Oh Changeling, dahling...its amazing what you've done with this place! The air is so thick with the scent of gardenias, it just sends me...un autre monde...
Posts by tula
You are all invited to a cocktail party!
by changeling inwhere: my country estate.
dress code: black tie .
directions: just close your eyes and click your heels three times and you'll be here.
Possible Cure for Cancer uses.....gasp.....Blood!?!
by BurnTheShips inif this one works, one wonders how the jw's are going to allow this "fraction".. .
cancer cure 'may be available in two years'.
this has already been posted under medical
Food at the Proper Time
by tula in.
this website is like a food fight.
because we been getting food that tastes like there's a jail house cook in the kitchen..
the FDS has been serving up a lot of tainted food, don't you think?
by chuckyy inwhilst a jw, one thing that was evident to me was the constant gossip and backbiting.....being nice to someones face and then talking about them behind there backs.were you ever a "victim" of this sort of behaviour???
is it as common as i suspect from cong.
to cong???.
I did it for two hours last night....
by AK - Jeff inattended another church service.
i enjoyed the modern music at the beginning of it.
the 'sermon' or message was a discussion of leviticus chapter 3. i found it interesting, but not particularly inspiring.
If "mystery babylon" is the empire of false religions...the key word here is EMPIRE. There are MANY of them. If the instruction is to "get out of her, o, my people"...I would apply that to anything organized with teachings like that.
There's really not much difference there than in KH. The arrogance that God has chosen them and they will soon "fly away" when things get really bad...and the rest of us poor suckers who don't believe exactly what they do, will be left here to SUFFER. C'est la vie!
The same arrogance, the same self-righteousness.
Can't you see it, yet?
666's 666th
by JK666 ini just thought that i should commemorate my 666th post, as it is my number.
even the u.s government agrees, they gave me three sixes in a row on my social security number!.
i have all of these posts now, but have never told my story.
You aren't going away, are you?
Did you mail your letter yet? Did you make any changes?
Christ's Brothers from a Different Mother
by zarco injesus preached to the lost.
his ministry focused on crowds that he felt pity for.
he witnessed to tax collectors, prostitutes, samaritans and the crowds.
very poignant.
courageous post.
Food at the Proper Time
by tula in.
this website is like a food fight.
because we been getting food that tastes like there's a jail house cook in the kitchen..
This website is like a FOOD FIGHT.
Because we been getting food that tastes like there's a jail house cook in the kitchen.
My babylon the great decoded moment.
by 5go inforgive me i am on a mania high there i said i am crazy.. forgive this topic !.
the wackiness starts below this line.. .
babylon the great = judism.
and that makes Algore the false prophet....the head wound (ego) you know. he will be resurrecting with power soon.
Just watch. He will be stepping up to the plate. Not as pres.--he doesn't chew his gum twice.
He will be spokesperson for the united world to solve globalwarming.
Cancer cure 'may be available in two years' - But JWs Can't Use It
by Elsewhere inthis potential cure is based on specialized immune cells that are extracted from donated blood.. .
cancer cure 'may be available in two years'.
there ARE cures for cancer.....but it will never be through the medical industry.
Cancer is a business...a BIG business.
Did you know that there is a clause in the by-laws of the American Cancer Society that states if a cure for cancer is found, that the society will disband?
Do you know how many people are riding that gravy train?
Do you think they are going to give up all that money from your walks and fundraising to really give you a cure? Ha. think again.
There are cures.....but they are from "the leaves of the trees". (and sometimes the bottom of the ocean)