Thanks for replies so far, searcher I will watch with interest later on.
Mommyfirstandalways.... I agree with you - I am very confused about the God of the OT and am starting to have doubts about the scriptures and their purpose... But, I do find the message and example of Christ very appealing and worthy of following (even if you don't believe in God) but I do believe, it might sound simplistic but I look at life and and nature & I believe there must be some more powerful force behind it, so I guess I am still searching for answers.
I think if I was creator I would be proud of the emerging humanistic 'new morality' where respect for and equality of gender, race, and sexuality is more important than controlling people or their sex lives. Where murder is a worse sin than adultery (whereas in the OT murder was sanctioned in the case of adultery). I wouldn't want to punish anyone with death or hellfire if they happen to have the wrong religious views by accident of birth.
So yeah, I'm confused - Keep those answers coming!