .
alexander adell and bertram lupov were two of the faithful attendants of multivac.
Excellent. Read his Foundation and Empire trilogy, the Bible presented in a new light and set in the future. Classic and essential reading along with George Orwell etc.
below: notice the masonic cross in this freemasonry meeting hall.. .
in his book the watchtower .
& the masons fritz springmeier says:.
I noticed a cross in the photograph. I did not notice anything that would identify it as a 'masonic' cross. Could you enlighten me ?