On second thought. PLEASE do not post these photos. They need to be banned off of the NET period.
the chinese government not only forces women who become pregnant with a 2nd child to have an abortion, they also make her eat the fetus after the procedure.. .
sometimes i wonder if i can keep putting up the facade, but comments like this just make the meetings worth while.
On second thought. PLEASE do not post these photos. They need to be banned off of the NET period.
the chinese government not only forces women who become pregnant with a 2nd child to have an abortion, they also make her eat the fetus after the procedure.. .
sometimes i wonder if i can keep putting up the facade, but comments like this just make the meetings worth while.
the chinese government not only forces women who become pregnant with a 2nd child to have an abortion, they also make her eat the fetus after the procedure.. .
sometimes i wonder if i can keep putting up the facade, but comments like this just make the meetings worth while.
OMG.....it must be true. Someone just sent me an email a couple of days ago, showing photos of a fetus being cooked in a pot of soup. I don't know if it's a fake "Photoshop" photo, but it sure as H**** looked pretty real. Then whatever you heard, I don't know what to believ anymore.
my mom went to the doctor last week and while she was waiting to be seen she noticed that awake magazines were all over the lobby.
there wasnt any other magazines to be read.
she happened to look in a trash can and noticed that it was full of "worldly" magazines.
No study articles????? Elaborate please.
how many of you know of instances where total devotion to the borg resorted in financial ruin?.
here is an example of what one family i knew had to do to survive:.
and this family is still in the borg.
Obviously, the Borg is THEIR God.
how many of you know of instances where total devotion to the borg resorted in financial ruin?.
here is an example of what one family i knew had to do to survive:.
and this family is still in the borg.
Other abilities? Helloooooooooooooooooo...they are JW's. They have no time to develope other abilities. Don't we know it.
Btw, her husband has some major neurological health problems now and is pretty much at home 24/7.
how many of you know of instances where total devotion to the borg resorted in financial ruin?.
here is an example of what one family i knew had to do to survive:.
and this family is still in the borg.
How many of you know of instances where total devotion to the Borg resorted in financial ruin?
Here is an example of what one family I knew had to do to survive:
They were a family of four. Two young children. They inherited a farm with a huge piece of property. Life was good. Then....
1. they sold the farm so that they had more time for their door to door obligation
2. they ended up selling their home, bought a Winnebago took off from Upstate NY to AZ. Lived in it a while then bought a used mobile home w.o. airconditioning (and that in 110°F summer temps)
3. they had no more money. They resorted to what they termed "Trashing" meaning, they would go to dumpsters, pick out things people discarded, sold them at the open flea-markets to have money to continue in the pioneer work. The sister told me that they even found a good package of pork chops, expiration date still good so they took it home to eat.
NOW....what kind of an example is that? What kind of reflection does that put on the WTBTS? That's how they care for their so called "SPECIAL PIONEERS"? Where they have to resort to being garbage pickers? I'm sorry, but I think the WTBTS is guilty of more than we all realize. And this family is still in the Borg.
Btw, I just spoke to that sister yesterday after 24 years hoping they were out of the Borg. Nope, and sadly, I didn't have the heart to tell her I was out, only because it would have been the last thing she wanted to hear. I only called in hopes of hearing better news, not to spread my good news which she wouldn't want to have heard anyway.
i was just counting, and i've read 16 books over the last three months, not counting text books.
average length is 550 to 600 pages, which means i've read 8800 to 9600 pages this summer, plus another 1000 or so of textbooks, plus all the online bs i read.
think i'm going to wear my eyes out?
I probably read almost that many as well. I have a cool job that allows me to read all day. I used to hate reading until I realized it was "what" I was reading that turned me off to reading. Now that I can read what I want and not the boring, over my head WT & A rags, I love reading. I find myself either buying books through Amazon or Barnes & Noble every month. Sometimes on the avg. of every two weeks it seems. I've been reading all kinds of things from classics to non-fiction from mystery to self-help from religious to New Age and from college books to biographies. My interests keep growing. I'm not limited/restricted anymore. Hallelujah!
i was just counting, and i've read 16 books over the last three months, not counting text books.
average length is 550 to 600 pages, which means i've read 8800 to 9600 pages this summer, plus another 1000 or so of textbooks, plus all the online bs i read.
think i'm going to wear my eyes out?
I have a couple of awesome reads:
"Marley & Me" by John Grogan
"The Power of Intention" Dr. Wayne Dyer
"Crashing Through" by Robert Kurson
These three books, you can't put them down
my mom went to the doctor last week and while she was waiting to be seen she noticed that awake magazines were all over the lobby.
there wasnt any other magazines to be read.
she happened to look in a trash can and noticed that it was full of "worldly" magazines.
Boy, the nerve of some people to trash the OTHER magazines and leave only the WT's crap behind. She should have complained to the receptionist or better yet to her doctor.
I was once in a doctors office and there happened to be an Awake mag. lying on a table. Since there was no wastepaper basket in the waiting room, I took it home, dumped it and this eliminated it from getting into anyone elses hands.