And, Friend, the basis for my opinion is simply my feeling of what is considerate and appropriate.
Thanks for that answer to my question.
I have also wondered why you choose to debate everything, and yet you have never once stated what YOU feel or believe.
Debating is part of our growth. The day we stop debating is the day it is all over. I think that is the very reason that many find themselves today in awkward circumstances. If they had debated issues—even in their own mind—they would be standing on firmer ground as a result. Lack of debate breeds insecurity. Debating reinforces and creates new depths to our convictions and person.
As for talking about my beliefs, I have no problem doing that. I find it odd that you mention that because you have never once asked outright for my view of this whole affair as if that mattered to you. One reason that I have lately participated on this forum is because after reading some of the distortions and fallacious reasoning I just could not help but ask you all to justify some of your opinions. I see that that was a bad idea. I see so many here satisfied with their opinions regardless of facts that I have lately reconsidered my participation. I am not sure who is loosing out, you or me; I think probably both of us. Me because I enjoy observing how people think.
You have made statements, and when someone offers a counter argument, you simply reply with "that's not what I believe".
No, that is not what I do. You have only experienced me saying "that’s not what I believe" because of your misrepresentations of me. My argument you have either completely misunderstood or ignored—that assumes that you recognize an argument when you see one.
For the record, I appreciate all of your views. I have also enjoyed watching how you respond. For me everything is a learning experience. If that reminds anyone of their father or someone else about whom they hold some king of critical view, just remember, I am a person too. Like you, I am entitled to personality, disposition and opinions of my own. I am also entitled to speak accordingly. Those who are critical of that are being critical of themselves.
To those who find me offensive, I challenge that you ask yourself why that is. It does not matter to me, but it should matter a great deal to you. Usually insecurity comes from within rather than being instilled.
Please be assured that you have in no way offended me. For any offense I have cause you, I apologize. That was not my intent.
Like it or not, your
Edited by - Friend on 8 June 2000 22:43:37