A little background information on Freemasonry for those who have no idea what it is about:
Many who participate in Freemasonry are initially confused by what they see and hear. They believe that Freemasonry requires a belief in God as a condition of membership. They attempt to interpret lodge teachings, including Masonic teachings about the nature of the Masonic god, through a Christian paradigm. If a man understands the nature of God as revealed in the Scriptures and the nature of false gods as revealed in the teachings of pagan religions, he will have the basic information to know that the god of Freemasonry is not the God of the Bible. Freemasonry teaches that all pagan gods are the same Spirit as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Many men who are recruited, or encouraged to petition the Masonic Lodge for membership, join Freemasonry with the belief that participation is consistent with a sincere expression of faith in Jesus Christ. That is all the more likely to be the case when the potential member is recruited from within the church by other church members. If a man knows that the pastor or another church leader is a Lodge member, Freemasonry is effectively endorsed by church leadership. If it were not compatible with Christianity, the pastor wouldn’t be involved, he may reason. When he goes into the Lodge, he will likely view what he sees through Christian glasses, or through a Christian paradigm. Many men mistakenly believe that Freemasonry is a Christian organization because they are misled by their Christian paradigm. They have no appropriate paradigm which allows them to accurately understand Freemasonry.
A paradigm is a model of reality. All of us have paradigms whether we realize it or not. We interpret literally everything we see through one or more of our paradigms. Paradigms often dictate how we are able to view something. If we do not understand how an inappropriate paradigm can confuse our understanding, we are easily misled.
A great many of the Masons who claim to be Christians are confused about the true nature of Freemasonry because they are misled by their paradigms. When a man who is a Christian petitions for Lodge membership, he is investigated. The investigating committee will ask him a series of questions. They may ask his neighbors and others who know him about his character . The mere fact that he is investigated will cause him to believe that Freemasonry is very particular about the character and beliefs of the men who are admitted for membership. The process of investigation may cause him to view Freemasonry all the more favorably because everyone is not accepted. One of the questions which is always asked is, "Do you have faith in the existence of A Supreme Being?"
(Commentary: Doesn't this sound like the ONE BIG QUESTION it all comes down to with the WTS? DO YOU BELIEVE THIS IS GOD'S SPIRIT DIRECTED ORGANIZATION? Is that how they word it?)
Most Christians, without giving it a second thought, will interpret this question as "Do you have faith in God?" Many Masons actually believe that a man must have faith in God to be a Mason. Some believe that a man must be a Christian to be admitted, yet the Jewish Mason knows better. Does Freemasonry actually require faith in God? Your answer to that question will likely be determined based upon your understanding of the phrase "A Supreme Being." That understanding may be the result of the use of a paradigm which models God as the only Supreme Being.
Scripture states the crucial importance of knowing Jesus. A person cannot come to the Father, except through Him:
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
(John 14:6)
(Commentary: Doesn't the FDS trump Jesus?)
The Mormon Paradigm
The Mormon is able to answer affirmatively, that he has faith in the existence of "A Supreme Being," as he has faith in the Mormon god Elohim. Mormons believe that Elohim was once a man who lived on a planet near a star named Kolob. Elohim did not create the planet, the star named Kolob, or anything else on the planet upon which he was born. Elohim was simply a man. As part of his salvation experience, Elohim was exalted into Godhood and given a planet (Earth) to populate with spirit children produced through celestial sex with his goddess wives. The first born of these spirit children was the Mormon Jesus. Lucifer is another of Elohim’s spirit children, making Jesus and Lucifer brothers, according to Mormon doctrine. Mormons claim faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but they do not believe that these are three personalities of the same Spirit. Mormonism teaches that the Father and the Son both have physical bodies. It teaches that the Holy Ghost is a "personage of Spirit" and does not have a body of flesh and bones like the Father and the Son. Mormons do not believe in the Trinitarian God.
How is Freemasonry able to accept these different, incompatible concepts of God as expressions of faith in the existence of A (SINGULAR) Supreme Being? Freemasonry is able to do this essentially because the Masonic paradigm of God holds that all men worship the same God, simply using a variety of different names. Somewhat like Hinduism, Freemasonry holds that all of the various gods, along with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are all in essence the same God, viewed from the different vantage points of the many world religions. Freemasonry rejects the concept of a false god, as well as the concept of false religion. These Masonic teachings are clearly explained in Masonic Monitors, Masonic Code and other Masonic materials published by the authorities of Freemasonry, the Grand Lodges. Consider the follow excerpts:
Freemasons offer prayer to a god who is known as the Great Architect of the Universe (GAOTU.) Freemasonry defines the nature of the GAOTU with adherence to the Fatherhood of God, Brotherhood of man doctrine. The GAOTU is implicitly defined as Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Allah, the Mormon Elohim, Ahura Mazdah, Baal, Molech and all other false gods which have ever been named by man. When Freemasonry causes pagans to join in prayer to the GAOTU, are they then worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? No, they are still worshiping demons, as would be any Christian who would join with them. Participation in Freemasonry ensnares a man in idolatry.
John clearly explained how to recognize the heresies of the Gnostics:
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the Antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.
(1 John 4:1-3)
We should recognize the spirit behind Freemasonry for what it is. Freemasonry does not confess Jesus. Second, simply preaching the Gospel will not keep church members from becoming ensnared in paganism. Proof of this is present within many churches and often within leadership. Many church members are Masons and members of other pagan fraternal orders, such as the Elks, Eagles, Moose, Odd Fellows, etc. If all church members understood the Masonic paradigm, they would be able to instantly recognize the same heresy when it is taught in other fraternal orders. Freemasonry is the archetype for virtually all other fraternal orders.
(Commentary: I have noticed since the "Follow the Christ" pamphlet, that the WTS has reduced Jesus to a position or title. This seems rather insulting, like refering to him as "the janitor", "the bagboy", whatever. It's like he doesn't rate a name. A second class citizen. For a group that puts such emphasis on using God's name...why would they deny his son's name? Is it because their anonymous and ambiguous "FDS" rates more importance? )
these excerpts are taken from this webpage: http://www.ephesians5-11.org/glasses.htm