About the serious crime of sexual child abuse, you based an unconditional conclusion upon the Society’s writings.
Your conclusion was:
A JW must not involve judicial authorities against a fellow-JW - if the matter is serious enough, and the JW is unrepentant, he/she will be disfellowshiped and then one will not be taking a "Christian" to court if one proceeds. But a JW must not act until the disfellowshiping happens, as the above article makes clear.Since 1) your unconditional conclusion was based upon the Society’s writings and since 2) your conclusion was of a prohibition of reporting then 3) your conclusion was that the Society prohibits JWs from reporting serious crime as a matter of policy, that is, as [you] concluded from that w73 11/15 703-4 Questions from Readers. As you later admitted, that article does not set such a policy! Get over it!
You can try and redefine "policy" all you want and it will not change your assertion quoted above, which assertion or yours is wrong so far a JW reporting another JW to legitimate secular authorities for committing serious criminal acts.
As for a person witnessing a "murder" (since you insist upon quibbling), that a "murder" had actually occurred was part of the question, stupid! That a "murder" (= serious crime) happened was germane to the question of your assertion about serious crime, so it was part of the question! Get it now? Furthermore, when people report a crime they report what they believe they have witnessed, stupid! In an instance such as I questioned you, a JW would report what they considered themselves to have witnessed, which in my example was a murder. Get over it!
As far as the volume of material being "rammed" at me, you are correct, your regurgitation’s are enormous! On the other hand, since the minute amount that makes any sense is unbelievably small, the volume is more than manageable. In all your verbosity you have yet to prove your original unconditional assertion (and you will not be able because it is not true), and that is the point.
I begin to think that you are the same multi-personality fool that posted here a few months back, the same one that Sevenofnine calls Mr. Pocket Dictionary (or something like that). If so, I guess the sting of your embarrassment remains. If not, then we have only to read this grand testimonial of yours here to see your latest shame.
I suppose this short message will precipitate another smokescreen of nonsense from you. So be it.
In conclusion, I had to laugh at this:
I said: "…since the assertion in question was yours (as opposed to mine , stupid!)…"
To which you asked:
Does your "yours" mean "your's"?From where did you get that little grammar lesson, a pocket dictionary? WOW! Coming from my self-appointed personal grammar critic, what a faux pas!
Just for your edification, "yours" is the possessive for "you," which was my usage. Apparently you feel that "your’s" is some sort of a contraction, for what exactly I am not sure? Care to tell us?