Yeah she stood there half naked alittle tooo long instead of going into the bedroom. I had to do alot of praying 🙏 to Jah for my thoughts!
Witness 007
JoinedPosts by Witness 007
Avoiding Temptation As a Young Elder
by TMS init was the summer of '72.
i was 24 but had been the presiding overseer or congregation servant of a small congregation in the county seat of an arkansas county for about 3 years.. my regular pioneer wife of nearly four years was big and pregnant, with our attempts at birth control unsuccessful.. one of my wife's several bible studies was with a young woman named brenda whom my wife had encountered in door to door work.. brenda had two young children she could barely handle and was married to a very countryfied arkie named henry who worked as a chicken catcher, one of the most difficult jobs at the local chicken plant.. brenda eventually revealed that she'd been raised as a jw, but was never baptized, having left home to marry henry at age 14. she spoke of her family in texas, mentioning her mother and two older sisters, all jws she said.. one morning, just before the meeting for field service, we noticed a small car in kingdom hall parking lot.
my wife and i were parked to one side of the hall in our aluminum nashua house trailer.. two young women got out of the car and soon joined us for the meeting for service, identifying themselves as brenda's sisters from texas.. the two girls, ages 17 and 20, were distractingly beautiful, with the eldest decked out like a magnificent southern belle including hat and heels, her high-end clothing accentuating her very obvious curves.. with no one else showing up for field service, it ended up just the four of us in the car group with the two texas girls in the back seat.. starting our time at a not-at-home, the 20 year old asked if she could accompany me to "hear my presentation.
Bullied At School
by Lost in the fog injust curious about the rest of you.
i was bullied quite badly throughout my school years because of being a witness and not participating in religious holidays, sporting celebrations, assembly (worship), and the like.. it was mostly from other pupils but there were a couple of teachers who definitely treated me badly.
that was back when uk teachers still caned pupils or were allowed to hurl the heavy wooden blackboard duster across the room at them.... i still have ptsd flashbacks on some of those events even after 50 years!
Witness 007
I once stood for the national anthem out of fear...but some "brothers" saw me so I hid in the toilets every other time.
Watchtower November 2022... Adapt to new adjustments and new changes
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | november 2022. study article 48. keep your senses when your loyalty is tested.
14 vlado, a 73-year-old elder in slovenia, struggled when his congregation merged with another congregation and the kingdom hall that he attended was closed.
he says: “i did not understand why such a beautiful kingdom hall would be closed.
Witness 007
Yeah thank you for your service that's $800,000 in our bank now piss off to that old kingdom hall down the road.
Avoiding Temptation As a Young Elder
by TMS init was the summer of '72.
i was 24 but had been the presiding overseer or congregation servant of a small congregation in the county seat of an arkansas county for about 3 years.. my regular pioneer wife of nearly four years was big and pregnant, with our attempts at birth control unsuccessful.. one of my wife's several bible studies was with a young woman named brenda whom my wife had encountered in door to door work.. brenda had two young children she could barely handle and was married to a very countryfied arkie named henry who worked as a chicken catcher, one of the most difficult jobs at the local chicken plant.. brenda eventually revealed that she'd been raised as a jw, but was never baptized, having left home to marry henry at age 14. she spoke of her family in texas, mentioning her mother and two older sisters, all jws she said.. one morning, just before the meeting for field service, we noticed a small car in kingdom hall parking lot.
my wife and i were parked to one side of the hall in our aluminum nashua house trailer.. two young women got out of the car and soon joined us for the meeting for service, identifying themselves as brenda's sisters from texas.. the two girls, ages 17 and 20, were distractingly beautiful, with the eldest decked out like a magnificent southern belle including hat and heels, her high-end clothing accentuating her very obvious curves.. with no one else showing up for field service, it ended up just the four of us in the car group with the two texas girls in the back seat.. starting our time at a not-at-home, the 20 year old asked if she could accompany me to "hear my presentation.
Witness 007
Yeah as a pioneer I studied with a young boy who's mom was hot she left the truth for a boyfriend. She was very nice to me one time I was let in by her son and she had got out of the shower with a skimpy towel on..we both giggled as she stood there. It was more sexy then awkward!
A humorous look at the efficacy of the vaccines
by Vidqun in
Witness 007
Vaccines have extended human life to 80-90 years and got us thru covid cured polio and small pox.
Watchtower November 2022... Adapt to new adjustments and new changes
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | november 2022. study article 48. keep your senses when your loyalty is tested.
14 vlado, a 73-year-old elder in slovenia, struggled when his congregation merged with another congregation and the kingdom hall that he attended was closed.
he says: “i did not understand why such a beautiful kingdom hall would be closed.
Witness 007
Oh God so aweful!!! They need to sell for money to pay off all the pedofile lawsuits and lawyers poor Vlado "Volim te brate ostavi ove zli ljude."
Virgin or whore complex that Witnesses have made my married life difficult!
by Witness 007 inso was a virgin when i got married but my wife studied later in life and had been married for 6 months and had two boyfriends in her past.
my strict witness mother hated my wife and thought she was not good enough for me.
she thought all worldly women were dirty whores who cannot keep their vaginas to themselves.
Witness 007
Also I have to say the "worldly" men I worked with are very loyal family men I heard of more sexual affairs in a kingdom hall then work.
Virgin or whore complex that Witnesses have made my married life difficult!
by Witness 007 inso was a virgin when i got married but my wife studied later in life and had been married for 6 months and had two boyfriends in her past.
my strict witness mother hated my wife and thought she was not good enough for me.
she thought all worldly women were dirty whores who cannot keep their vaginas to themselves.
Witness 007
Also I did struggle with these feelings myself it took me awhile (years) deprogramming myself and to get over my lost youth not having any girlfriends or experience AT ALL in relationships before comitting to someone.
Virgin or whore complex that Witnesses have made my married life difficult!
by Witness 007 inso was a virgin when i got married but my wife studied later in life and had been married for 6 months and had two boyfriends in her past.
my strict witness mother hated my wife and thought she was not good enough for me.
she thought all worldly women were dirty whores who cannot keep their vaginas to themselves.
Witness 007
So was a virgin when I got married but my wife studied later in life and had been married for 6 months and had two boyfriends in her past. My strict Witness mother HATED my wife and thought she was not good enough for me. She thought all worldly women were dirty whores who cannot keep their vaginas to themselves. Working for 17 years with 98% women in medical field I found that they do not go whoring around they are dedicated to their families and may have more self control then most young Witness girls. I have been married 24 years has not been easy but we are ok.
Our J.W friends still have issues with beards 2022??Why?
by Witness 007 inour witness friend who during covid grew his beard has been hassled by elders who asked him "why" he chose to have facial growth.
he for real, had to give an answer why.
this is pharasees total rubbish.
Witness 007
Our Witness friend who during covid grew his beard has been hassled by Elders who asked him "why" he chose to have facial growth. He for real, had to give an answer why. This is Pharasees total rubbish. Cult cult cult!