Now you can go back to ignoring the fact that both Humanism and Marxism could not possibly exist without the asssumption that the universe either spontaneously generated or is simply self existing?
Marxism has nothing to say on the subject. I don't know why you keep mentioning it. Are there any Marxists here?
Humanism does usually assume that in the absence of evidence there are no supernatural entities. It is, however, primarily a value system and could continue to exist as such even if supernatural beings were one day discovered.
Those religions use the exact same logic as theists. Please explain to me how it is different. You cannot because they are exactly the same in the sense that the postulate cannot be demonstrated and goes against everything we know about the natural world.
No, they're not the same. The theist rejects the principle of parsimony. Because there's something they don't know - or cannot know - they "explain" it by postulating a conscious supernatural entity. Non-theists generally prefer to take a more rational approach, admitting ignorance where necessary, specualting on the available evidence but avoiding groundless superstition.
Theists have far more logic to go on because design always means a designer in the natural world. But, it also fails the science test because it cannot be demonstrated either.
Design always means a designer. That's true, but that doesn't mean the universe was designed. Therefore, t's pointless and circular. Order is not the same as design and can apparently arise without conscious intervention.
Wholly natural?? What the hell does that mean? Please show me any instance where something spontaneously generated from nothing so as to qualify it as "natural" If you fail to provide such a provable example, then your claim of natural is falsified and becomes by default unnatural.
Particles and anti-particles constantly spontaneously appear, but usually annihilate each other instantly. Close to the event horizon of a singularity, one half of the pair may be pulled in to the singularity, while it's opposite escapes, thus providing a way of detecting black holes.
JEEZ! I'm getting really tired of explaining this to fanatical scientific religionists!
You haven't really explained anything, and you seem to enjoy it anyway!
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts