This kind of rubbish makes me so angry and is dangerous. I've seen it cause real problems for young ones in the congregation. So you have a young boy or girl, hits 14, is feeling the pull of their worldly friends at school etc and the normal turmoil of adolescence, perhaps they are trying to find themselves, so they get a bit of an attitude, cut or dye their hair, start to express themselves with some cooler or more alternative clothes and music .....all completely normal behavior for teenagers!!! But because of this awful indoctrination, other young ones in the cong and more often their parents start looking at this youth with suspicion and judgment, perhaps they are no longer a 'good association'. So they get uninvited to social events, avoided by other youths in the organisation and rumors spread.
What next? we have a youth who faces a loneliness and isolation from the only piers he/she is permitted to associate with, at a time of life when they desperately want the company of their piers. A) they remain lonely and frustrated until they conform to the drone ideal and prove themselves to the self righteous, judgemental brothers. B) they do the only sensible thing and move towards their 'worldly' associates and leave the org. With all the pain and fallout that goes with it, whilst the judgemental lot shake their heads and lament, 'I told you there was something worldly about him/her'. C) they are driven to depression or even suicide having been rejected by the only community they have ever known.
Makes me sick.