Awake magazines now being "Hard Core" Warnings with "More Mystery"
Posts by tula
The special announcement??
by tan inhello everyone...i can't find it but i thought i read last week that there was to be a big or special announcement???
what was that all about...i've got a sister calling me and i bet thats what she is going to tell me about...i like saying that i already know about whatever when she randomly calls me with "new" information.
by tula indo you see the watchtower symbol here???.
robert freke gould, the history of freemasonry.
plate facing p. 269. vol.
View loupiote (Old Skool)'s map Taken in (See more photos here)
Traditional processions during the Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Sevilla, Spain
Hermandad de San Esteban. -
by tula indo you see the watchtower symbol here???.
robert freke gould, the history of freemasonry.
plate facing p. 269. vol.
A dunce hat by any other name.....
The national god of the seafaring Philistines was Dagon, the fish god, Judges 16:23.? Dagon had the face and hands of a man, and the tail of a fish.? In I Samuel 5, we see that when the Philistines captured the Ark of God, they placed it in the temple of Dagon in Ashdod.? In the morning, the Philistines discovered that the statue of Dagon had fallen to the ground before the ark of the Lord.? This happened the second day, and the head of Dagon and his hands were cut off, leaving only the fishy stump.? Ashdod and the surrounding towns were smitten with emerods (hemorrhoids, or tumors).? When the Ark was moved to Gath, the same plague occurred with a very great destruction.? They then sent the Ark to Ekron, which suffered the same.? These folks de?mand?ed that the Ark be sent back to Israel lest they be consumed.
The modern Catholic miter is a direct copy of the headdress of the pagan priests of Dagon.? The word mitre or miter, comes from the Persian mithras, the god of light and truth.? Popes, bishops, and cardinals wear the miter.
The fish symbol has been used for thousands of years as a religious symbol associated with the pagan Mother Goddess.? In China, the Great Mother Kwan-yin was often portrayed in the shape of a fish.? In India, the Goddess Kali was called the ?fish-eyed one.?? In Egypt, Isis was called the ?Great Fish of the Abyss.?? In Greece, the Greek word, Delphos, meant both fish and womb, derived from the ancient Oracle at Delphi, who worshipped the original fish goddess, Themis.? Throughout the Mediter?ranean, mystery religions used fish, wine, and bread for their sacramental meat.? In Scandin?avia, the Great Goddess was named Freya; fish were eaten in her honor, and the sixth day of the week was named ?Friday? after her.? She was the same as the Roman Venus, the Pagan Goddess of Love.? In the Middle East, the Great Goddess of Ephesus was portrayed as a woman with a fish amulet over the reproductive area.
The fish was revered throughout the Roman Empire, and the professing Christian Church authorities insisted on using the fish symbol.? The fish headdress of the priests of Ea (a Sumero-Semitic god) later became the miter of the Christian bishops.? Eating fish on Friday and the fish symbol representing the deity were all taken over by the Church from pagan sources.
The goddess Cybele had a miter on her head, strikingly similar to the fish head of Dagon. Cybele was worshipped in Rome, and was also called the Magna Mater, meaning ?Great Mother,? or the great queen mother goddess, which evolved into Catholic Mariology. The priesthood of Cybele was composed of castrated males, which parallels the celibate priesthood of Catholicism. The basilica of Saint Peter, according to some, stands upon the former site of Cybele?s main temple in Rome. The ruins of another temple to Cybele (Magna Mater) can still be seen today in Rome on Palatine hill.
Burns, I did not say the hats were identical. I somehow see a similarity.
by tula indo you see the watchtower symbol here???.
robert freke gould, the history of freemasonry.
plate facing p. 269. vol.
Burns, this is special just for you. I have already covered the issue of mushrooms in some earlier threads. Supposedly it was the "manna" also. You can search my old posts to find the info.
Here. Have a cup of tea with me.
Heinrich says the mushroom resembles pita bread and when soaked with water it feels exactly like human skin. He figures that's the bread that Jesus was referring to at the last supper when he said "eat this bread, this is my body."
But that's not the only way Jesus might have doled out psychedelics. Heinrich says people who eat lots of shrooms have a reddish-orange urine that's even more hallucinogenic -- and figures the almighty turned water into wine by whizzing into a five-gallon jug of H20.
Heinrich is the author of a new book, "Magic Mushrooms In Religion And Alchemy" (Park Street Press).
PS the mushroom mentioned above does not have psychotropic effects when ingested; however the effects become realized by drinking the urine after eating this mushroom.
The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs on the Planet!!!! Scary stuff.
by AK - Jeff in.
if you think the pictures tell the story - read the story.
Looks a lot like the Awake magazines, doesn't it???
by tula indo you see the watchtower symbol here???.
robert freke gould, the history of freemasonry.
plate facing p. 269. vol.
Verily, we have gone through the Looking Glass. are so RIGHT ON.
I keep falling down into Rabbit Holes and they go deeper...
and deeper...
and deeper.....
by tula indo you see the watchtower symbol here???.
robert freke gould, the history of freemasonry.
plate facing p. 269. vol.
Proverbs 10: 10 He who winks the eye causes trouble,
Proverbs 6: 13 Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers;
Proverbs 16:30 He who winks his eyes does so to devise perverse things;
Here, we have another horseman. And this horseman, the logo and symbol for CFR is also using the same hand signal as above.
It is known as the "horned hand" and has occult, Satanic origins.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the New World Order
The CFR is the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America. Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members, and it uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life.
The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs on the Planet!!!! Scary stuff.
by AK - Jeff in.
if you think the pictures tell the story - read the story.
OK here is a spider bite for you.
Brown Recluse Spider Bite
The bite and the venom from a brown recluse spider can have dangerous consequences. Here you can see the progression of a bite from a brown recluse spider. If you want to control these dangerous pests, click here to learn about some highly effective methods of brown recluse spider control.
Warning: These pictures get progressively graphic as the condition worsens.
The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs on the Planet!!!! Scary stuff.
by AK - Jeff in.
if you think the pictures tell the story - read the story.
I love bugs!
Did you know there is a bug named HORTENSIA?
It is a leaf hopper. It is Hortensia similis walker.
(Hortensia, there is also a flower named for you, too.)
Now this cracked me up...and then it gets better
by RisingEagle inso i'm tickled at this story from another site i visit:.
a story i heard.... one day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me.
i was maybe 2 1/2 years old and had just recovered from an accident.
Loved it!!