These people should be rounded up and treated like the individual criminals that they are, by whatever means necessary, I'm not against fair trial but also fair punishment is warranted.
They should never be given a platform for their religious hatred speech which makes it appear that they are a group with a 'cause'. These are individuals committing barbarous acts and should be treated as such. To consider them an 'army' is to strengthen them, to consider them a Jihadist group - giving credence to their 'holy war' is to strengthen them.
What they are is scum, criminals, psychopaths who have attached themselves to a so-called 'cause' to give vent to their own murderous and barbaric desires. I say ban their messages, their rhetoric from being published on the web, the news or anywhere - everytime a news channel shows a video from these people they promote the false premise that they have some kind of cause with validity. It should be 'a man/group of men has been arrested/killed for committing mass murder/rape/planting a bomb' etc, no mention of religion, group affiliation etc. take the steam out of their 'jihad'.