This kind of judgemental crap is still alive and well, with double standards aplenty for elders and their families. Last year my daughter got friendly with 2 girls who's elder dad had moved the family from the states. She used to laugh about the gangster rap they were into, but in a lighthearted way, these are middle class girls who think they're from the hood or something, using the n word, ratchet etc. my daughter is into indie rock, some quite heavy stuff, but we always kept an eye that the lyrics weren't explicit and we're otherwise very liberal. Anyway these girls were my daughters only piers in the cong and her closest friends for a while until.......they cooled it inexplicably, stopped inviting her over etc, managed to get her excluded from social events. my daughter then 14 was devastated and left lonely and isolated, with little socialising at the weekend, but they would never admit what the problem was. It was this time she started self harm as her self esteem plummeted wondering 'what's wrong with me?' The only clue we were ever given is when their elder dad went on service with my husband and commented "we're concerned about your daughters taste in music..."
hyopocritical, judgemental, nasty, cliquey, awful people. Their Hallmark is love my ass, hallmark is judgementalism.