Tula, if you or others wish to host a blog regarding your theories
This is not a theory.
I am not interested in a blog.
I will say what I have to say....right here.
And then, it will be on all of you to take it forth.
would you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
Tula, if you or others wish to host a blog regarding your theories
This is not a theory.
I am not interested in a blog.
I will say what I have to say....right here.
And then, it will be on all of you to take it forth.
so that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
However if she is hearing voices in her head then it could be schizophrenia
I have never said such a thing.
Why do you make these things up?
(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
Silly me. I can't seem to pick out the obvious wt connection. Maybe someone can hit me w it.
Must I spell it out for you?
Hera was all about power
Is this not a claim all of you make about the BOE, the GB, and the WTS Corp. itself?
The power to control lives; the power to separate you from your loved ones; the power to hold you back from higher education; the power to make your own personal decisions in life; the power to decide who you can have as associates and friends; the power to tell you what kind of employment is acceptable and what they will not allow; the power to hold your dead ones as ransom if you do not co-operate; the power to determine your future (they decide who gets resurrected and who doesn't?) That is a power only the Creator of the Universe would have. And yet these men tell you OBEY THEM...or else
Or else....you will see your life crumble in front of you? You will loose your spouse, your children, your job?
And at the discretion of the JC, your reputation as well? Your lifetime of friends and associates?
Are you not all in bondage to this?
Are your loved ones not in bondage to this?
She wasn't very nice, not to anyone, including her children, and she destroyed anyone
If you are home sick, does someone from the KH visit you with a casserole, or you do get a call criticizing you for missing the meetings?
If you are a widow with children, does the BOE take a special interest in helping you and protecting you?
If you are poor, do they tell you your shoes are not good enough to be going out in service?
Do they make you feel bad about yourself?
If your children go to college, do you loose your position as MS, elder, etc?
What kind things do they do to help each other in the cong? Do you really feel like one big family? Do you really have the feeling of Jehovah's Happy People like you were promised?
If your spouse is not a JW will you even be acknowledged or made to feel included?
The earliest evidence about her describes her as Queen of Heaven, great Mother Goddess, ruler of people.
By whose authority does anyone have the right to take four days of your life every week? Who the hell is worth that? When you give up 4 or 5 days a week, every week of your life, that is worship.
From wikipedia:
Worship usually refers to specific acts of religious praise, honour, or devotion, typically directed to a supernatural being such as God, a godor goddess. It is the informal term in English for what sociologists of religion callcultus, the body of practices and traditions that correspond to theology.
God gave you a beautiful earth to explore and enjoy. Instead....
This WTS keeps you in a dark room without windows. What does that tell you? Are you being kept in the dark? Do you have no windows because you are not allowed to see beyond what they want you to see. It is a symbolic confinement. And they even have you calling yourselves "the slaves". Yes. You are that. Slaves to the "queen of heaven". You call WTS the "Mother," do you not?
So strongly was she imbued with this hatred of any immorality, that, finding herself so often called upon to punish the failings of both gods and men in this respect, she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive.
Isn't you religion a religion centered around slavery and PUNISHMENT?
Don't you all live in fear of her judgements against you?
ANd these stories I have read "I had to hide my brother in law in the bathroom because my husband wasn't home yet to meet him as planned and the Elders came and knocked on my door." Story after story of your fear. And yet you have done no wrong.
I went into a website and viewed old WT covers. No wonder children have grown up with nightmares and such fear. No wonder their lives are stunted and the brains have been withered in their heads. Those artists deserve to be destroyed in their own armageddon for bringing such terror to peoples eyes. It is demonic. It depicts hatred. Sometimes it even shows how people can be deliriously happy when the people in front of them are burning to death. It is sick stuff. It is totally warped.
There is a subliminal message here. If you look at stuff like this long enough, you become jaded. You become cold and detached. DESENSITIZED. It is pounded into the back of your brain that others who do not think like you deserve to die.
And somehow you have been made to believe that the boogey man will get you if you dare to speak up or walk out!
she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive.
Does this not describe your JC system?
If you dare to question...... Hera is jealous! How dare you question the queen!
Harsh? Kicking you out instead of "shepherding you" and answering your questions is pretty harsh.
Convincing your family and friends to display nasty attitudes to you because they tell them you have cooties. That's pretty harsh.
Vindictive? They seem to use the term "loose conduct" to cover whatever they don't exactly have a rule for.
Where I come from "loose conduct" is implied promiscuity. So, from what I understand, and you all correct me if I am wrong, but I thought I have heard it said that DF for apostacy is considered "loose conduct".
It's pretty vindictive to me that a "church" would try to destroy your reputation by making others think you are sexually promiscuous and are of "bad moral character" when all you did was question doctrine!
