So strongly was she imbued with this hatred of any immorality, that, finding herself so often called upon to punish the failings of both gods and men in this respect, she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive. Her exalted position as the wife of the supreme deity, combined with her extreme beauty, caused her to become exceedingly vain, and she consequently resented with great severity any infringement on her rights as queen of heaven, or any apparent slight on her personal appearance.
Posts by tula
by tula in(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
by tula in(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
Doesn't she have that arrogant snotty look of a typical JW?
Hera, Queen of the Gods and goddess of marriage. She was the [39] principal wife of Zeus, and, as queen of heaven, participated in the honours paid to him, but her dominion only extended over the air (the lower aƫrial regions). "I SIT A QUEEN" Isn't that phrase used quite often in your literature to describe the MOTHER OF BABYLON?
by tula in(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
by tula in(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
Hera was one of the 12 Olympian Gods of Classical Mythology. Hera was the youngest daughter of the youngest daughter of Gaia and inherited her garden. She wasn't very nice, not to anyone, including her children, and she destroyed anyone Hera was all about power As she was worshipped in many different places, she had many different epithets (names). Her bird is the peacock, and in almost every myth she is portrayed as being maliciously jealous.
by tula in(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
Hydra, the snake that guarded the golden apple
by tula in(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
Hera and the Golden Apple
also known as the apple of Discord
Another symbol with Hera is the apple. At Her forced marriage to Zeus, Hera was given a special magic garden in the West where she kept Her apples of immortality. This magical garden was called the Hesperides, probably a symbol of Her regenerating womb; Her apples were guarded by Her sacred serpent.
by tula in(my commentary: compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your revelation book.).
she was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women.
she also held the title eileithyia, the goddess of birth.
(My commentary: Compare this illustration taken from an internet site to the red headed "great harlot" on page 239 of your Revelation book.)
She was worshiped as queen of heaven and patron of marriage and women. She also held the title Eileithyia, the goddess of birth. She was the patron deity of Samos and Argos, which held celebrations and processions in her honor. Her sacred animal was the cow. In literature she was depicted as a jealous wife who vindictively pursued the women Zeus seduced. Her sacred animals are the cow and the peacock. Her favorite city is Argos. The earliest evidence about her describes her as Queen of Heaven, great Mother Goddess, ruler of people. At Mycene, a Creatan colony, on the Greek mainland, miniature temples As Hera's worship goes back to that period, these statutes may represent her most ancient worship.
Another symbol of Hera is the peacock. Hera's watchfulness is symbolized by the peacock and the 'eyes' in its feathers. The cow, a less frequent symbol of Hera, was associated with her because she was said to have cow eyes, and disguised herself as a cow in one myth. Also cows were often sacrificed to her. Hera's cow identity shows her to be a heavenly goddess ruling the celestial vault and its luminaries. -
ZAZEN anyone?
by AK - Jeff in
i haven't tried it yet - but i might.
jeff .
I will tell you more about this icon later.
This "zazen" is not a good thing.
Zazan teaching: "The wind moves but the mountain does not move" ???
Mountain is not a living thing. Mountain is STONE and COLD. Like a JW. Like WTS dictates.
A man who is free will be like a living tree, and bend in the wind.
A living tree will give you food and shade.
A mountain will give you nothing.
Could some be genetically prone to be religions?
by JH inat our hall, so many entire families were jw's.
an elder told me that all the other members of his family were of another religion.. this made me wonder if some families could be genetically prone to be religious?.
Viruses and bacterias have the ability to alter genetic material.
I am sorry I do not have time to document a source for you right now.
But here are a couple of interesting links that should lead you into exploration.
Surely, some may alter areas of the brain and affect reasoning skills.
Will Jehovah re-instate Death by Stoning in the New System?
by PopeOfEruke indo you think that stoning as a form of death sentence will be re-instated in the new system once the "new scrolls" are opened?.
jehovah loved it once, why would he not bring it back?
it's such a humane christian form of killing someone, i am sure it'll be back!.
No stoning.
It will be a peaceful annihilation.
They will smile and recite their little prayer chant in your face while denying you food and water.
As long as you refuse to give your authority to man (again), this will be your reception.