I don't think so. An "informed choice" is a decision a person makes in his or her head. However, the Bible tells us that God will judge what is in our hearts.
That's just an excuse to say that the normal rules of logic and reason don't apply to your belief system. If an unbeliever proves definitively that something you believe cannot possibly be true, you tell them that it's their "heart condition" that's wrong, that if they truly wanted to believe, they'd be able to ignore the towering piles of contradictory evidence, and do the mental gymnastics you seem to do to make the world fit your belief system.
The Bible tells us that God will one day present so much evidence of both "His existence and intentions" that they will both then be "crystal clear" to everyone. So "crytal clear" that even those who now wish to reject Him will then bow their knees to Him. The Bible calls that day "Judgment Day."
Pretending for one moment that your god exists, unless he uses his superpowers to physically subdue me, I would never bow to him. I would rather spend every day of my eternity in hell cursing his existence. But that's just because I have principles.
"Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything." -Robert A. Heinlein