She was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
Is this why the Hera/WTS feels they have the right to examine your marriage?
To tell you what sexual positions are acceptable to them?
Is this why they think they have the right to hear the lurid details and know what kind of panties you were wearing when you committed a fornication? (I read that on here somewhere)
This queen of heaven seems to put herself FIRST in your marriage even before your spouse.
Hera/WTS encourages you to tell on your spouse and family for any infringements of her dictates!
Hera/WTS places herself above the intimacy of your marriage and drives a wedge between family relationships.
Hera/WTS even calls your children in to account for themselves.
You have all been serving a false god from mythology.
(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
i haven't tried it yet - but i might.
jeff .
From this non-moving reality of what you are all life springs
That sounds as much like watchtower double speak as anything else.
from this non-moving reality (Non-moving= non-active=dead)
all life springs (life from something non-moving ? life from something dead?)
All the answers come from the FDS.
Oh. O.K. that sounds all right.
Everyone else in the room here seems to believe it. I dont hear any objections.
If 6 million people believe it, there must be something to it.
(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
SOYLENT GREEN IS.................................... PEOPLE!!!
(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
Argus Panoptes or Argos (¢ñãïò),Argus was Hera's servant. The myth makes the closest connection of Argos, the neatherd, with the bull. According to Ovid, to commemorate her faithful watchman, Hera had the hundred eyes of Argus preserved forever, in a peacock's tail. [5]
This mythology permeates religion and commerce in every facet of our "system" today. The secret societies born of Babylon are behind it all.
The name of the detector, Argos, reminds us either of Argos, the mythological one hundred eyed country monster holding in custody the beautiful Io, and of the ancient greek adjective ``argos'' that means ``very fast as the light''. The multidetector consists of 111 elements. Each element is a BaF 2 crystal, 5 or 10 cm thick and of hexagonal shape, with a cross-section of 25 cm 2 , that may be modified in a phoswich just putting in front of the crystal a foil of plastic scintillator. In detecting a particle, the PM signal is charge integrated by two different gates, 20 and 300 ns wide respectively. These fast and total (or slow) components together with the time-of-flight information allow charge-identification for all detected particles, Z<30, and mass identification for light charged particles and light ions. Due to the fast light response, timing characteristics of the detector are excellent, and time resolution as low as 300 psec have recently been obtained, comprehensive of the beam burst width. Therefore the neutron detection is also possible, with a measured efficiency between 5% and 20%, depending on the crystal thickness, neutron energy and electronic threshold. The elements can be assembled in different ways. In a typical geometry, the ARGOS ``eyes'' are distributed 60 in a forward and 36 in a backward walls, both honeycomb shaped. As an example, for the first wall and for a distance of 2.35 m all the particles in the angular range between 0.75 deg and 7 deg are detected. On the same, for the backward wall at a distance of 50 cm, the angular range between 160 deg and 177 deg is covered.
Fig. 1 shows the ARGOS forward wall as discribed in the example and as used in the E230 experiment at Ganil. Fig.2 shows in a fast-slow representation the charge identification, from Z=1 to Z=20, for the nuclear products issued from the reaction 44 MeV/n 40Ar + 27Al, at theta = 3 deg plus or minus 0.75 deg. Fig.3 shows the same data as in Fig. 2, but in a fast-time representation. Note the Log y-scale that evidences the mass separation for H-isotopes.
(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
According to mythology Samos was the birthplace of the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus and queen of the gods.
Greek heroes such As Hercules and Achilles were called children of God, but they were not immortal. 'Ihey lived on earth, died, and their spirits were believed to sometimes be lifted up into heaven. Above these heroes in importance and power were said to be a pantheon of Gods. Yet, some of the Greek people also worshipped a One True God, eternal in the heavens,
unnamed except to be called "the Unknown God." This brings us down to New Testament times, where we pick up the rest of our story in the seventeenth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles (verses 22 -23). "Then Paul stood in the midst of Mar's Hill and said: Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious; for as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription: To the Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him I declare to you. "
Yes, these people were not adopting a new religion with the coming of Christianity, they were rediscovering their old religion in its purified form, as sent unto them by our Lord in the flesh, Jesus Christ. By God's design, our forefathers forgot who they were, where they came from, and what their past religion was, all in His plan of purifying and preparing them to again become united with the One True God, who came unto them in the form of man, Jesus Christ.
(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
According to Ovid , to commemorate her faithful watchman, Hera had the hundred eyes of Argus preserved forever, in a peacock 's tail. [5] Argus was the guardian of the goddess, Io. When this 100 eyed creature was slain, his eyes were preserved in the feathers of the peacock. WANT TO SEE A PICTURE OF THIS?
LOOK IN YOUR REVELATION BOOK PAGE 219 (red paperback version.)