Barb, and others who were JW's back around 1990 or 1991: Think back to the District Convention(s); a whole Saturday was spent deliniating the difference between WT and the GB. There was a whole talk devoted to what would happen if the WT was taken down by court/legal action. Essentially, the difference is that WT is a legal entity and may, indeed, cease to function, but the GB would still be handling spiritual matters. That's an important distinction. If charges are filed against "the Governing Body" the action is doomed to failure, for they handle only spiritual things. If the charges are laid against WT, it's officers or agents, that's a whole 'nuther issue, but in that case there would have been no accusations made against individuals as members of the GB so they will still be beyond accusation in [their version] of the scriptural sense. I am aware that in many cases both legal and spiritual headship is maintained by the same individual. Still, a spiritual title (member of the GB) can't be prosecuted, so they're home free as far as JW's are concerned, it will be just another case of "framing trouble by decree", something for which they've been preparing the rank and file for decades.