The Question does say it is witnesses getting these study groups up. One scripture you will not hear during the part is the one scripture Jesus himself spoke of small groups getting together, this one:
Matt 18:20
"For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst."
The brother doing the part was very clever,as were the comments "how could we ever find time to study more with all these meeting and all the literature, we don't need anything else ha ha." The elder asked lots of questions, but never about the FDS not endorsing "any literature, meetings, or websites" except for those they produce, and it was NEVER EVEN READ. The same with those wishing to study more "use only our literature". Never mentioned, never read. He just skipped around the powerful stuff that was new and relevant.
I never raised my hand, but from the looks I got from the elders, I am sure they would never have called on me. And the only reason I wussed, was because of my wife there, and the fact that I have been in way too many meetings with two elders lately, and expect a third after this part. They mentioned "the purpse of these so-called Jehovah's Witness sites is to discuss peoples own ideas and debate with others" (hey and to encourage others too, then it is us)
So my wife and I discussed it all the way to the meeting, and argued about it for an hour afterward, both getting many good points across. But at the end she got emotional, and said she has hung in here for two years and hasn't left me yet, but that I have torn our family and friends apart. That I have given up on Jehovah. I said I have not, but have pretty much given up on the orginazition. It was not a good night. She has gone to bed.
let their eyes be opened......oompa