from the other LINDA
JoinedPosts by REBORNAGAIN
by rebel8 inis there something we can do for linda as a group?
purplesofa sent a nice card from jwd.
is there something else we can do to support her and trev right now?
If You Were Single, Would You Ever Date A Married or Separated Person?
by minimus inlately, i've seen more than a few unhappy couples go their own way and do their own thing.
one guy i know regularly dates women only on friday nights but comes home to his wife the rest of the time.
my impression is she doesn't want to know what he's doing------just as long as he comes home to her.. i know a state senator's wife who has 2 kids and she's miserable with her politician/lawyer husband but in public they look like the perfect couple.
Never say never. I never thought I would, and BOY..... did my sister chew me out, acting like I was the worst person on this planet. "HOW COULD YOU?" Well, guess what? She ended up in that same situation herself not much longer afterwards. I've learned from that to never criticize someone for something I am just as capable of. For you all who say NO/ hope you have more strength than I had
Favourite Sting/Police song?
by Guest with Questions infragile:
fragile: jazzy version:
when we dance:
"Fortress Around Your Heart"
by REBORNAGAIN inhow many of you opened your doors to let the jdubs in to make a deposit?
How many of you opened your doors to let the Jdubs in to make a deposit?
If You Were Single, Would You Ever Date A Married or Separated Person?
by minimus inlately, i've seen more than a few unhappy couples go their own way and do their own thing.
one guy i know regularly dates women only on friday nights but comes home to his wife the rest of the time.
my impression is she doesn't want to know what he's doing------just as long as he comes home to her.. i know a state senator's wife who has 2 kids and she's miserable with her politician/lawyer husband but in public they look like the perfect couple.
Ironically, one of these guys I was with, considered being with me a wake-up call for him. Hey...if I was the culprit to make his marriage better, then it was a positive thing, BUT....I still don't think it was decent on my part *shame* and I still have a Bible trained conscience that makes me feel bad being with them. When you play with fire, you can get burned.
was there a matchmaker in your congo?
by karter inwe had one in a neighbouring congo.. she would invite all the young ones out to ride her horses .. she invited me over and told me there will be this gorges sister there ,all week i'm looking forward to this till i got there....... lets just say she was a nutritional overachiever with highly questionable mental health the horses face and hers had more than a little in common.. not to be out done she invited me and my mate a wile later on the same pretext this time there was a gorges sister there i fell for her straight .
away sad to say she didnt like me she fell for my mate .. lifes a bitch sometimes.
We've (my kids and husband at the time) been invited to Jdubs homes where they intentionally had loads of other young kids, only to do matchmaking for their own kids. *shakingmyhead*
Incredible video of Circuit Assembly, You've never seen this!
by Wasanelder Once inhere is an incridible video of a cicuit assembly.
don't miss it, only 20+ seconds.
Pretty similar too, all the pieces* are laying around, needing to be assembled.
Another RUINED Puff Piece
by DannyHaszard inthis is maine my homestate so i couldn't let this pass.
building community in a hurry., me -oct 10, 2007. hundreds of jehovah's witnesses are pitching in to put up a new kingdom hall in saco over two long weekends.
To: Skimmer!
Alright! We couldn't have written it any better.
Another RUINED Puff Piece
by DannyHaszard inthis is maine my homestate so i couldn't let this pass.
building community in a hurry., me -oct 10, 2007. hundreds of jehovah's witnesses are pitching in to put up a new kingdom hall in saco over two long weekends.
POOR SLAVES. They're being too nice.
Do not put your trust in men [ except of course the governing body]
by jacethespace inhow often did we hear in the meetings, conventions,etc, the saying - do not put your trust in men but put your trust in god.anyone putting their trust in men are foolish but anyone putting their trust in god is wise.not once did anyone point out of course that in the watchtower its impossible to put your trust in god because in order to put your trust in god you have to first put your trust in the infallible, unquestionable governing body.i think that when we were told trust in jehovah, what they really meant was trust in the watchtower org and those untouchable 12 men at the top who interprets everthing.. of course if anyone had ever pointed that out we would have got that very spooky air of silence and then totally ignored like we wasnt there.
Good catch! Boy....were we blind or what? *kickingmyself*