I'm sorry Esmerelda but I'm afraid most of us have experienced this judgementalism and lack of love within the congregations. I converted at 18 and spent 25 years trying to be accepted and never feeling good enough. There are sisters, brothers or families like that in every congregation. Yes there are kind and well meaning brothers and sisters too, but unfortunately it seems to be the prominent ones who are judgemental and cliquey and they can really make you feel terrible and leave you left out of social events etc... If you are single, attractive and with a good education and career you are setting yourself up for a lonely life combatting jealousy in this religion.
I realised that this religion isn't the truth just recently, because my children were treated badly by others and it opened my eyes. I still love God and Jesus but I don't believe in following blindly what 7 men in New York tell us to do, Jesus said 'I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me" , before you commit please read some alternative viewpoints of the witnesses. After all truth should stand up to scrutiny, you know this from your studies. I don't want you to make wrong decisions and be unhappy for many years as I have been. Here is a good place to start:
at least read this short leaflet: http://jwfacts.com/print/jw-studies-pamphlet