Great thread, this is one of the issues which disturbed and troubled me throughout 22 years in this religion. I heard various thoughts, some say He only intervenes if it is related to the preaching work/advancement of his purpose. But it still makes no sense whatsoever. We heard stupid stories, such as the penniless pioneers who lived on a sharp bend and every week a grocery truck would screech around the corner and spill free vegetables in their garden. And yet if that's their reasoning what about when children get abused in this organisation, resulting in great suffering to them and a terrible witness, arguably detrimental to the all important preaching work, and God does nothing to stop that? Or what about the bus crash in Spain when about 40 witness youths were killed, couldn't they have used their youth to advance the kingdom preaching work?
I remember after 911 there was an article on just this subject, because witnesses were saying things like 'I missed the bus otherwise I would have been in the towers, Jehovah saved me' whilst other brothers died, the article said something like, we can't rely on or expect intervention today but if people feel they've felt it in their lives we shouldn't criticize them.' They talk outside both sides of their mouth though, happy to use some cheesy 'intervention' experience at the next assembly.
Its messed up thinking which disturbs any rational, compassionate, thinking mind. Ask any regular dub and youll be told you're over analyzing, thinking too much.
In my view, if there is a God then he is not in anyway intervening in man kinds affairs right now, he set things in motion, with free will in the mix etc etc. and we are reaping the results, with some less fortunate than others. He will only give strength, wisdom to cope etc and the gift via JC of a reward at the end of it all. To believe that he somehow will help some and not others, intervene in petty affairs of life of the western rich but ignore the plight of millions suffering elsewhere makes no sense whatsoever and can only besmirch his character.
I think the best chance we have is to show love and compassion ourselves, use our free will to help others and maybe in those acts of love, mercy and kindness, that is where you see the essence of God and Christ. Or from a non religious point of view, that's where you see our humanity and love we are all capable of.